I am quite sorry for those who in the past month, have visited the blog waiting for a new small page and have remained disappointed.
the earthquake will not write anything, I think it's been said and written too. Santoro's not even a comment, because the character does not interest me and not leave any room for considerations balanced: it generates just the opposite (attitudes, feelings, opinions). I do not see much different from the hated Berlusconi, his - apparently - only reason for living. And opposite, to stay in theme, the League also generate and Di Pietro, who are full (at least by recent polls - even of stone steps from 4 to 9%). They fill the empty spaces left by others, with their uncritical and attracting justicialism summary: I do not see it easy in fact a difference between the attitude League (obtuse and reactionary protectionism bruise), and the Italy of Values, at least from what we hear and law here and there, would give Berlusconi and his followers the same treatment that Borghezio, the Calderoli and Gentilini ( http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=-1596157768925833438 ) reserved for the Roma, gay and estracomunitari. The growth and the election after they are fed every day by people just like Santoro, how the various Labor and many other 'characters' TV, entertainment (which give a sad sight), comedians, pseudo comedians, jugglers and clowns - for them
is necessary to wait a bit 'of time when you realize that the knight is designed to stand on the podium again for a while, some will begin to climb on the bandwagon as they have always done in the clowns - who audience today to pay into rivers fuel to the fire, the fact that, as we see, bears fruit. (On the other hand you have removed from the scene political movements in a buffer, such as NA led to a diaspora the right source, which was divided between those who will not transhumance to high pastures of the Knight, he found himself having to decide between the right and the League of Storace - or, on the other hand Casini, see below -. But the same happened next: the confusion of values \u200b\u200band reference points in the PD - the latest polls give him a marked further decline - and the breakup of the most radical left have favored - pro tempore - the forcaiolismo dipietrino). So there is a growing radicalization of positions that certainly will not lead to anything good. Also because the impotence always generates irrational reactions, just as happens when you deny something or merely a way for creating in him a little child, poor alternatives, a hysterical tantrum. I hope that This "hysteria" child of a radical left helpless and not re-generate daily incited terrorism - the last thing we need - even for the reaction it would trigger.
Sure to read here and there, in the forum on the net, the thought of many of our countrymen would be concerned, just because of all Codest uncritical and increasingly radical opposition. It is the fear of the impossibility of dialogue (a key condition, even indispensable in any society that will define civil) may become increasingly large and dangerous for our democracy (that yes, not fascism, which many already see morons everywhere).
Epper, then, common sense suggests that translating is not universal in particular as well as silly, and that the doctor (some know who I mean) that listening to the views of three or four outpatients supposed to know what you think people, was very stupid. A large number Codest polls, cited by 24 Radio this morning give up the PDL of 4 or 5 percentage points
, which would result in 42-43%. But give up the game of Casino, which perhaps takes by AN who do not want to go with the gentleman (if you ask what you can. Watching the likes of Poli Bortone would seem so. And then we must consider that AN has grown up with the votes that were also from the former Christian Democrats, the votes that might go back today where it came from).
In any event, to me, just do not like this bad trend, and hence, like many, I can not do a damn nothing more than sit back and watch what happens. I console myself (something I recommend) with the continuous wonder of nature that renews his show every day (these days I saw the first Scilla bifolia - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scilla_bifolia or http://www.pieroweb.com/fiori/scillasilvestre1mini.jpg – di un colore azzurro elettrico incredibile), oppure con l’arte, che trasporta in un mondo ‘altro’, o cerco di trovare piacere in qualche buona lettura. E mi fingo, tanto per tirarmi su di morale, certo fatte salve le proporzioni, un po’ come il Machiavelli, del quale vi propongo un passo (assai noto ma sempre molto fascinoso e significativo) dalla Lettera a Francesco Vettori del 10 dicembre 1513.
Bruno Stepic
San Martino, 13 aprile 2009, lunedì di Pasquetta
[…] Partitomi del bosco, io me ne vo ad una fonte, e di quivi in un mio uccellare. Ho un libro sotto, o Dante o Petrarca, o uno di questi poeti minori, come Tibullo, Ovid and the like: I read their loves, passions, and their loves ricordomi de 'Me: gòdomi a piece in this thought. Transferiscomi then on the road, nell'hosteria; talk to those who pass, I ask the new de 'their countries, I mean various things, known and various tastes and different patterns of huomini. While this is in the hora of the dinner, where with my brigade I eat those foods that the poor farm and paululo heritage entails. I've eaten, nell'hosteria return: there is the host for the ordinary, a butcher, a miller, dua furnace. With all these I m'ingaglioffo clearance to crack, Tricia-trach, and then where are born one thousand disputes and endless teasing of offending words, and more delle volte si combatte un quattrino, e siamo sentiti non di manco gridare da San Casciano. Cosí, rinvolto in tra questi pidocchi, traggo el cervello di muffa, e sfogo questa malignità di questa mia sorta, sendo contento mi calpesti per questa via, per vedere se la se ne vergognassi.
Venuta la sera, mi ritorno a casa ed entro nel mio scrittoio; e in sull'uscio mi spoglio quella veste cotidiana, piena di fango e di loto, e mi metto panni reali e curiali; e rivestito condecentemente, entro nelle antique corti delli antiqui huomini, dove, da loro ricevuto amorevolmente, mi pasco di quel cibo che solum è mio e ch’io nacqui per lui; dove io non mi vergogno parlare con loro e domandarli della ragione delle loro azioni; e quelli per loro humanità mi rispondono; e non sento per quattro hore di tempo alcuna noia, sdimentico ogni affanno, non temo la povertà, non mi sbigottisce la morte: tutto mi transferisco in loro. […]
the earthquake will not write anything, I think it's been said and written too. Santoro's not even a comment, because the character does not interest me and not leave any room for considerations balanced: it generates just the opposite (attitudes, feelings, opinions). I do not see much different from the hated Berlusconi, his - apparently - only reason for living. And opposite, to stay in theme, the League also generate and Di Pietro, who are full (at least by recent polls - even of stone steps from 4 to 9%). They fill the empty spaces left by others, with their uncritical and attracting justicialism summary: I do not see it easy in fact a difference between the attitude League (obtuse and reactionary protectionism bruise), and the Italy of Values, at least from what we hear and law here and there, would give Berlusconi and his followers the same treatment that Borghezio, the Calderoli and Gentilini ( http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=-1596157768925833438 ) reserved for the Roma, gay and estracomunitari. The growth and the election after they are fed every day by people just like Santoro, how the various Labor and many other 'characters' TV, entertainment (which give a sad sight), comedians, pseudo comedians, jugglers and clowns - for them

Sure to read here and there, in the forum on the net, the thought of many of our countrymen would be concerned, just because of all Codest uncritical and increasingly radical opposition. It is the fear of the impossibility of dialogue (a key condition, even indispensable in any society that will define civil) may become increasingly large and dangerous for our democracy (that yes, not fascism, which many already see morons everywhere).
Epper, then, common sense suggests that translating is not universal in particular as well as silly, and that the doctor (some know who I mean) that listening to the views of three or four outpatients supposed to know what you think people, was very stupid. A large number Codest polls, cited by 24 Radio this morning give up the PDL of 4 or 5 percentage points

In any event, to me, just do not like this bad trend, and hence, like many, I can not do a damn nothing more than sit back and watch what happens. I console myself (something I recommend) with the continuous wonder of nature that renews his show every day (these days I saw the first Scilla bifolia - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scilla_bifolia or http://www.pieroweb.com/fiori/scillasilvestre1mini.jpg – di un colore azzurro elettrico incredibile), oppure con l’arte, che trasporta in un mondo ‘altro’, o cerco di trovare piacere in qualche buona lettura. E mi fingo, tanto per tirarmi su di morale, certo fatte salve le proporzioni, un po’ come il Machiavelli, del quale vi propongo un passo (assai noto ma sempre molto fascinoso e significativo) dalla Lettera a Francesco Vettori del 10 dicembre 1513.
Bruno Stepic
San Martino, 13 aprile 2009, lunedì di Pasquetta
[…] Partitomi del bosco, io me ne vo ad una fonte, e di quivi in un mio uccellare. Ho un libro sotto, o Dante o Petrarca, o uno di questi poeti minori, come Tibullo, Ovid and the like: I read their loves, passions, and their loves ricordomi de 'Me: gòdomi a piece in this thought. Transferiscomi then on the road, nell'hosteria; talk to those who pass, I ask the new de 'their countries, I mean various things, known and various tastes and different patterns of huomini. While this is in the hora of the dinner, where with my brigade I eat those foods that the poor farm and paululo heritage entails. I've eaten, nell'hosteria return: there is the host for the ordinary, a butcher, a miller, dua furnace. With all these I m'ingaglioffo clearance to crack, Tricia-trach, and then where are born one thousand disputes and endless teasing of offending words, and more delle volte si combatte un quattrino, e siamo sentiti non di manco gridare da San Casciano. Cosí, rinvolto in tra questi pidocchi, traggo el cervello di muffa, e sfogo questa malignità di questa mia sorta, sendo contento mi calpesti per questa via, per vedere se la se ne vergognassi.
Venuta la sera, mi ritorno a casa ed entro nel mio scrittoio; e in sull'uscio mi spoglio quella veste cotidiana, piena di fango e di loto, e mi metto panni reali e curiali; e rivestito condecentemente, entro nelle antique corti delli antiqui huomini, dove, da loro ricevuto amorevolmente, mi pasco di quel cibo che solum è mio e ch’io nacqui per lui; dove io non mi vergogno parlare con loro e domandarli della ragione delle loro azioni; e quelli per loro humanità mi rispondono; e non sento per quattro hore di tempo alcuna noia, sdimentico ogni affanno, non temo la povertà, non mi sbigottisce la morte: tutto mi transferisco in loro. […]

Le illustrazioni sono Honoré Daumier
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