Someone wrote (see the end of 24 hours on the Sun today) April 25 to commemorate those who wanted freedom and the end of each dictatorship. Not really. In real ones che più sparavano, blateravano e si sbracciavano e scrivevano sui muri ”libertà”, e facevano gara a chi faceva a pezzi – letterale – più avversari (padri spirituali e mandanti di quanti negli anni ’70 scandivano a gran voce che: “ammazzare un fascista non è reato”), non potendolo fare immediatamente, avrebbero di lì a poco sotterrato le armi occorrenti per instaurare la “nuova” dittatura, quella del proletariato... Ma lasciamo perdere, dato che tutti sanno, anche se in quest’Italia di ipocriti hanno sempre finto di non sapere, ancorché alla zitta preparassero il “Gladio”. Acqua passata!...
La questione oggi è un’altra. E could be due all'insipienza (political and cultural inadequacy) of Franceschini, and its pressing on Berlusconi about "April 25", a further - and hopefully final - step toward the "reduction" of the cultural left, and more matter to a real and permanent peace.
Berlusconi has done well to accept the invitation franceschinesco, has done well to go. Too bad that you had not thought himself right away. But perhaps, more intelligent Ferrara, he had already understood that in '94 to win the people's right and what needed to be moderated demonize the communist left. Perhaps only intuitively took the same dress of the opponents. So today he goes, invited and solicited, and, indeed, protected by the host about eventuli politically, but very unlikely extreme claims (given that you know and you always knew who was the director of the extremist claims).
I believe in fact, even easier, that Berlusconi or his representative, should actually plan (if any residue in his mind over the space occupied in the care of their image, or that the issue of national reconciliation may be of some interest) should plan for - I said - from this day forward, a major national holiday. A party which is easy for everyone to recognize: the Feast of Freedom (Much more honest and "sincere" and worried about the future seemed to me Napolitano's speech - perhaps because of the generosity of octogenarians who are beginning to see the vanity of evil feelings - in which the bases for a general sharing could see). It would, CODEST party, starting a slow but inexorable process of substitution of real frustration in a "whole" - "no equivalent", able to remove the residue left grip of identity for certain vulgar mob, livid with hatred visceral, always foaming at the mouth of the thread, stir (with placet - if not the director - of the old Democrat caste, of which F. is still worthy heir) of fifty division. I mean, on that clear, that it is limited instrumentally appropriate for the absolute: given that the content of liberation is freedom, and freedom is a value in which everyone can identify. A nation can recognize. Where, instead, largely refusing to identify with the "process of acquisition, the release in fact, very many respects" very dull ", and much exploited by those who, then, freedom - as we all know - was the last to want .
it should, once and for all, in order to achieve genuine national reconciliation - if that is possible, which I doubt very often -, clean up the field from the grim Manichaeism making it impossible to make definitive light on a period in our history. There were some (here and there) honest and in good faith, but there were also criminals and evildoers. And, the "companions" have never wanted to admit, not all resistance was partisan. Therefore, there is no vertical line that separates good from evil, placing the right to absolute evil (as he recently called an idiot, throwing out of his mind, in history, the absolute void that perhaps the last neuron, as Note particle sodium Lethe water, he saw around), and left the hosts of angels, seraphim, cherubim or so, as the Communists wanted to represent the various Moranino more or less known and fellow Istrian infoibatori titin. A general process of sanctification which is preparing now Togliatti,
enacting an amnesty so early, so the price was set at liberty some fascist (of the few still alive), but mostly free and not send the hundreds on trial Thousands of fellow partisans, and not, which were stained with crimes, from thefts to the most heinous crimes. So much!
Now, we, today (I would immediately clear that This "we" want to mean those who care that a serious historical process, that is not tainted by any prejudice at the start, shedding light on scientific rigor and honesty with the entire period of the civil war, without any indulgence to anyone) now, we, today - I said - we are in a situation in this very favorable, as long as it wishes and Codest process it intends to undertake. First we look at the very favorable political and cultural ignorance of the opponent, which offers an opportunity on occasion to ensure that such a process can be turned on, then do not consider the role played by secondary NAUSA generated more than half century of empty rhetoric and instrumental; then again, the effects of globalization, which, despite its negativity, makes a general reshuffling of the cards (thanks to the work of leveling and approval at the same time destroying the cultural identity made by the TV more and more junk), then again, the effects of a school that Democrats and Communists smashed, creating generations of people and crowds of students increasingly ignorant, who raised a force of brainwashing hapatheid up in South Africa Martin Luther King, songs of blacks in slavery, etc.. etc.., know nothing or almost, and are therefore more likely to "reeducate" (just as in the tabula rasa that he wanted his friend or loved What more radical and cruel Pol Pot).
Moreover, the story is not new to such processes "substitute" the Christmas season it is the best example, but you could add a long list of pagan symbols in Christian metaphors happily.
Besides, I believe that against the bad faith with which some distort reality for their own purposes and falsify history (with the complicity of those opportunism renounced their faith in the truth), we can be lenient with a pinch of spegiudicatezza which I appeal, since the "new" development must be based on sound foundations. Because sooner or later the world has tremare...
Bruno Stepic
San Martino, 25 aprile 2009 – S. Marco Evangelista
P.S. Leggo fra le news che Berlusconi vuole equiparare i Repubblichini ai Partigiani. Ne deduco che Berlusconi non ha capito nulla. Come sempre gli piace strafare. Come i bambini bizzosi vuole tutto, subito! Fin quando qualcuno non gli molla un sonoro ceffone... A meno che, ripensando, non sia un piccolo tributo pagato alla destra di Storace, dato che le elezioni...
La questione oggi è un’altra. E could be due all'insipienza (political and cultural inadequacy) of Franceschini, and its pressing on Berlusconi about "April 25", a further - and hopefully final - step toward the "reduction" of the cultural left, and more matter to a real and permanent peace.
Berlusconi has done well to accept the invitation franceschinesco, has done well to go. Too bad that you had not thought himself right away. But perhaps, more intelligent Ferrara, he had already understood that in '94 to win the people's right and what needed to be moderated demonize the communist left. Perhaps only intuitively took the same dress of the opponents. So today he goes, invited and solicited, and, indeed, protected by the host about eventuli politically, but very unlikely extreme claims (given that you know and you always knew who was the director of the extremist claims).
I believe in fact, even easier, that Berlusconi or his representative, should actually plan (if any residue in his mind over the space occupied in the care of their image, or that the issue of national reconciliation may be of some interest) should plan for - I said - from this day forward, a major national holiday. A party which is easy for everyone to recognize: the Feast of Freedom (Much more honest and "sincere" and worried about the future seemed to me Napolitano's speech - perhaps because of the generosity of octogenarians who are beginning to see the vanity of evil feelings - in which the bases for a general sharing could see). It would, CODEST party, starting a slow but inexorable process of substitution of real frustration in a "whole" - "no equivalent", able to remove the residue left grip of identity for certain vulgar mob, livid with hatred visceral, always foaming at the mouth of the thread, stir (with placet - if not the director - of the old Democrat caste, of which F. is still worthy heir) of fifty division. I mean, on that clear, that it is limited instrumentally appropriate for the absolute: given that the content of liberation is freedom, and freedom is a value in which everyone can identify. A nation can recognize. Where, instead, largely refusing to identify with the "process of acquisition, the release in fact, very many respects" very dull ", and much exploited by those who, then, freedom - as we all know - was the last to want .
it should, once and for all, in order to achieve genuine national reconciliation - if that is possible, which I doubt very often -, clean up the field from the grim Manichaeism making it impossible to make definitive light on a period in our history. There were some (here and there) honest and in good faith, but there were also criminals and evildoers. And, the "companions" have never wanted to admit, not all resistance was partisan. Therefore, there is no vertical line that separates good from evil, placing the right to absolute evil (as he recently called an idiot, throwing out of his mind, in history, the absolute void that perhaps the last neuron, as Note particle sodium Lethe water, he saw around), and left the hosts of angels, seraphim, cherubim or so, as the Communists wanted to represent the various Moranino more or less known and fellow Istrian infoibatori titin. A general process of sanctification which is preparing now Togliatti,
Now, we, today (I would immediately clear that This "we" want to mean those who care that a serious historical process, that is not tainted by any prejudice at the start, shedding light on scientific rigor and honesty with the entire period of the civil war, without any indulgence to anyone) now, we, today - I said - we are in a situation in this very favorable, as long as it wishes and Codest process it intends to undertake. First we look at the very favorable political and cultural ignorance of the opponent, which offers an opportunity on occasion to ensure that such a process can be turned on, then do not consider the role played by secondary NAUSA generated more than half century of empty rhetoric and instrumental; then again, the effects of globalization, which, despite its negativity, makes a general reshuffling of the cards (thanks to the work of leveling and approval at the same time destroying the cultural identity made by the TV more and more junk), then again, the effects of a school that Democrats and Communists smashed, creating generations of people and crowds of students increasingly ignorant, who raised a force of brainwashing hapatheid up in South Africa Martin Luther King, songs of blacks in slavery, etc.. etc.., know nothing or almost, and are therefore more likely to "reeducate" (just as in the tabula rasa that he wanted his friend or loved What more radical and cruel Pol Pot).
Moreover, the story is not new to such processes "substitute" the Christmas season it is the best example, but you could add a long list of pagan symbols in Christian metaphors happily.
Besides, I believe that against the bad faith with which some distort reality for their own purposes and falsify history (with the complicity of those opportunism renounced their faith in the truth), we can be lenient with a pinch of spegiudicatezza which I appeal, since the "new" development must be based on sound foundations. Because sooner or later the world has tremare...
Bruno Stepic
San Martino, 25 aprile 2009 – S. Marco Evangelista
P.S. Leggo fra le news che Berlusconi vuole equiparare i Repubblichini ai Partigiani. Ne deduco che Berlusconi non ha capito nulla. Come sempre gli piace strafare. Come i bambini bizzosi vuole tutto, subito! Fin quando qualcuno non gli molla un sonoro ceffone... A meno che, ripensando, non sia un piccolo tributo pagato alla destra di Storace, dato che le elezioni...
26 aprile 2009
No! Things are not like "telling" in the news in the Post Scriptum yesterday. The proposal is not parliamentary but Berlusconi, and the "stink" about it is all from Franceschini (appears worthy of the Oscar Luigi!). In fact, beyond assessments of the political opportunity here omit. Concerning the need for a party called the Freedom from the post yesterday, some things you do, but it's not necessary to tell first!
Among the images I chose Christian Temperance, the same icon for the Gentiles was Ebe (hereinafter Canova, above; Thorvaldsens below, another neoclassical sculptor), daughter of Jupiter, then expelled from Olympus to make way for Ganymede, then who married to Hercules. But, I realize, I had to choose Prudence, two-faced like Janus ...