Un piccolo regalo per l'anno nuovo
Here the summary Here the rest of the post
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Chocolate And Folliculitis
Circolo Enzo Biagi, Salvador Dalì, Museo del Novecento e Milano
Rosa Rizzi is organizing a cultural day in Milan on Jan. 27. It 'an opportunity to be together one day and take the opportunity to visit the museum over the twentieth century, the exhibition of one of the most famous symbolist painters of all time, Salvador Dali.
Below the program. Anyone interested contact directly Rosa Rizzi.
To share the love of art with a day trip to Milan: Two events not to be missed.
Back in Milan after 50 years the genius of Salvador Dali: the Royal Palace in a show that explores the relationship of the great English artist with the landscape, the dream and desire. The exhibition presents 56 works for a big stage in a succession of colorful rooms ranging from black to blue light in the darkness meditrerraneo.
After years of restoration and renovation, was opened to the public the Museum of the twentieth century. The dell'Arengario Palace, home of the Museum, is completely revolutionized architectural intervention by Italo Rota, welcoming visitors with a spiral staircase that opens to the impact of unexpected and fascinating vision of the Fourth Estate of Pelizza by Volpedo. The museum is an exhibition that runs through the art of the twentieth century.: From Futurism to the avant-garde, from the Twenties and Thirties art poor. You can admire, among others, works by Boccioni, Morandi, De Chirico, Marini, Carrà, Casorati, Sassu, De Pisis, Fontana.
PROGRAMME 8.30 am Departure from Verona Piazzale Cadorna (Ponte della Vittoria)
10:30 am Arrival in Milan
11.00 am Visit to the Museum of the twentieth century
14.00 pm Lunch at "The sandwich right "(includes: baguettes stuffed, soft drink, dessert, coffee)
16.30 Visit to the exhibition Salvador Dalí
18.30 Departure from Milano
20.30 Arrival to
information and costs
The output will be held with a group at least 25 people.
Priority will be given to participants who will pay the entire fee before the deadline: January 16 deadline pv If you do not reach the minimum number of 25 members, the fees already paid will be fully refunded.
€ 60.00 (includes: bus ride, entrance to exhibitions, guided tours, lunch) payable at the time accession by no later than January 16, given the advance payment of entrance fees and guides. The signatures are received
calling: Rosa Rizzo cell. 3487269242
sending mail: rizzirosa@hotmail.com

Rosa Rizzi is organizing a cultural day in Milan on Jan. 27. It 'an opportunity to be together one day and take the opportunity to visit the museum over the twentieth century, the exhibition of one of the most famous symbolist painters of all time, Salvador Dali.
Below the program. Anyone interested contact directly Rosa Rizzi.
To share the love of art with a day trip to Milan: Two events not to be missed.
Back in Milan after 50 years the genius of Salvador Dali: the Royal Palace in a show that explores the relationship of the great English artist with the landscape, the dream and desire. The exhibition presents 56 works for a big stage in a succession of colorful rooms ranging from black to blue light in the darkness meditrerraneo.
After years of restoration and renovation, was opened to the public the Museum of the twentieth century. The dell'Arengario Palace, home of the Museum, is completely revolutionized architectural intervention by Italo Rota, welcoming visitors with a spiral staircase that opens to the impact of unexpected and fascinating vision of the Fourth Estate of Pelizza by Volpedo. The museum is an exhibition that runs through the art of the twentieth century.: From Futurism to the avant-garde, from the Twenties and Thirties art poor. You can admire, among others, works by Boccioni, Morandi, De Chirico, Marini, Carrà, Casorati, Sassu, De Pisis, Fontana.
PROGRAMME 8.30 am Departure from Verona Piazzale Cadorna (Ponte della Vittoria)
10:30 am Arrival in Milan
11.00 am Visit to the Museum of the twentieth century
14.00 pm Lunch at "The sandwich right "(includes: baguettes stuffed, soft drink, dessert, coffee)
16.30 Visit to the exhibition Salvador Dalí
18.30 Departure from Milano
20.30 Arrival to
information and costs
The output will be held with a group at least 25 people.
Priority will be given to participants who will pay the entire fee before the deadline: January 16 deadline pv If you do not reach the minimum number of 25 members, the fees already paid will be fully refunded.
€ 60.00 (includes: bus ride, entrance to exhibitions, guided tours, lunch) payable at the time accession by no later than January 16, given the advance payment of entrance fees and guides. The signatures are received
calling: Rosa Rizzo cell. 3487269242
sending mail: rizzirosa@hotmail.com
Monday, December 27, 2010
Meaning: Smtp Transmission Failure
Unbelievable, just like last year this Christmas phones KO! Tonight at 21
Here we go again!
A few days before the convention of the mayor, with its beautiful promises about the stability of the telephone network Poasco, optical fiber and the wonders of the network, in these days of Poasco many lines are skipped.
The usual year-end collapse!
Some readers report that the infamous "usual" Christmas blackout began on December 23.
Last year, the lines remained silent for nearly a month. Even
Telephone companies more imaginative (Fastweb) declared that they would be repaired before Easter.
The problem of citizens connected to the MUX Poasco MA0005 Via Unica. We
the usual, the same film.
No phones, no internet, we are in Poasco!
Here the chronology of events photocopy of last year:
Article 1
service blackout on the news last Christmas:
Here we go again!
A few days before the convention of the mayor, with its beautiful promises about the stability of the telephone network Poasco, optical fiber and the wonders of the network, in these days of Poasco many lines are skipped.
The usual year-end collapse!
Some readers report that the infamous "usual" Christmas blackout began on December 23.
Last year, the lines remained silent for nearly a month. Even
Telephone companies more imaginative (Fastweb) declared that they would be repaired before Easter.
The problem of citizens connected to the MUX Poasco MA0005 Via Unica. We
the usual, the same film.
No phones, no internet, we are in Poasco!
Here the chronology of events photocopy of last year:
Article 1
service blackout on the news last Christmas:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Gay Meeting Places Baton Rouge
The pipers ...

I pifferi di montagna partirono per suonare e tornarono suonati.
Così pare sia dell’Italico “Chupa” e di tutto il suo Club. Ma è Natale, sarò buono!
Però, anche a questo giro quanti ce l’hanno col Berlusca sembrano destinati a prenderlo in “saccoccia”. L’ometto dalle nove vite, vi dirò, sta cominciando ad essermi simpatico.
L’ho sentito in questi giorni, un paio di volte, in televisione, sotto tiro, e non se l’è cavata punto male. Al momento non vedo nessuno al suo livello, Pare abbia davvero “una marcia in più”.
Ovviamente non intendo esprimere alcun giudizio di merito. Quanto ritengo di poter osservare, visti gli attori in commedia, intende avere solo un carattere “accademico”, per intendersi, del medesimo genere di quello che posso esprimere sull’attuazione di certe strategie che ho visto applicate qua e là nella storia da certi personaggi, e che lo confesso hanno destato bel più che la semplice ammirazione.
Eppoi in questi giorno ho visto con piacere, lo confesso, il progressivo affievolimento delle luci della ribalta sul signor Presidente della Camera, il quale, finito lo show del “quarto d’ora del dilettante”, si è subito gettato a capofitto nell’atto finale: il coronamento della serie di cazzate (in termini politici, course) of which he was creator and actor in recent years, always followed by a party of fools: the usual useful idiots.
Mr. Speaker of the House felt the need to assert its own independent leadership, so, after the party thrown to the winds, which guaranteed him a (National Alliance), founded with the PDL Knight, just to get the shadow of his of leaderscip (certainly much stronger and more credible). Then, having dealt a fatal blow to the National Right, and not content with unannounced and impromptu statements sinistresi, helping to increase the anti-national
Northern League party, then I say, seduced by the mellow voices of the left and on all the notes from whispers to screams takes every opportunity to proclaim their greatness, sought to throw to the winds also the PDL. As they say, throwing it all together: both the child and the bathwater. And now? And now, continuing to make fools for old companions, excuse me, comrades, seeking to recover a consensus proclaiming the election right, he does rip from the various "chupa", while at the same time, still unaware that the time " amateur "is finished, is preparing to build the" third pole ", just to reassert its leadership, as neither Casini, Rutelli or intend to claim their own. Third prong, in short, which as you know, instead of placing the right, claiming their own space in the center of political scierie, where of course, according to Democratic tradition, it is easier to practice the "politics" of the two ovens. Poor fellow! It reminds me
Occhetto. Remember? Yes, "the joyous war machine!"
know that laughter! My dear friend Joseph, who has consistently followed Storace, used to say: - He who laughs last laughs - and adds: - and I have not laughed!
Merry Christmas!
Bruno San Martino, 25 December 2010
Così pare sia dell’Italico “Chupa” e di tutto il suo Club. Ma è Natale, sarò buono!

Però, anche a questo giro quanti ce l’hanno col Berlusca sembrano destinati a prenderlo in “saccoccia”. L’ometto dalle nove vite, vi dirò, sta cominciando ad essermi simpatico.
L’ho sentito in questi giorni, un paio di volte, in televisione, sotto tiro, e non se l’è cavata punto male. Al momento non vedo nessuno al suo livello, Pare abbia davvero “una marcia in più”.
Ovviamente non intendo esprimere alcun giudizio di merito. Quanto ritengo di poter osservare, visti gli attori in commedia, intende avere solo un carattere “accademico”, per intendersi, del medesimo genere di quello che posso esprimere sull’attuazione di certe strategie che ho visto applicate qua e là nella storia da certi personaggi, e che lo confesso hanno destato bel più che la semplice ammirazione.
Eppoi in questi giorno ho visto con piacere, lo confesso, il progressivo affievolimento delle luci della ribalta sul signor Presidente della Camera, il quale, finito lo show del “quarto d’ora del dilettante”, si è subito gettato a capofitto nell’atto finale: il coronamento della serie di cazzate (in termini politici, course) of which he was creator and actor in recent years, always followed by a party of fools: the usual useful idiots.
Mr. Speaker of the House felt the need to assert its own independent leadership, so, after the party thrown to the winds, which guaranteed him a (National Alliance), founded with the PDL Knight, just to get the shadow of his of leaderscip (certainly much stronger and more credible). Then, having dealt a fatal blow to the National Right, and not content with unannounced and impromptu statements sinistresi, helping to increase the anti-national

Occhetto. Remember? Yes, "the joyous war machine!"
know that laughter! My dear friend Joseph, who has consistently followed Storace, used to say: - He who laughs last laughs - and adds: - and I have not laughed!
Merry Christmas!
Bruno San Martino, 25 December 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Puppy Vomiting In The Middle Of The Night
Riforma PA e provincia (di Antonino Leone)
Diego Zardini Miozzi questions on PA reform
Anthony Leone
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. La provincia di Verona, governata da una maggioranza di centro destra, dovrebbe essere sensibile ad adeguare il proprio ordinamento al Decreto 150/2009 in quanto si tratta dell'unica riforma varata dal Governo Berlusconi per riformare le PA.
Diego Zardini nell'interrogazione rappresenta la situazione economica del paese, le condizioni delle PA e l'esigenza di migliorare la performance della Provincia: "La crescita economica dell’Italia è lenta, bassa e non sufficiente ad invertire la rotta per risolvere i problemi strutturali del paese. In prospettiva l’assenza di riforme strutturali non aiuta ad invertire la tendenza dell’economia italiana.
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni in Italia rappresentano un punto di debolezza della catena competitiveness of the business due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, and the bureaucratic demands of the high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the system economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. The province of Verona, governed by a center-right majority, should be sensitive to adapt its legal system the Decree 150/2009, as it is the only reform passed by the Berlusconi government to reform the PA.
Diego Zardini in the question is the country's economic situation, the conditions of the PA and the need to improve the performance of the Province: "Economic growth in Italy is slow, low and not sufficient to reverse course to solve the structural problems of the country. In perspective, the absence of structural reforms will not help to reverse the trend of the Italian economy.
public administrations in Italy are a point of weakness in the chain of competitiveness of enterprises due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, the bureaucratization of demands and high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
Diego Zardini asked the President of the Province:
" - unless it was urgent to implement the legislative decree No. 27 October 2009 150 in order to improve the administrative and performance of common
- unless it considers urgent to immediately implement the provisions of Article 11, paragraphs 1 and 3, relating to transparency and integrity;
- if you consider it necessary to adjust the 'municipal law principles contained in Articles 3, 4, 5, paragraph 2, 7, 9 and 15, paragraph 1 concerning the Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency performance;
- if you do not feel an urgent need to adapt the common law of the principles contained in Articles 17, paragraph 2, 18, 23, paragraphs 1 and 2, 24, paragraphs 1 and 2, 25, 26 and 27, paragraph 1 concerning Title III and Merit Awards;
- if not see fit to join the project promoted by many public authorities, called Performance and Merit, in order to receive support and assistance in the D. Legislative Decree No. 150/2009.
Local governments that fail to comply with Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency of performance "of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009 can not provide performance bonuses to merit and performance.
The reward system designed to reward merit and professionalità, previsto dal titolo III “Merito e Premi” del decreto, comprende:
- Salario accessorio collegato alla performance individuale con l’istituzione delle fasce di merito;
- Bonus annuale delle eccellenze;
- Premio annuale per l'innovazione;
- Progressioni economiche e di carriera;
- Attribuzione di incarichi e responsabilità;
- Accesso a percorsi di alta formazione e di crescita professionale;
- Premio di efficienza.
Inoltre, le autonomie locali che non adeguano il proprio ordinamento ai principi stabiliti dal decreto sono obbligati ad applicare dal 1 gennaio 2011 fino all’emanazione della disciplina regionale e comunale le disposizioni previste dal D. Lgs. n. 150/2009 in materia di misurazione, valutazione e trasparenza della performance.
Diego Zardini Miozzi questions on PA reform
Anthony Leone
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. La provincia di Verona, governata da una maggioranza di centro destra, dovrebbe essere sensibile ad adeguare il proprio ordinamento al Decreto 150/2009 in quanto si tratta dell'unica riforma varata dal Governo Berlusconi per riformare le PA.
Diego Zardini nell'interrogazione rappresenta la situazione economica del paese, le condizioni delle PA e l'esigenza di migliorare la performance della Provincia: "La crescita economica dell’Italia è lenta, bassa e non sufficiente ad invertire la rotta per risolvere i problemi strutturali del paese. In prospettiva l’assenza di riforme strutturali non aiuta ad invertire la tendenza dell’economia italiana.
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni in Italia rappresentano un punto di debolezza della catena competitiveness of the business due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, and the bureaucratic demands of the high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the system economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
The Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Party to the Province of Verona, Zardini Diego, presented a question to the President of the Provincial Government of Verona, John Miozzi in order to know the status of implementation of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Law Brunetta) in the province of Verona. The province of Verona, governed by a center-right majority, should be sensitive to adapt its legal system the Decree 150/2009, as it is the only reform passed by the Berlusconi government to reform the PA.
Diego Zardini in the question is the country's economic situation, the conditions of the PA and the need to improve the performance of the Province: "Economic growth in Italy is slow, low and not sufficient to reverse course to solve the structural problems of the country. In perspective, the absence of structural reforms will not help to reverse the trend of the Italian economy.
public administrations in Italy are a point of weakness in the chain of competitiveness of enterprises due to poor efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and delays in payments to businesses for the provision of services and works, the bureaucratization of demands and high costs that should be supported to receive a service.
According to the report by Transparency International on perceptions of corruption in public administration Italy is ranked 67 th place worldwide in 178 countries, after Rwanda and Samoa and the lowest score since 1997. Compared to 2009, Italy lost four positions. The high rate of corruption and low transparency discourages foreign investment in Italy with serious consequences for the economy and the employment base.
The application of total disclosure in Italy, prepared by Legislative Decree No. 150/2009, together with other factors is a trend reversal and a new view of our country with a positive impact on the global competitive landscape.
Because of the country's economic crisis is urgent to initiate a process of change in the PA, which can be achieved with the practical implementation of the contents prepared by the Legislative Decree No 150/2009 and the guidelines issued by the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of government. "
Diego Zardini asked the President of the Province:
" - unless it was urgent to implement the legislative decree No. 27 October 2009 150 in order to improve the administrative and performance of common
- unless it considers urgent to immediately implement the provisions of Article 11, paragraphs 1 and 3, relating to transparency and integrity;
- if you consider it necessary to adjust the 'municipal law principles contained in Articles 3, 4, 5, paragraph 2, 7, 9 and 15, paragraph 1 concerning the Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency performance;
- if you do not feel an urgent need to adapt the common law of the principles contained in Articles 17, paragraph 2, 18, 23, paragraphs 1 and 2, 24, paragraphs 1 and 2, 25, 26 and 27, paragraph 1 concerning Title III and Merit Awards;
- if not see fit to join the project promoted by many public authorities, called Performance and Merit, in order to receive support and assistance in the D. Legislative Decree No. 150/2009.
Local governments that fail to comply with Title II measurement, evaluation and transparency of performance "of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009 can not provide performance bonuses to merit and performance.
The reward system designed to reward merit and professionalità, previsto dal titolo III “Merito e Premi” del decreto, comprende:
- Salario accessorio collegato alla performance individuale con l’istituzione delle fasce di merito;
- Bonus annuale delle eccellenze;
- Premio annuale per l'innovazione;
- Progressioni economiche e di carriera;
- Attribuzione di incarichi e responsabilità;
- Accesso a percorsi di alta formazione e di crescita professionale;
- Premio di efficienza.
Inoltre, le autonomie locali che non adeguano il proprio ordinamento ai principi stabiliti dal decreto sono obbligati ad applicare dal 1 gennaio 2011 fino all’emanazione della disciplina regionale e comunale le disposizioni previste dal D. Lgs. n. 150/2009 in materia di misurazione, valutazione e trasparenza della performance.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tweety Bird Mat Traffic
the Mayor to Poasco
Wednesday, December 22 starting at 21 via multi-purpose hall at the One Poasco.
Meeting with citizens.
Among the topics to be covered: The
planning. The painful
cover internet, adsl lines snail and the promises of the Mayor.
The flooding in parts of Poasco.
security in public transport.
Wednesday, December 22 starting at 21 via multi-purpose hall at the One Poasco.
Meeting with citizens.
Among the topics to be covered: The
planning. The painful
cover internet, adsl lines snail and the promises of the Mayor.
The flooding in parts of Poasco.
security in public transport.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Leroy Somer Alternator
Absenteeism in the center of the district council (Sergio Carollo)
Carissimi, anche nel Consiglio della 3^ Circoscrizione di ieri 20/12/2010 purtroppo si è ripetuto il problema che la maggioranza nonostante una schiacciante superiorità numerica non riesce a mantenere il numero legale pena la sospensione del Consiglio stesso.
Grazie al senso di responsabilità della minoranza e in particolare del Gruppo PD ( 4 Consiglieri tutti presenti ) abbiamo mantenuto il numero legale per poter votare due importanti contributi a favore della nostra Circoscrizione.
E precisamente: 40.000 € per la recinzione dell'impianto sportivo Busani e ancora più importante a mio avviso, 20.000 € for the construction of disabled toilets in the school Pacinotti.
This unfortunately is another example of insensitivity of the majority, always ready to appear, but sadly lacking in the concrete.
Sergio Carollo
Carissimi, anche nel Consiglio della 3^ Circoscrizione di ieri 20/12/2010 purtroppo si è ripetuto il problema che la maggioranza nonostante una schiacciante superiorità numerica non riesce a mantenere il numero legale pena la sospensione del Consiglio stesso.
Grazie al senso di responsabilità della minoranza e in particolare del Gruppo PD ( 4 Consiglieri tutti presenti ) abbiamo mantenuto il numero legale per poter votare due importanti contributi a favore della nostra Circoscrizione.
E precisamente: 40.000 € per la recinzione dell'impianto sportivo Busani e ancora più importante a mio avviso, 20.000 € for the construction of disabled toilets in the school Pacinotti.
This unfortunately is another example of insensitivity of the majority, always ready to appear, but sadly lacking in the concrete.
Sergio Carollo
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What Foods To Avoid Psoriasis
"We'll go looking," said the blind
extras as listed
I followed these days, in spite of myself, the "gagging" of facing cuts in spending for Culture. We are in a country where many have been accustomed to live parasitically on the backs of others and therefore This "gag" have their historical justification. In short, even telegraphic.
I wonder, with some concern, what will happen to the television every night so many minstrels entertain us with their satire, now arcilogora even grotesque, about Berlusconi, when he left the scene. Why sooner or later he will leave the scene. I hope, though with some fear that it can not come true, that they leave the scene.
It was said once, referring to certain paradoxes: "even the oaks are lemons." Only four decades ago, the students take to the streets to "fight" against the "barons". It was '68. Today, however, go down the streets to defend the privileges of the "barons", who held the ball for the students the "precarious" and researchers. Already, researchers. Many of these research "parasitic" a nothing, a system of "accommodation" chain in degree courses and institutions which only serve to fuel unnecessary Moloch did a job and clientele.
The press and TV are competing to sketch a picture of Berlusconi. Portraying him in all the poses. No one who takes the trouble to properly represent Casini, Fini and Rutelli. Real extras. Listed. Certainly nothing compared to the knight. Compared to their fate it like a Titan. And it is also low.
They stopped talking about the house in Monaco. They have forgotten the Tulliani. No one who has bothered to be interested in the first contract, the one that yielded the NA property to an offshore company. Why not groped to determine who was behind this company?
People used to say: "many enemies, much honor." Qualcuno mi insegnò che nobilitare l’avversario rendeva più nobile me e la mia battaglia. Certo con Bersani che sale sui tetti…
Fin tanto che un popolo sopporterà di vedere, ma anche intravedere, la Dandini… Il cavaliere continuerà a vincere, anzi stravincere. Peccato che sia già vecchiotto.
Le Coop hanno introdotto il lettore ottico per velocizzare le procedure di acquisto (e ridurre il numero delle cassiere). Poi hanno introdotto le casse automatiche, per velocizzare il servizio alla clientela (e ridurre ulteriormente il numero delle cassiere). Ma la Coop è di sinistra, anzi ha origini comuniste. E’ perciò, notoriamente, dalla parte dei lavoratori. Certo non dalla parte profit. Indeed, remember? Less work for all work.
San Martino, 8 December 2010 (Immaculate Conception)

extras as listed
I followed these days, in spite of myself, the "gagging" of facing cuts in spending for Culture. We are in a country where many have been accustomed to live parasitically on the backs of others and therefore This "gag" have their historical justification. In short, even telegraphic.
I wonder, with some concern, what will happen to the television every night so many minstrels entertain us with their satire, now arcilogora even grotesque, about Berlusconi, when he left the scene. Why sooner or later he will leave the scene. I hope, though with some fear that it can not come true, that they leave the scene.
It was said once, referring to certain paradoxes: "even the oaks are lemons." Only four decades ago, the students take to the streets to "fight" against the "barons". It was '68. Today, however, go down the streets to defend the privileges of the "barons", who held the ball for the students the "precarious" and researchers. Already, researchers. Many of these research "parasitic" a nothing, a system of "accommodation" chain in degree courses and institutions which only serve to fuel unnecessary Moloch did a job and clientele.
The press and TV are competing to sketch a picture of Berlusconi. Portraying him in all the poses. No one who takes the trouble to properly represent Casini, Fini and Rutelli. Real extras. Listed. Certainly nothing compared to the knight. Compared to their fate it like a Titan. And it is also low.
They stopped talking about the house in Monaco. They have forgotten the Tulliani. No one who has bothered to be interested in the first contract, the one that yielded the NA property to an offshore company. Why not groped to determine who was behind this company?
People used to say: "many enemies, much honor." Qualcuno mi insegnò che nobilitare l’avversario rendeva più nobile me e la mia battaglia. Certo con Bersani che sale sui tetti…
Fin tanto che un popolo sopporterà di vedere, ma anche intravedere, la Dandini… Il cavaliere continuerà a vincere, anzi stravincere. Peccato che sia già vecchiotto.
Le Coop hanno introdotto il lettore ottico per velocizzare le procedure di acquisto (e ridurre il numero delle cassiere). Poi hanno introdotto le casse automatiche, per velocizzare il servizio alla clientela (e ridurre ulteriormente il numero delle cassiere). Ma la Coop è di sinistra, anzi ha origini comuniste. E’ perciò, notoriamente, dalla parte dei lavoratori. Certo non dalla parte profit. Indeed, remember? Less work for all work.
San Martino, 8 December 2010 (Immaculate Conception)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Do You Capitalize Stereo
junkie without a license and invests cyclists: a massacre!
Lamezia Terme, Moroccan drugged and invest without a license, overwhelms and kills eight cyclists.
Video Here
The names of cyclists killed here

Lamezia Terme, Moroccan drugged and invest without a license, overwhelms and kills eight cyclists.
Video Here
The names of cyclists killed here
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