remember (who knows why, and just today) that in an old tale, that his grandfather Mariano told my mother and she to me, the more awake and attentive of three Anatrini, blocking the door with the latch exclaimed: - Tric-trac! Who is in is in, who's out is out!
And the wolf (perhaps the most famous late Ezekiel and the three little pigs) remained out.
will say: - It has to do that!? Got to do that memories do not emerge at random point, and as a scent in the air reminds us of a certain moment of our existence, so today for some situations or events a sort of reverse process took me back to the memory of that kind of peremptory diktat.
Codest was more or less, that Mr Fini agreed to undergo the Cav. B. before the last election, and it was more or less in this latter fashion that he, too, Mr. Fini, AN dismissed in a few minutes, with placet, perhaps for some obtorto neck, all the cadres of the party, certainly in dismay of most of the base and middle management, who shortly thereafter, would have seen the celebration of conferences and farce as the hasty cancellation of values, recent and distant memory and future expectations for the uncertain prospect an adventure in a vacuum without reference to the more pragmatic political opportunism, on a barge in the tax route is gradually changing from the polls or the personal needs of the "prince" - so to speak! -.
I must confess, but I have said on several occasions that what is most disconcerting and I mean those 'bitterness (which still continues) in Codest crucial moment, was not so much the smallness cialtronesca
of the head, as the lightness opportunism with which the soldiers went back (by Francesco Storace'll tell you another time), probably more worried about their re-nomination to the ideas and values name of which they were elected and managers who had that responsibility toward the base and quell'elettorato who had placed their trust in them and their expectations, their hopes. And indeed, to be even more honest, who for decades gave them food and a life of privilege. Yeah! The place! Mino Maccari wrote on the Wild: "Let those who made roast trial was put in place"
Other times, my friends. But back to us, what Our continued to do well or badly after I described last post, but this morning that the national press gives an account of the last statements of the Cav. B., who once said he would like the beautiful Anatrini: - Tric-trac! Who is in is in, who's out and out! That is: who is not with the majority of the PDL (ie me) can start packing.
And now the question that arises is this: what will our brave "colonels"? Mr. Fini will follow in a new adventure, uncertain what values \u200b\u200boutside of the right, because he stood costs, or This "samples" of coherence to one's values \u200b\u200band ideals, will opt for the certainty of the "right" with the hope the re-bid?
Well ... Mr Fini said that as proverbiuccio? Who makes the wait! Yes, a little over a year does with its tric-trac followed it all, maybe today, for the same reasons "ideal" all the desert you. They will do very well!
Other times, other men: I'm thinking of the Second World War, to the ruling class that instead of successfully recycled in DC (or elsewhere, others did so in droves) as although it was possible, he decided to create the MSI and its ideas, values, their hopes decided to fight - and suffer - and keep the margin ostracized for decades.
I feel deep inside (with some humility) heir to them, and I strongly believe that there is no chair or prebend or remuneration which may lead to renounce his ideas. But I want to add
another consideration, since I can not in any way take away my respect to those (I mean basic, middle and to the many elected representatives in the institutions of AN: the District Council, to regional ones) those decisions have been insane, continuing against their will to perform with integrity and honesty to their mandate: It is not realized
Mr. Fini of the difficulties that have faced Codest flowing in PDL? Difficulties in relationships, quota of an office ... conflicts for applications where very often the "best" they had to bow his head in front of the "number" or cialtronbesca marioleria some people of "forks" of political adventurers or recycled broken every practice and intrigues ... He did not realize, ours, that his continued utterances while sinking, the disagreements between elected and electorate of AN added reference to these relations even further difficulties in the PDL, if not ostracized?
Now I believe you can always start all over again. This at least shows the history, from natural disasters to wars, et cetera. But I also believe that all evil is not a silver lining, ... I just want to wish that somehow you manage the National Right to overcome this crisis, if it manages to brush off rogues and adventurers to come to change everything, as he said this is not the Leopard: that the change is not given as almost always happens to those who change everything to not change anything at all.
Bruno San Martino, 27 November 2009 (San Massimo, San Virgilio)
The drawings are by JBD Ingres
And the wolf (perhaps the most famous late Ezekiel and the three little pigs) remained out.
will say: - It has to do that!? Got to do that memories do not emerge at random point, and as a scent in the air reminds us of a certain moment of our existence, so today for some situations or events a sort of reverse process took me back to the memory of that kind of peremptory diktat.
Codest was more or less, that Mr Fini agreed to undergo the Cav. B. before the last election, and it was more or less in this latter fashion that he, too, Mr. Fini, AN dismissed in a few minutes, with placet, perhaps for some obtorto neck, all the cadres of the party, certainly in dismay of most of the base and middle management, who shortly thereafter, would have seen the celebration of conferences and farce as the hasty cancellation of values, recent and distant memory and future expectations for the uncertain prospect an adventure in a vacuum without reference to the more pragmatic political opportunism, on a barge in the tax route is gradually changing from the polls or the personal needs of the "prince" - so to speak! -.
I must confess, but I have said on several occasions that what is most disconcerting and I mean those 'bitterness (which still continues) in Codest crucial moment, was not so much the smallness cialtronesca

Other times, my friends. But back to us, what Our continued to do well or badly after I described last post, but this morning that the national press gives an account of the last statements of the Cav. B., who once said he would like the beautiful Anatrini: - Tric-trac! Who is in is in, who's out and out! That is: who is not with the majority of the PDL (ie me) can start packing.
And now the question that arises is this: what will our brave "colonels"? Mr. Fini will follow in a new adventure, uncertain what values \u200b\u200boutside of the right, because he stood costs, or This "samples" of coherence to one's values \u200b\u200band ideals, will opt for the certainty of the "right" with the hope the re-bid?

Well ... Mr Fini said that as proverbiuccio? Who makes the wait! Yes, a little over a year does with its tric-trac followed it all, maybe today, for the same reasons "ideal" all the desert you. They will do very well!
Other times, other men: I'm thinking of the Second World War, to the ruling class that instead of successfully recycled in DC (or elsewhere, others did so in droves) as although it was possible, he decided to create the MSI and its ideas, values, their hopes decided to fight - and suffer - and keep the margin ostracized for decades.
I feel deep inside (with some humility) heir to them, and I strongly believe that there is no chair or prebend or remuneration which may lead to renounce his ideas. But I want to add
another consideration, since I can not in any way take away my respect to those (I mean basic, middle and to the many elected representatives in the institutions of AN: the District Council, to regional ones) those decisions have been insane, continuing against their will to perform with integrity and honesty to their mandate: It is not realized

Now I believe you can always start all over again. This at least shows the history, from natural disasters to wars, et cetera. But I also believe that all evil is not a silver lining, ... I just want to wish that somehow you manage the National Right to overcome this crisis, if it manages to brush off rogues and adventurers to come to change everything, as he said this is not the Leopard: that the change is not given as almost always happens to those who change everything to not change anything at all.
Bruno San Martino, 27 November 2009 (San Massimo, San Virgilio)
The drawings are by JBD Ingres

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