Do school still, despite ... / 3
Dear Friends ...
Flavio Pusset A reflection after the meeting of 9 March
Dear friends, I am writing to inform you
some of my impressions after the second day of meetings, one devoted to " middle school. "
The debate in my opinion showed some progress compared to that of February 28, but also highlighted that the way to define feasible objectives and shared is very long. In the meantime
the dichotomy between "pull out all its diversity and underscores the opposition" and "manage the situation to reduce i danni e salvare il salvabile”, posta in questi termini, è piuttosto nominalistica ed astratta.
Dobbiamo essere coscienti ,che in questa fase,siamo prigionieri di una tenaglia e che possiamo essere schiacciati da tutte e due le lame:
-se ci chiamiamo fuori da tutto corriamo il rischio di assumere un ruolo che ci taglia fuori da qualsiasi possibilità di agire politicamente per spostare gli equilibri, inoltre agevoliamo il processo di sfascio della scuola che è esattamente quello che la destra vuole.
-Ma se ci mettiamo a gestire tutto il gestibile, corriamo il rischio di trovarci imprigionati in un’ ottica organizzativistica in cui si é trascinati in una rincorsa a mediazioni sempre più al ribasso, al termine delle which can no longer be distinguished from that at 'the beginning were the opponents.
So the choice can not be done in the abstract and once and for all, but from time to time, and for me on the basis of two criteria I have tried to indicate in the report (although I am aware of their high rate of generic). Being hard on the principles and flexible methods and consider the effect of each choice is not in isolation but in its relations with the choices made previously and in neighboring areas.
So, in my opinion, should be from an attempt to identify our strengths (a few, but to use until we have time) and our weaknesses (many, to borrow the metaphor Daniela the dust under the carpet is really great). For example, an analysis
a bit 'more precise than what is now the teachers in different school levels, trying to go beyond the specificity of their jobs.
I believe for example that a teacher "progressive" to school today in the middle school is more difficult to do in primary school.
And not only for external reasons (early adolescence is a difficult age and conflict of the second childhood at 14 years start to look and weigh very social roles in which children, once grown, is located.)
MA also because there is a perception and consideration of different tasks among the majority of teachers in the two types of schools.
weaknesses of the function of teachers in the educational aspects of the media has / cognitive and sociological aspects.
There is a strong reduction with respect to primary education, the role of mediation in relation to different cognitive styles and different representations of the world of the students: it is required to conform to a single model and convergent knowledge of methodology as the transmission of knowledge from "who knows" to "who do not know" and how to contain the early acquisition of codes and languages \u200b\u200bof the various disciplines. Sociologically
I believe that most teachers have never accepted medium of the logic of reform of '62 and that has remained unchanged through the generations of teachers who have succeeded, not considered the idea of \u200b\u200ba middle ring of the school 's requirement, but an initial ring of high school.
said a little 'brutally, faced with the possibility that your student is marginalized from the processes of knowledge the majority of primary school teachers is not satisfied, the majority of those of average means.
But even the elementary school has its weaknesses.
One of these is not able to distinguish and give the right order of priority to different functions that take the school to build skills and knowledge, forming a citizens response a bisogni sociali.
Quante compresenze sacrificate in certe classi per permettere ad altre di funzionare a 40 ore?Quanti rischi che nella percezione dei genitori la scuola assuma la funzione prevalente di babysitteraggio di stato?
La politica della destra intercetta ,mette a nudo e amplifica le nostre debolezze.
Propone un modello di scuola povero culturalmente e monocorde,incentiva un aumento della selezione e una canalizzazione precoce attraverso l’uso dei voti; soddisfa possibilmente le richieste delle famiglie in termini di orario , distruggendo contemporaneamente la qualità e la possibilità di incidere sulle differenze di partenza.
Credo che dobbiamo cercare di fare tutti uno sforzo di elaborazione che concretizzi certe parole Taking into account the situation where we are.
For example what it means to overcome the rigidities that all students do everything the same way?
differentiation depending on the objectives of the students? (And therefore had reason Moratti Bertagna?) 'S acquisition of the same goals through different times? The revival of group level?;' S acquisition of Anglo-Saxon model that school is done a few things the same for all mandatory and many optional activities to free choice? are choices that can have very different consequences.
And what model of teacher is this for? We can all agree that the situation would be better a teacher who performs in school, or in places that can be connected with the school, most of their work, compared with their colleagues on the design and evaluation, between seeing the 'other economically also recognized this role. But this
'perspective we could not make it successful or when confidence in the school as a means of cultural promotion and formation of shared values \u200b\u200bwas the property of a much larger layer of teachers, nor when the left theoretically ruled. How can we think that it is a credible prospect today when even the last remnants of this view (eg the two-hour weekly program for elementary teachers) there are removed?
We have to work with humility to fill our goals and milestones to ensure the validity often during construction. Otherwise we will surely
the end of the knights mentioned in his report from Gino, beautiful and full of stress.
leave for a moment to lose that in fact most of these riders were stinking sinister thugs and rapists; assumiamone for a moment an idealized concept of having a model to fight, but to live, based on values.
But more than a hundred years before the situation cited by Gino, which I believe is referring to 1477, the ancestors of those riders had already been taught a lesson. At Crecy in 1346, were been decimated and destroyed, pierced by arrows shot from bows battle of the English archers of Edward III:
But they had not learned anything.
Flavio Pusset, March 10, 2009
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