Luca Di Sciascio
L'ARTICOLO DEL 24 February 2009
Energy: Italy back light years
It was back in 1987 when Italy thanks to a popular referendum sanctioned the abandonment by the nation's nuclear energy. Only to dismantle four of these nuclear power stations to the International Energy Agency has estimated a cost of $ 2 billion. At 22 years after the current Prime Minister Berlusconi, concludes a chord showing Italy in 2020 to rebuild and start the nuclear power plants. A decision absurd and unacceptable for various reasons that I will explain briefly. First, there is NO ONE IN THE WORLD NUCLEAR CLEAN AND SAFE because in 2008 many were accidents at different plants around the world though fortunately without serious damage to the population, and still remains the problem of disposing of waste or radioactive waste better.
With development costs of these plants, about 3-4 billion euro for a medium power plant, you could install thousands of solar and wind power that can safely replace nuclear power stations, as is happening in Spain, where a day of November, the wind farms came to produce even 43% of daily demand, or as is happening in Austria, which already has excellent facilities and solar by 2020, wants to make over one third of national demand solo con il solare. Anche in America, il neo-presidente Obama ha dichiarato che nel giro di pochi anni vuole arrivare a produrre il 20% del fabbisogno nazionale di energia, grazie al solare. Nel 2010 la Svezia uscirà definitivamente dal nucleare e verrà seguita a ruota nel 2014 dalla Spagna, nel 2020 dall’Austria, nel 2025 dal Belgio e man mano da altre nazioni che stanno prendendo la stessa decisione. Perché, come sempre, l’Italia deve tornare indietro anni luce? Speriamo che non sia l’interesse privato di qualche imprenditore o politico a prevalere su scelte importantissime per il futuro.
Il Governo Italiano dovrebbe solo investire nelle energie alternative, in modo da diventare autonomi dalle altre nazioni nel giro di qualche years, so 'as to reach within the European Commission is proposing the phased closure of all stations, particularly those that are just a few kilometers from the French Italian border. NO TO NUCLEAR POWER, NO TO ANOTHER CHERNOBYL!
Luca Di Sciascio
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