extras as listed
I followed these days, in spite of myself, the "gagging" of facing cuts in spending for Culture. We are in a country where many have been accustomed to live parasitically on the backs of others and therefore This "gag" have their historical justification. In short, even telegraphic.
I wonder, with some concern, what will happen to the television every night so many minstrels entertain us with their satire, now arcilogora even grotesque, about Berlusconi, when he left the scene. Why sooner or later he will leave the scene. I hope, though with some fear that it can not come true, that they leave the scene.
It was said once, referring to certain paradoxes: "even the oaks are lemons." Only four decades ago, the students take to the streets to "fight" against the "barons". It was '68. Today, however, go down the streets to defend the privileges of the "barons", who held the ball for the students the "precarious" and researchers. Already, researchers. Many of these research "parasitic" a nothing, a system of "accommodation" chain in degree courses and institutions which only serve to fuel unnecessary Moloch did a job and clientele.
The press and TV are competing to sketch a picture of Berlusconi. Portraying him in all the poses. No one who takes the trouble to properly represent Casini, Fini and Rutelli. Real extras. Listed. Certainly nothing compared to the knight. Compared to their fate it like a Titan. And it is also low.
They stopped talking about the house in Monaco. They have forgotten the Tulliani. No one who has bothered to be interested in the first contract, the one that yielded the NA property to an offshore company. Why not groped to determine who was behind this company?
People used to say: "many enemies, much honor." Qualcuno mi insegnò che nobilitare l’avversario rendeva più nobile me e la mia battaglia. Certo con Bersani che sale sui tetti…
Fin tanto che un popolo sopporterà di vedere, ma anche intravedere, la Dandini… Il cavaliere continuerà a vincere, anzi stravincere. Peccato che sia già vecchiotto.
Le Coop hanno introdotto il lettore ottico per velocizzare le procedure di acquisto (e ridurre il numero delle cassiere). Poi hanno introdotto le casse automatiche, per velocizzare il servizio alla clientela (e ridurre ulteriormente il numero delle cassiere). Ma la Coop è di sinistra, anzi ha origini comuniste. E’ perciò, notoriamente, dalla parte dei lavoratori. Certo non dalla parte profit. Indeed, remember? Less work for all work.
San Martino, 8 December 2010 (Immaculate Conception)
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