Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Vore In Stories U Make
first protest against the incinerator.
against the draft of the new incinerator between Opera and Poasco. |
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Really Big Stomach After Eating
In the fog In the Holy Land
Mail Poacher
I'm not a Berlusconi. Nor did I feel much sympathy for him. Epper the moment I do not see any serious alternative, unfortunately. Fini is certainly not an alternative. So for the time being I am disgusted with this theater, I will tell you, quite obvious, since in some way, even if this My observatory poacher, arranged as best frai branches, I had long been expected, as you know how I honored their attention.
Mr. F. would certainly have blathered and slammed the door if nothing nothing Cav. Buscate he had in the last election. But it did not happen. So the two: either to bow our heads before the monarch asking for mercy or very Democrat, take a lane median rest in and I keep breaking my balls. To make the critical conscience! Ah, what a beautiful and holy, most holy thing in the critical consciousness, the stimulus, the stimulus and measuring the reflection of the pressure. Yes, I'm here as at Lourdes to rely on the internal democracy ...
Here! It takes just a face like my ass. But what kind of democracy! The figure has dismissed a party congress with a farcical, laughable, and a Congress that has been consumed as a mere formality in twenty minutes. Democrat!
Yeah, I'm deviating from the speech, but it's just that I do not know what burns did you do with all the chairs and tables, cabinets, books and stoves so that good people like my old people had donated to furnish the best the dreary halls of the party! Go ahead.
Cosine, there grumbling because they do not want the overwhelming power of the League, which will decide all angry because Berlusca coll'Umberto Bertoldino and the latter at that dinner in Arcore. It pissed (Perhaps as suggested by Ferrara, or some other mutant) because he did not invite him. But I say, how do they expect a Boeotian like that, to what end. If anything, giggle! But he just gave them to him no more than half of those votes to the league? Has not sold anything for a plate of lentils, and now? What has to complain! Not if he has alienated his electorate?
I seem to read the Adventures of Pinocchio, except that here the protagonist is very annoying: pedantic rather than naive. - Come get ... Over here! It is the puppet theater! - Do not tell roughly as Carlo Collodi?
So now, if he can escape, not only have to lick dita, dato un partito politico suo non ce l’ha più. Ma non gli basta, non contento delle cretinerie inventate finora continua con pertinacia a far danni.
Sta di fatto che facendo la propria conta ha fatto anche quella del cavaliere che acquisendo al proprio asse un gran numero di ex A.N. esce personalmente rafforzato (con questo non intendo dire che ne uscirà rafforzato anche il governo). Tanto rafforzato che sarà probabilmente indotto ad incrudire le proprie posizioni, riducendo ulteriormente quegli spazi di democrazia interna, sostanzialmente risibili, ma oggi solo strumentalmente denunciati come tali da F.
Quale sarà la conseguenza di ciò alla lunga? Il signor F. potrebbe trovare appoggio fra le comparse che stanno in fondo the trunk of the Puppet Theatre, a band of idlers, of poor people in search of an author, almost always applicants who have not yet found an answer to their demands and grievances hatch deaf, bruising, visceral, often because they have seen a preference for the electoral roll or appointments in the bodies of their poor people much more (long story, CODEST, to be included separately). MISUSE so diverse brigade of ambiguous lazy, spiteful scatarranti disappointed and frustrated, unable to decide between masturbation or a leap nell'Udc, or between the applause and Santoro join the League, may perhaps be under the command of F. their mission. So dwarfs and dancing girls on one side, armed in Brancaleone half, and the rest of the brothel to party there, you know what a pleasure! All we need is instead of Godot back - as it seems-Marrazzo! Now
Cav. In my view, should resolve the matter to the dives, since it can not afford not to point out those reforms (beginning with tax) that the Italians ahead. Just put it in a position to leave, obviously giving it, in so doing, the responsibility for the eventual fall of the government and early elections as possible. This is the game you should play the Cav (including gambling), it takes a long unbearable exhausting attrition.
Why, my dear friends, who died Tatarella F. was the mind, this has played all matches at random, pretending to do the statesman, the word referred not even know the meaning, unless it is referring to those boots that I left there, under the tree.
Bruno San Martino, April 21, 2010 (St. Anselm, San Silvio)
but Christmas in Rome
Mail Poacher
I'm not a Berlusconi. Nor did I feel much sympathy for him. Epper the moment I do not see any serious alternative, unfortunately. Fini is certainly not an alternative. So for the time being I am disgusted with this theater, I will tell you, quite obvious, since in some way, even if this My observatory poacher, arranged as best frai branches, I had long been expected, as you know how I honored their attention.
Mr. F. would certainly have blathered and slammed the door if nothing nothing Cav. Buscate he had in the last election. But it did not happen. So the two: either to bow our heads before the monarch asking for mercy or very Democrat, take a lane median rest in and I keep breaking my balls. To make the critical conscience! Ah, what a beautiful and holy, most holy thing in the critical consciousness, the stimulus, the stimulus and measuring the reflection of the pressure. Yes, I'm here as at Lourdes to rely on the internal democracy ...
Here! It takes just a face like my ass. But what kind of democracy! The figure has dismissed a party congress with a farcical, laughable, and a Congress that has been consumed as a mere formality in twenty minutes. Democrat!
Yeah, I'm deviating from the speech, but it's just that I do not know what burns did you do with all the chairs and tables, cabinets, books and stoves so that good people like my old people had donated to furnish the best the dreary halls of the party! Go ahead.
Cosine, there grumbling because they do not want the overwhelming power of the League, which will decide all angry because Berlusca coll'Umberto Bertoldino and the latter at that dinner in Arcore. It pissed (Perhaps as suggested by Ferrara, or some other mutant) because he did not invite him. But I say, how do they expect a Boeotian like that, to what end. If anything, giggle! But he just gave them to him no more than half of those votes to the league? Has not sold anything for a plate of lentils, and now? What has to complain! Not if he has alienated his electorate?
I seem to read the Adventures of Pinocchio, except that here the protagonist is very annoying: pedantic rather than naive. - Come get ... Over here! It is the puppet theater! - Do not tell roughly as Carlo Collodi?
So now, if he can escape, not only have to lick dita, dato un partito politico suo non ce l’ha più. Ma non gli basta, non contento delle cretinerie inventate finora continua con pertinacia a far danni.
Sta di fatto che facendo la propria conta ha fatto anche quella del cavaliere che acquisendo al proprio asse un gran numero di ex A.N. esce personalmente rafforzato (con questo non intendo dire che ne uscirà rafforzato anche il governo). Tanto rafforzato che sarà probabilmente indotto ad incrudire le proprie posizioni, riducendo ulteriormente quegli spazi di democrazia interna, sostanzialmente risibili, ma oggi solo strumentalmente denunciati come tali da F.
Quale sarà la conseguenza di ciò alla lunga? Il signor F. potrebbe trovare appoggio fra le comparse che stanno in fondo the trunk of the Puppet Theatre, a band of idlers, of poor people in search of an author, almost always applicants who have not yet found an answer to their demands and grievances hatch deaf, bruising, visceral, often because they have seen a preference for the electoral roll or appointments in the bodies of their poor people much more (long story, CODEST, to be included separately). MISUSE so diverse brigade of ambiguous lazy, spiteful scatarranti disappointed and frustrated, unable to decide between masturbation or a leap nell'Udc, or between the applause and Santoro join the League, may perhaps be under the command of F. their mission. So dwarfs and dancing girls on one side, armed in Brancaleone half, and the rest of the brothel to party there, you know what a pleasure! All we need is instead of Godot back - as it seems-Marrazzo! Now
Cav. In my view, should resolve the matter to the dives, since it can not afford not to point out those reforms (beginning with tax) that the Italians ahead. Just put it in a position to leave, obviously giving it, in so doing, the responsibility for the eventual fall of the government and early elections as possible. This is the game you should play the Cav (including gambling), it takes a long unbearable exhausting attrition.
Why, my dear friends, who died Tatarella F. was the mind, this has played all matches at random, pretending to do the statesman, the word referred not even know the meaning, unless it is referring to those boots that I left there, under the tree.
Bruno San Martino, April 21, 2010 (St. Anselm, San Silvio)
but Christmas in Rome
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Can You Take Painkillers Before Getting A Wax
Watching, waiting ... I'm patient. The show continues
I voti, certi voti, sono come le farfalle. Si spostano incerti ad ogni bava di vento. Ora qui ora non so dove. Questo fin quando a sorreggere o motivare un voto non vi sia un credo, una ragione profonda, un’idea del futuro, un sogno.
Ho sentito politici, commentatori, giornalisti, psicologi, politologi e chi più ne ha più ne metta. Resto perplesso. Ma non me ne frega un cavolo – urbanamente parlando –.
Si stracciano le vesti, in molti, forse prendono anche il Valium perché Beppe Grillo prende voti. Così per il Robespierre da laugh. Similarly for the Tribune "wild", Bossi. Make them. All theorems to build, to make conjectures, so convinced of their opinion, their reasons seem just printed books. Meanwhile we are still the national sport "by all'untore" in a sort of collective exorcism of Manichean mold, where evil is all on the one hand, the good and the truth all of the other. The operation is so blind, stupid, unbelievable that have the opposite effect, but no one seems to care. The liturgy continues. So the Left "government," drawn by one party (the need to show credible) and the other at the same time (need to regain an electorate increasingly fugitive), continues ad alimentare la caccia alle streghe, ad urlare e strepitare. Nessuno mi pare abbia compreso che quando si butta benzina sul fuoco a secchi (con quello che costa!), la gente poi vuol vedere dei bei falò.
Ti rammenti “van Honthorst” la sera prima di partire per Norimberga a vedere Alberto Duro, quello sciagurato che poi dette fuoco al bosco? Pareva una sorta di Nerone deficiente: – Però è un bel vedere! – diceva, anzi lo ripeteva tutto soddisfatto fregandosi le mani sul calare della sera, al lume dei bagliori. Chissà che fine ha fatto, amico mio. Ma gli imbecilli frattanto si sono moltiplicati. E nessuno che si domandi a cosa di debba attribuire questa miracolosa moltiplicazione. Di destra e di sinistra. E di center also. No one seems to go away unscathed. These balls
DS instead of a fire, they piss people off with Berlusca, and then they cry because people are angry the vote of Peter or the Fool on duty at the court of the King novel Bertoldo, rather than another Cacasenno.
cry and vomit poison and doing good together. I love all these people. Except Berlusca or anyone who gets them through. So with the help Fini gooders to raise the League. Those others with poison. Bravi "You can do it!" They invented the primaries and the riciucciano Vendola. Vendola Bravo! On the street like that. Do not you cancel the whole point.
But they do not realize that the balance in this so-called two-party system is tenuto dall'elettorato che si sposta. Una volta di qua l'altra di là. E', deve essere, un elettorato di centro, assai moderato, pavido di fronte al cambiamento; un elettorato per il quale il cambiamento viene accettato soltanto se "sfumato", morbido, insapore quasi, certo indolore e inodore. Così la DC resse per decenni, e il cambiamento che la portò pian piano al tracollo fu accettato solo perché da essa stessa proposto "morbidamente" col Centro-Sinistra.
Insomma, i nostri, Rosi nazionale in testa: per star dietro all'elettorato in fuga fanno a urlare più degli urlanti di professione, di coseguenza la gente ancor più si incazza, e seguendo chi urla di professione se li trascina dietro ancora più in là, further strengthening the positions of the Knight. Poor Fini took it in his pocket this time. We'll see!
But for tonight I'll be good. E 'Easter! Greetings friends. Greetings Italy. Good resurrection seagull!
San Martino, 4 April 2010, Easter
(Revised and integrated on the evening of Easter Monday)
I voti, certi voti, sono come le farfalle. Si spostano incerti ad ogni bava di vento. Ora qui ora non so dove. Questo fin quando a sorreggere o motivare un voto non vi sia un credo, una ragione profonda, un’idea del futuro, un sogno.
Ho sentito politici, commentatori, giornalisti, psicologi, politologi e chi più ne ha più ne metta. Resto perplesso. Ma non me ne frega un cavolo – urbanamente parlando –.
Si stracciano le vesti, in molti, forse prendono anche il Valium perché Beppe Grillo prende voti. Così per il Robespierre da laugh. Similarly for the Tribune "wild", Bossi. Make them. All theorems to build, to make conjectures, so convinced of their opinion, their reasons seem just printed books. Meanwhile we are still the national sport "by all'untore" in a sort of collective exorcism of Manichean mold, where evil is all on the one hand, the good and the truth all of the other. The operation is so blind, stupid, unbelievable that have the opposite effect, but no one seems to care. The liturgy continues. So the Left "government," drawn by one party (the need to show credible) and the other at the same time (need to regain an electorate increasingly fugitive), continues ad alimentare la caccia alle streghe, ad urlare e strepitare. Nessuno mi pare abbia compreso che quando si butta benzina sul fuoco a secchi (con quello che costa!), la gente poi vuol vedere dei bei falò.
Ti rammenti “van Honthorst” la sera prima di partire per Norimberga a vedere Alberto Duro, quello sciagurato che poi dette fuoco al bosco? Pareva una sorta di Nerone deficiente: – Però è un bel vedere! – diceva, anzi lo ripeteva tutto soddisfatto fregandosi le mani sul calare della sera, al lume dei bagliori. Chissà che fine ha fatto, amico mio. Ma gli imbecilli frattanto si sono moltiplicati. E nessuno che si domandi a cosa di debba attribuire questa miracolosa moltiplicazione. Di destra e di sinistra. E di center also. No one seems to go away unscathed. These balls
DS instead of a fire, they piss people off with Berlusca, and then they cry because people are angry the vote of Peter or the Fool on duty at the court of the King novel Bertoldo, rather than another Cacasenno.
cry and vomit poison and doing good together. I love all these people. Except Berlusca or anyone who gets them through. So with the help Fini gooders to raise the League. Those others with poison. Bravi "You can do it!" They invented the primaries and the riciucciano Vendola. Vendola Bravo! On the street like that. Do not you cancel the whole point.
But they do not realize that the balance in this so-called two-party system is tenuto dall'elettorato che si sposta. Una volta di qua l'altra di là. E', deve essere, un elettorato di centro, assai moderato, pavido di fronte al cambiamento; un elettorato per il quale il cambiamento viene accettato soltanto se "sfumato", morbido, insapore quasi, certo indolore e inodore. Così la DC resse per decenni, e il cambiamento che la portò pian piano al tracollo fu accettato solo perché da essa stessa proposto "morbidamente" col Centro-Sinistra.
Insomma, i nostri, Rosi nazionale in testa: per star dietro all'elettorato in fuga fanno a urlare più degli urlanti di professione, di coseguenza la gente ancor più si incazza, e seguendo chi urla di professione se li trascina dietro ancora più in là, further strengthening the positions of the Knight. Poor Fini took it in his pocket this time. We'll see!
But for tonight I'll be good. E 'Easter! Greetings friends. Greetings Italy. Good resurrection seagull!
San Martino, 4 April 2010, Easter
(Revised and integrated on the evening of Easter Monday)
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