Thursday, December 23, 2010

Puppy Vomiting In The Middle Of The Night

Riforma PA e provincia (di Antonino Leone)

Diego Zardini Miozzi questions on PA reform
Anthony Leone
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. La provincia di Verona, governata da una maggioranza di centro destra, dovrebbe essere sensibile ad adeguare il proprio ordinamento al Decreto 150/2009 in quanto si tratta dell'unica riforma varata dal Governo Berlusconi per riformare le PA.
Diego Zardini nell'interrogazione rappresenta la situazione economica del paese, le condizioni delle PA e l'esigenza di migliorare la performance della Provincia: "La crescita economica dell’Italia è lenta, bassa e non sufficiente ad invertire la rotta per risolvere i problemi strutturali del paese. In prospettiva l’assenza di riforme strutturali non aiuta ad invertire la tendenza dell’economia italiana.
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni in Italia rappresentano un punto di debolezza della catena competitiveness of the business due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, and the bureaucratic demands of the high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the system economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. The province of Verona, governed by a center-right majority, should be sensitive to adapt its legal system the Decree 150/2009, as it is the only reform passed by the Berlusconi government to reform the PA.
Diego Zardini in the question is the country's economic situation, the conditions of the PA and the need to improve the performance of the Province: "Economic growth in Italy is slow, low and not sufficient to reverse course to solve the structural problems of the country. In perspective, the absence of structural reforms will not help to reverse the trend of the Italian economy.
public administrations in Italy are a point of weakness in the chain of competitiveness of enterprises due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, the bureaucratization of demands and high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
Diego Zardini asked the President of the Province:
" - unless it was urgent to implement the legislative decree No. 27 October 2009 150 in order to improve the administrative and performance of common
- unless it considers urgent to immediately implement the provisions of Article 11, paragraphs 1 and 3, relating to transparency and integrity;
- if you consider it necessary to adjust the 'municipal law principles contained in Articles 3, 4, 5, paragraph 2, 7, 9 and 15, paragraph 1 concerning the Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency performance;
- if you do not feel an urgent need to adapt the common law of the principles contained in Articles 17, paragraph 2, 18, 23, paragraphs 1 and 2, 24, paragraphs 1 and 2, 25, 26 and 27, paragraph 1 concerning Title III and Merit Awards;
- if not see fit to join the project promoted by many public authorities, called Performance and Merit, in order to receive support and assistance in the D. Legislative Decree No. 150/2009.
Local governments that fail to comply with Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency of performance "of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009 can not provide performance bonuses to merit and performance.
The reward system designed to reward merit and professionalità, previsto dal titolo III “Merito e Premi” del decreto, comprende:
- Salario accessorio collegato alla performance individuale con l’istituzione delle fasce di merito;
- Bonus annuale delle eccellenze;
- Premio annuale per l'innovazione;
- Progressioni economiche e di carriera;
- Attribuzione di incarichi e responsabilità;
- Accesso a percorsi di alta formazione e di crescita professionale;
- Premio di efficienza.
Inoltre, le autonomie locali che non adeguano il proprio ordinamento ai principi stabiliti dal decreto sono obbligati ad applicare dal 1 gennaio 2011 fino all’emanazione della disciplina regionale e comunale le disposizioni previste dal D. Lgs. n. 150/2009 in materia di misurazione, valutazione e trasparenza della performance.


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