Fifth category: quacquaraquà

Dear friends, the fog is slowly showing sparse, in the last month, a very bleak scenario, far more than anyone could imagine. The license of stupidity with cialtroneria corollary of that was given here for political reasons and not for others, remains with all its power, but the scenario has widened to aspects that I personally would not have even imagined. Even using criteria absolutely homemade political science, or simply taking care as the (intellectual) of prudent man "arose from the analysis of the behavior of the firm Fine & C. political action is incomprehensible, schizophrenic, absurd point in line with the interests of the supporters of the National Alliance, these members were al partito o semplici elettori, né con i veri interessi della nostra intera comunità nazionale, quegli interessi che sostenendo ad ogni titolo A.N. si intendeva andare a realizzare e tutelare.
Probabilmente non sapremo mai come stanno le cose sulla questione del quartierino nel Principato, né sapremo mai nulla di altre trappole e intrallazzi. Resterà comunque sempre, nel migliore dei casi, l’incertezza, l’amaro sospetto.
Resterà la certezza che mentre tutti noi avevamo a cuore i destini della nostra Nazione, il futuro nostro e dei nostri figli, questa gente pensava a come meglio realizzare il proprio interesse particulare , sia vilmente economico sia poveramente ambizioso.
Resterà la certezza that while we entrust our fate to those who naively had to fight for "just cause", they made use of another's honesty, of another's good faith, the ideals of others, to achieve their personal designs, seconded and followed and supported by a Obtuse sleeve of a different title, when fellow snacks.
We will go the same, perhaps painfully, having to rebuild from scratch almost everything, certainly not the ideals and values \u200b\u200bto which we have been educated and who still, even more significantly, we intend to achieve.
San Martino, 25 August 2010
Photos: Luca Signorelli, Orvieto