"Ben will be the progress made in these hours in our country in one of the most critical areas of female life as that of conciliation between the life and times of work and commitment as we continue to work as Italy goes back on its feet from what are the negative assessments in Europe and not only as regards the full and equal integration of women in business and especially in those decisions. The most urgent commitment women for women, however, is surely one of the concrete recognition of basic human rights for women who live in parts of the globe living conditions very difficult to define as "human" and that despite this still equally important to ensure that contribution even silent and denied to the community. And the thought can not go into this particular historical and difficult phase in particular the Libyan women and for them to all those who are in difficult conditions aggravated by dramatic contingencies.
-think-this is the most important and strong message towards a definition of unavoidable commitments by of everyone, not just women, it can be noted in a March 8, 2011, which unfortunately still see the dawn of current episodes denial of fundamental human rights are often justified even by supposed rules of a barbarous law, and this is the way to follow because you will be able to act positively even on those realities that are not included in the reports but that afflict so indescribably inhumane communities are geographically not very distant from us.
E 'to offer a moment of reflection and contribution in these terms as a school of continuing education UDC in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Department National Union of the Centre with the presence of Hon. Lorenzo Cesa Secretary national and centrist parliamentarians of all that for next March 14 we held a national conference to be held precisely in Rome titled "Hidden Women of the Renaissance and the mothers of the constituent in one big story" as the goal and the line to seize a historic opportunity to underline how important the role of women in very quiet times when it was crucial to achieve those lofty goals of civil development which we now live with the consequences.
Anna Paola Sabatini (National education policy UDC)
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