ask me, maybe with a bit 'of irony, if I take care of Botany . Of course not! Although I must say that we should focus a bit 'more of certain things as how we are immersed in an increasingly "virtual" increasingly complex, full of contradictions, and against more and more irrational, instinctive, visceral, dangerous, we should pause, reflect and take stock.
All talk and debating everything from the importance of the matter is given not by their intrinsic importance but their ability to attract attention, to make news. So the listener, which is often quite naive, misled, always in danger of confusing plans to put the first of what should come next. Today, at lunch, the radio informed us of a double murder in a family: a husband and wife, name and surname. He could not stay there (if indeed the news from spreading to a whole Nation)! No, they went on to describe how, or the crushed skull (No! No gunshot wound), only bludgeoned ... And one must be careful to say something, complaints: just call you a fascist, he wants to muzzle the press, that wants to prevent the freedom of the press. It 's so. There is nothing to be done. As recently as last Saturday I popped into a supermarket to take the last two things. It was about 18, the
shop crowded with people in difficulty passing carts and shelves. But here, to frustrate a young man about 38-40, which had supported a woman, I guess his girlfriend (a discreet blonde), a double-basket of oranges (Navelinas) and, hands on thighs, rubbing the pumice (even clothes) with unmistakable movement of the body from top to bottom in a pubic mutual contact, with clear language in juicy oral exploration. There, under the eyes of all: young and old. I do not deny that I felt a strong discomfort, to read as if I had dropped his trousers and underwear in the middle of a crowd watching me. But some kick ass people in supermarkets is prohibited. And mind you that are not at all a moralist clerk: I would say, indeed, quite the opposite.
And then they cut off the road, do not stop to stop at the traffic lights take the opportunity to empty the ashtray or empty Kleenex used by the window.
I do not know what to say, and certainly these are just daily crumbs of a company that is going to pieces. I look and I think about it so long, I think you just have to work, each in its own small, to reaffirm (not fixed points, which at the time would already be asking too much) but the need to restate the key points, stakes, possibly shared from 'all' (the reference number but obviously not political), which
will mark the boundary of the legal and illegal act. Primary need is not so pompous to save civilization, but more modestly, the very fabric of society. Condition without which it will soon fall to the far west. I know that
You observed: - But the law? - Yes, of course, the Law! But the law has authority need to count, you need to be convinced the people who enforce, he needs the certainty of punishment for those found guilty and are then judged as such. But more needs to feel that the imperative within us as moral sense.
I just hope that when you decide to play around with the fence posts not already totally wrecked. Or you decide that you lock the stable door after the horse has already bolted.
Now, finally, not botany or ornithology and geology, but a rock, a tree trunk, a lizard, green and blue or some timid lizard; the "burst" short of a woodpecker, and the raucous chatter of a jay, moss, hellebore, the pungent smell of the eternal yellow flower heads (a couple of months) or smell of sodden leaves the first year maybe they can help us find the "we" deep coming from far away, long before the polyvinyl chloride, the diclorodifelitricloroetani, GMOs, NGOs (and the various Santoro) there ruined existence.
A cordial greeting, your
All talk and debating everything from the importance of the matter is given not by their intrinsic importance but their ability to attract attention, to make news. So the listener, which is often quite naive, misled, always in danger of confusing plans to put the first of what should come next. Today, at lunch, the radio informed us of a double murder in a family: a husband and wife, name and surname. He could not stay there (if indeed the news from spreading to a whole Nation)! No, they went on to describe how, or the crushed skull (No! No gunshot wound), only bludgeoned ... And one must be careful to say something, complaints: just call you a fascist, he wants to muzzle the press, that wants to prevent the freedom of the press. It 's so. There is nothing to be done. As recently as last Saturday I popped into a supermarket to take the last two things. It was about 18, the

And then they cut off the road, do not stop to stop at the traffic lights take the opportunity to empty the ashtray or empty Kleenex used by the window.
I do not know what to say, and certainly these are just daily crumbs of a company that is going to pieces. I look and I think about it so long, I think you just have to work, each in its own small, to reaffirm (not fixed points, which at the time would already be asking too much) but the need to restate the key points, stakes, possibly shared from 'all' (the reference number but obviously not political), which

You observed: - But the law? - Yes, of course, the Law! But the law has authority need to count, you need to be convinced the people who enforce, he needs the certainty of punishment for those found guilty and are then judged as such. But more needs to feel that the imperative within us as moral sense.
I just hope that when you decide to play around with the fence posts not already totally wrecked. Or you decide that you lock the stable door after the horse has already bolted.
Now, finally, not botany or ornithology and geology, but a rock, a tree trunk, a lizard, green and blue or some timid lizard; the "burst" short of a woodpecker, and the raucous chatter of a jay, moss, hellebore, the pungent smell of the eternal yellow flower heads (a couple of months) or smell of sodden leaves the first year maybe they can help us find the "we" deep coming from far away, long before the polyvinyl chloride, the diclorodifelitricloroetani, GMOs, NGOs (and the various Santoro) there ruined existence.
A cordial greeting, your

The paintings are by JBC Corot
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