Saturday, May 16, 2009

What's Said About Mabelline Canada


Ho imparato ad essere paziente. E cerco pure di essere tollerante con gli altri, anche quando sono un po’ molesti. Fare e rifare le cose, forse in cerca di una irraggiungibile perfezione non mi spaventa punto. Anche il “tempo”, che generalmente come fattore sottovalutiamo ha la sua importanza: una grande importanza. E quello che ci appare oggi insormontabile molto spesso si segmenta (l’unità infatti che il thought immediately attaches to property is often given by a variety of elements), is distributed in a timeframe that allows you to easily resolve the fragments that gradually arise. Should be able to wait.
I always thought (simplified) that the policy - which I still write with a capital letter - a task he had the answers (preferably the best possible) the needs of society. So the end of the policy is "good" of society. So I often fantasized (recognizing, or better, having knowledge that an account is the idea or desire that we have of reality and reality itself is another matter) that consequently Policy would need the best or the most capable and prepared, the most sensitive and careful, the most honest, the better to achieve Codest good of society, which is in its purpose, namely, that constitutes its essence, and without which it there would be no need. But I see around, even locally, superficiality, approximation, incompetence (and I mean very limit the severity of the proceedings).
unfortunately I see that all or almost disregard Codest end of the policy, replacing it with others, and making good of the company made a cross, a sort of excuse. This made the government of the Left that I have around, robbing wildly for decades il patrimonio pubblico; ciò mi mostra la Destra, che fino dai presupposti pre-elettorali vedo incapace – assolutamente (anche di quella minima organizzazione, di quella coesione interna, di quel minimo affiatamento, del necessario – anzi indispensabile – senso di sacrificio) – di affrontare con i requisiti occorrenti il governo della cosa pubblica. Ma forse il disgusto per gli attuali “padroni”, dopo sessant’anni di nepotismi e altre faccenduole più o meno private, porterà la Destra lo stesso alla vittoria. E ben poco potrà codesta raffazzonata compagine politica, vuoi per l’incapacità che dicevo prima, vuoi per la voragine che si troverà innanzi.
I thought of the "reason of state": a concept that I think I'd be right always be used negatively, as a sort of suppression of the legitimate rights and freedoms. I would rather that someone used it today in the opposite direction. That is, I mean it, the "reason of state" in fact, would make the sacrifice his "particular", his selfishness, part of their ambitions (which is sometimes more than necessary and legitimate), to lead us to think bigger, or even to the smallest organizational aspect (which is very well need that), thinking mainly about the best way to help achieve the "good" community. But these 'reasons state, "or poor" must "for all who draw near to the thing of all, that thing (that just does not seem as all of none) that should be treated with kindness instead, the concerns and fears with which he approaches a child newborn should be first thought. Is not it?

Several important things sad and keeps me from blogging, but I see, not without some surprise, that many continue to visit him, only to see if perhaps there is something new. Of this I thank them warmly, hoping that circumstances allow me once again of tremendous efforts, some time ago.
I found ways to escape from everyday problems (even the mind needs rest, oxygen). I have traveled three times in a row (on different days, but close enough) the same mountain path: more or less a track that gradually I was able to better identify, thanks to the thaw that has taken away more and more snow. So I can say I somewhat followed the BEGINNING of the spring, he had chased the abundant variety of scents that the heat gradually rose in altitude, and I have seen the unfolding of the buds: the first still leaves uncertain the cramped larger, but still silky and light beech leaves, every day of a deeper green. And dimples and streams, bubbling water and foam, and mosses and flowers from colored spavaldi e odorosissimi dei giardini, a quelli più rari, minuti e preziosi che si trovano all’improvviso sui crinali da poco liberi dalla neve. E le sorgenti: quante sorgenti! Era il maggio odoroso, scriveva Leopardi. Da giovani, presi da mille e mille cose non si fa punto caso agli odori, ai profumi. Si sentono, ma non si fa caso: si tira di lungo, ma ora si rammentano. E ti riportano addietro nel tempo. Li riconosci, li senti: le acacie, i maggiociondoli, il sambuco, il biancospino eppoi tutti quei fiori. Odori di donna, di gioventù. D'inebriante turbamento.

Ho toccato l’acqua di un fossetto. Era fredda. L’ho sentita continuare a carezzarmi la mano. Ho rammentato: “l’acqua che tocchi – wrote (about) Leonardo - is the latest of what has passed and the first of what is to come ". It 's true, I thought, but goes for a lot of other things: the days, months, years (just look what the Romans had invented us Janus). We would be tired to find examples. Finally, you conclude that it is a trivial observation. But then I thought back to ' actualism the Gentile. Serious issue. Not at all trivial. Basically - if I remember correctly - the Gentile the only thing that really exists is the thought that thinks that the act of thinking (which actualism ), or the very life of thought on this, the eternal present. Out of this thinking this (in effect) any thought (thought) decays in fact, a kind of dead thing, just thinking that comes alive again, or meet in our spiritual life as a new thought. So, for example, is a book whose content is there, yes, but it is as if there were not at all as long as he lives within us through reading. So from coast I imagined that all the facts of history, facts are finished, and all have the same value of the facts. Thus the Crusades, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Punic Wars, or the Gallic War, or Resistance repute. (All as the water passed). And maybe some of those facts Codest seem more alive (but they are all equally stramorti) on the grounds that we can "dress" with more details, the fact that they are still linked to emotions, memories ... But time - to paraphrase - with its industrious labors under all things, and it devolves into the oblivion of night. But our thoughts go on this way at breakneck speed, and I dear friends, I will not bore anyone. Everyone will think what they like.
And I want to see!


Bruno San Martino, 16 May 2009, S. Bishop Ubaldo (patron saint of Gubbio)
The paintings are reproduced by Giovanni Boldini
Add PS: in the picture above, or the man with the eye patch is represented Beppe Abbati (the eye had lost at Capua, with Garibaldi). This is one of the best - trust my opinion - painters (so called) "Macchiaioli. Unfortunately so unfortunate as gentle, sensitive, good, but mainly Painter (I write with a capital as fully deserves the appellation, like most other teachers universally known and lucky). E 'in an artist, because he died young, few works are known, but all of high quality. I love him deeply: many years ago became the protagonist one of my long story, which only two or three people have read (very boring), and that probably nobody will read more. Costa had to investigate the character, the opera, the human story. Costs has to love the love of father-brother-branch, which transcends the narrow contingencies of time and place: a little like the one that allowed the Machiavegli good to talk ... elsewhere in the letter mentioned in the blog.
Here I stop, having said too much. If anyone is interested, can find some online play. And he can talk again ... Bruno

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Make A Bmx Bithday Cake

Ramblings from The Journal of April 29, 2009

propose today, without comment, an excellent article by Massimo De Manzoni

pm According to the jeweler that has defended too
Di Massimo De Manzoni
Il Giornale, April 29, 2009 ( =)

Then say so. Explain to everyone that in Italy there is a legitimate defense, abolished by the magistrates office. So at least we know, we put the heart at rest and not think about it anymore. Yes, because even if Remigio Radolli finisce indagato, significa che in questo Paese difendersi dai banditi, senon è ancora vietato, è quanto meno fortemente sconsigliato. Per capirci, Remigio Radolli è quel gioielliere di Cinisello Balsamo, nel Milanese, che il 16 aprile scorso reagì a una selvaggia aggressione a scopo di rapina sparando tre colpi di pistola che ferirono (non uccisero: ferirono) uno dei malviventi.
Forse lo ricorderete: le foto del volto devastato e sanguinante di quest’omone di 59 anni finirono sulle prime pagine di tutti i giornali. O meglio, di tutti meno tre: il Manifesto e Liberazione decisero di non dare neppure la notizia; l’Unità scelse di non pubblicare l’immagine: troppo pericolosa, parlava più di mille articles and was not functional and implicit condemnation of the automatic-gun-shop owners. And then, the robbers had been at least children of Italian boys from good families. Not at all, were Albanians. And what's more illegal immigrants. So, a piece on page 14 (with the center-attack ritual "that speculates on people's fears") and then off to new and exciting adventures. It is not known whether the prosecutor who registered Remigio Radolli under investigation for misuse of legitimate defense, Dr. Stefan Tullius, is a reader of one of these three newspapers. Maybe not, maybe they abhor. But it is certain that the Italian judiciary, cosìcomenellasinistra, ilconcetto that a person has the right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property is a damned hard to find citizenship.
In this case, the jeweler does not have chased the robbers out of the shop to shoot their back. Nor has it signed with them a challenge, making it the fastest (which, however, a weapon in front of the esplanade, we feel perfectly lawful). No, first to fire, has agreed to slaughter. The young Albanian, Blerim Mani, 25, has repeatedly hit in the head, face and chest with the gun he brandished.
"An unprecedented level of violence", as the police wrote in their report, which has left an eye-catching: 18 stitches, an eye tumefatto, uno zigomo fratturato, un paio di costole incrinate. Solo dopo (dopo) aver subito tutto questo, il commerciante è riuscito a mettere le mani sulla sua calibro 22, regolarmente denunciata, e a salvarsi la pelle. Se non è legittima difesa questa! E invece no: ha ecceduto, va indagato. Perché?
Dice: ma il povero albanese aveva una scacciacani e Radolli colleziona armi, è un esperto, doveva rendersi conto che lapistola del bandito era finta. Certo, semplicissimo. Vi stanno rovinando di botte e voi vi concentrate sulla canna della sputafuoco: «Ma guarda te, questa non è una vera Smith &Wesson. No, no: la zigrinatura è diversa. Beh, allora...». Allora, tranquilli. E che importa se quell’«arma toy ', as defined by the kindly unit is used as a hammer to his head split in two.
And what is the problem in a moment if the wielder of the store will open the door to an accomplice who has been out and is eager to lead a little 'hands, too. Surreal? Maybe. Anyway, we investigated if in doubt. Dear you, it seems self-defense, but it might be too much: go with the 'notice, go with the brand. "A legal obligation," they hasten to explain. Sure. "It's to protect the jeweler," they add. And needless to say? Moreover you also do not guarantee you will feel better once your name is entered in the register of mythical investigated? Well, yes, there is the hassle of your reputation, but in return you are protected.
Oh yes, and then that little thing that you should get yourself a lawyer. And pay for it, because you good people. Never mind, no? And in the meantime, if you bother to stop you from working? No, because of course the jewelry is seized: you are a suspect, by God, not an ordinary citizen. Unbelievable? Unfortunately, no, things are exactly like that. This is despite the law, properly amended by Parliament in February 2006, during the previous Berlusconi government, determines that it is not punishable who use "a weapon legally owned order to protect their safety and property ol'altrui proprioaltrui, quandovi is danger of aggression. " A
Cinisello Balsamo there was no "danger of aggression." There was an assault so brutal that the controller is charged with attempted murder. Radolli It is quite simply what was about to be killed, the injured party as suggested by the lawyers, and only in that capacity should enter the process. Instead he is under investigation. And the courts will tell the story better that you could not do otherwise, that the law does not allow another means of making certain findings, which they do not have guilt and that if anything should change the code. Until find a judge who comes from the chorus and, as is Maurizio Laudi interviewed in these pages, says Chenon not true. That there's nothing really to change if you Dont head of a colleague. Thank you, Attorney. That the king was naked, people who use a little 'common sense had suspected, so to speak. Now he knows that it was not a hallucination.