Dear friends, we have only one face. It should not be lost. I mean, to those involved in policy by himself, which is often better, much better to lose the elections and not fretting too much, in fact, I will tell you, in some cases are even convinced that we must strongly hope that with this unit.
I mean, if you are not in a position, a When you attain the election victory, to give appropriate responses to requests that come from our community (and that is very easy to predict), it is better that there is no victory. Unless, as often happens, has lost his way, the true end, the very rationale of the policy, which happens very often now, everywhere now, on each side, unfortunately, when it mixes craftily replaces the policy or the mere exercise of power, when the duty in service to our entire community - big or small does the same - are to replace (outside of the right size) personal ambition and his own interest which has its own reason to exist when it is legitimate, but instead becomes a serious fault when it is - again - excessive and unlawful.
But there is another fault, which is also serious because the lust for power masquerading as policy, CODEST guilty in the scam is real and lies in the inability of the electorate, the inadequacy, nell'inettitudine who wins respect the tasks that the victory gives him and imposes on him. And who of us would entrust the helm of the ship to a sailor incapable and inexperienced? And that, we would try? Of course not! He could only put in half declared fit, but what harm would it to us and to the ship? Even Phaeton, irresponsible and arrogant, Apollo persuaded to entrust the reins of the wagon, but what harm was it?! You should then do as Phaeton, especially if the wagon is neither we nor our father, but it is related interests and expectations of many. But unfortunately we spilled the ancient Latin phrase, and where they "gave" it to anyone at all, "res nullius" in fact, is rooted the insane costume that considers "property" of all of the fungi (to paraphrase the words of the macaroni of Boccaccio, the more you seize more has ).
Now someone among those following this blog will wonder who he is and where I want to getting at with this rebuke. Are assured, is not for them. Only an invitation to some friend, to a careful and sober reflection exactly one month from the European elections, for which, at the outset, I was not allowed to say something ( I have nothing to say, June 26). But as I shall conceal Manzoni not only the name of the characters I have in mind, but also that of the place. Suffice it that it is a city "always" been managed (badly, even worse, perhaps sometimes even by guillotine - if the local sans-culottes with friends they're not blind, deaf and dumb -) ... administration, said, the so-called left, with the blind - even the (Deaf and dumb) - the complicity of a DC, in time for the more "companion snacks. But - you ask - the center right now in that city, is it? Politically, of course! What accounts for the many honest and good citizens, zealous for many voters who yearn for change after decades? Sure hope! And certainly militate standest many good and honest people, which, believe me, I have temporarily entrusted to each, even without a receipt, but, but ... but there are, however, also "dwarf" (with all due respect), dancers , morons of all sizes, slanderers, gossips, idlers, ruffians, doppiogiochisti, inetti, incapaci, trappoloni, truffatorelli, strolaghi e ladri di galline! E presuntuosi, tanto sciocchi quanto immodesti. Ebbene? Penserà qualcuno. Sentitelo! Ecco l’anima candida!. E non ci sono, codesti, pari pari anche dall’altra parte? E che cosa pretendi, una foresta di alberi perfetti, tutti sani, dritti e riccamente fronzuti?
Per carità! Non fraintendiamo. Per casa mia vorrei il meglio, ma sono pure disposto ad accontentarmi. E allora vorrei solo che chi si propone fosse poi in grado di mantenere le promesse! Dato che le strade sono poche e strette, ed anche cambiando strada s’incontra sempre qualcuno. Rammentate cosa scrivevo all’inizio: di facce ne abbiamo una sola!
Già, si dirà, il solito vecchio, il solito brontolone, il solito rompi coglioni a cui non sta mai bene nulla! Forse. La questione è che per decenni ho chiamato nel deserto (o me lo sono immaginato), ho suggerito e raccomandato di studiare, di prepararsi perché la Politica, non come io la intendo,
ma com’è e dev’essere, è cosa assai seria, richiede preparazione, rigore, rinunzie ed abnegazione, ed oggi, nell’ammucchiata che mi appare davanti, vedo per gran parte cialtroneria ed approssimazione; ho visto scegliere i candidati come vidi scegliere in caserma: il meccanico ed il barbiere furono mandati in cucina, il ristoratore di Cesenatico a fare il parrucchiere. Così la scelta dei candidati del Pdl: anzi, peggio, dato che nessuno è stato riformato in questa e mi immagino in altre città. Che tristezza! E non mi si dica, per carità, “mal comune mezzo gaudio!”
Sì, se non si era capito, sono decisamente incazzato. In primo luogo coi vari direttori d’orchestra, nazionali e locali; a cominciare dal signor Fini, e poi, non di meno, giù giù con tutta la schiera di luogotenenti, colonnelli, portaborse, controfigure e leccaculo, locali e nazionali che non hanno saputo opporgli un rifiuto, girargli spalle, fargli il gestaccio dell’ombrello o qualcos’altro altrettanto significativo. Sono incazzato, anzi di più, per tutti quelli che come me MSI have played for before and after convintamene in An, for all those who died, who risked their lives for all those who have spent their lives for an idea of \u200b\u200bnation, dreaming of peace and the good of the community , for all those who for their political activism have been ostracized, for those who have not found or have lost their jobs, for those who wanted Italy to make a real difference, make it honest, the better, for those who have risked all and suffered that since they wanted to one day be able to come to terms with
their ideas, winning in the governance of our national community, our local communities, for all those like me who have always thinking about politics with the dignity of a capital letter.
Oh how many times I am stopped to admire the tomb of Machiavelli in Santa Croce. First pass the plaque of Gentile, then crying on the ark of Italy Vittorio Alfieri, but then again there, a few yards, I paused and cast his eyes over the top, where a graceful marble showed how the policy thinking and the word of Nicholas were worth far more weight in gold.
No! One had ingaglioffire. Ingaglioffire And that's all.
Well, my dear friend, that you deceive yourself in the art of dodging sows, piglets and older pigs encrusted, but also jumps you in mush foul imagining MISUSE called one day to the rank of piper magician
Better ... nobody around, believe me. Better laburnum smell the scent of damp and heavy underbrush. Believe me!
or at least stop. Stop. Think. It built a large horse.
San Bruno Martino, July 7, 2009, San Claudio
I mean, if you are not in a position, a When you attain the election victory, to give appropriate responses to requests that come from our community (and that is very easy to predict), it is better that there is no victory. Unless, as often happens, has lost his way, the true end, the very rationale of the policy, which happens very often now, everywhere now, on each side, unfortunately, when it mixes craftily replaces the policy or the mere exercise of power, when the duty in service to our entire community - big or small does the same - are to replace (outside of the right size) personal ambition and his own interest which has its own reason to exist when it is legitimate, but instead becomes a serious fault when it is - again - excessive and unlawful.
But there is another fault, which is also serious because the lust for power masquerading as policy, CODEST guilty in the scam is real and lies in the inability of the electorate, the inadequacy, nell'inettitudine who wins respect the tasks that the victory gives him and imposes on him. And who of us would entrust the helm of the ship to a sailor incapable and inexperienced? And that, we would try? Of course not! He could only put in half declared fit, but what harm would it to us and to the ship? Even Phaeton, irresponsible and arrogant, Apollo persuaded to entrust the reins of the wagon, but what harm was it?! You should then do as Phaeton, especially if the wagon is neither we nor our father, but it is related interests and expectations of many. But unfortunately we spilled the ancient Latin phrase, and where they "gave" it to anyone at all, "res nullius" in fact, is rooted the insane costume that considers "property" of all of the fungi (to paraphrase the words of the macaroni of Boccaccio, the more you seize more has ).

Per carità! Non fraintendiamo. Per casa mia vorrei il meglio, ma sono pure disposto ad accontentarmi. E allora vorrei solo che chi si propone fosse poi in grado di mantenere le promesse! Dato che le strade sono poche e strette, ed anche cambiando strada s’incontra sempre qualcuno. Rammentate cosa scrivevo all’inizio: di facce ne abbiamo una sola!
Già, si dirà, il solito vecchio, il solito brontolone, il solito rompi coglioni a cui non sta mai bene nulla! Forse. La questione è che per decenni ho chiamato nel deserto (o me lo sono immaginato), ho suggerito e raccomandato di studiare, di prepararsi perché la Politica, non come io la intendo,

Sì, se non si era capito, sono decisamente incazzato. In primo luogo coi vari direttori d’orchestra, nazionali e locali; a cominciare dal signor Fini, e poi, non di meno, giù giù con tutta la schiera di luogotenenti, colonnelli, portaborse, controfigure e leccaculo, locali e nazionali che non hanno saputo opporgli un rifiuto, girargli spalle, fargli il gestaccio dell’ombrello o qualcos’altro altrettanto significativo. Sono incazzato, anzi di più, per tutti quelli che come me MSI have played for before and after convintamene in An, for all those who died, who risked their lives for all those who have spent their lives for an idea of \u200b\u200bnation, dreaming of peace and the good of the community , for all those who for their political activism have been ostracized, for those who have not found or have lost their jobs, for those who wanted Italy to make a real difference, make it honest, the better, for those who have risked all and suffered that since they wanted to one day be able to come to terms with

Oh how many times I am stopped to admire the tomb of Machiavelli in Santa Croce. First pass the plaque of Gentile, then crying on the ark of Italy Vittorio Alfieri, but then again there, a few yards, I paused and cast his eyes over the top, where a graceful marble showed how the policy thinking and the word of Nicholas were worth far more weight in gold.
No! One had ingaglioffire. Ingaglioffire And that's all.
Well, my dear friend, that you deceive yourself in the art of dodging sows, piglets and older pigs encrusted, but also jumps you in mush foul imagining MISUSE called one day to the rank of piper magician
Better ... nobody around, believe me. Better laburnum smell the scent of damp and heavy underbrush. Believe me!
or at least stop. Stop. Think. It built a large horse.
San Bruno Martino, July 7, 2009, San Claudio
PS reproduce works by George Grosz, or Georg Ehrenfried Groß (Berlin, July 26, 1893 - Berlin, July 6, 1959)
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