Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Herpes Urinary Tract Infection Connection

In Europe, all connected to the network

... And in Italy it is stated that the lines are ultra-fast internet with a simultaneous reduction of costs, improving services, video conferencing, online banking and reducing bureaucracy and efficient public administration ... A
Poasco rather drown deeper into prehistory and desertification in digital! Even the
ATM can run!
After months of installation are still there:
Service KO archaic phone lines.
Meanwhile, the phones of people go on and off, and Internet connections over twisted pair are so painful, slow and awkward as to prefer the most expensive mobile phone keys (which are slow and expensive to be crazy, but at least connect to the network).
We are always in the same prehistoric conditions.
Mayor of San Donato: wake up!
Governor of Lombardy, wake up!
Public Administrators: wake up!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dream Matte Mousseswatch

Poasco is not a racetrack!

Too often cars and motorbikes whizzing for Poasco beyond all limits.
Yesterday, a car ended up in ditch Poasco of a seriously injured person (the other escaped to the fields because they probably illegal). Today is a
SUV ended up in the playground runs into the front of the nursery and primary school (believe it or not!).
Luckily at that time no child was playing!! A
Poasco the maximum speed is 30 mph, all in the streets!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop

Poasco, May 2010: phones in tilt and non-existent adsl

While discussing infrastructure and ultra-fast lines, and declares (a nonsense) that it's all online Lombardy, which borders on Poasco with the City of Milan and is part of the hi-tech San Donato Milanese, we are still without nostalgia, the 50s.
dumb phones and internet snail. The blog is
ko to faulty telephone lines for almost 3 weeks.
we made do with keys and cell phones ... but we can go on like this?

City Auctions Fredericton


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alessio Wheel Centre Caps Uk

Paradoxes: Environmental pollution and digital Prehistory. Incinerator alarm

're seriously considering building an incinerator at the border (south / west) with the fields of Poasco to burn waste from Campania and Basilicata .
It seems like a surreal madness, but the danger is real.
Double Danger for the severe environmental pollution that would result from the incineration of waste and that, further, stemming from the physical transportation of garbage by truck from the southern regions of our area.
pollution we are not lacking, but history has shown that there is no limit for the worst.
Meanwhile, let us not miss anything, continues to Poasco technological regression.
Many new reports of phone lines and internet KO.
The Blog has been hit by the "new" fall Poasco and telephone lines, 2 days, we work to update these pages with makeshift equipment (phones and keys).
Pollution Prehistoric environmental and digital, in fact.