Sunday, February 6, 2011

Diagnosing Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders

response to ART at the Arena on the statements of Giacin Bulldoze and Fourth Tower

"From Giacin new spot on the Esplanade"

2011CRONACA Monday, February 7, page 8

They discuss the statements by the deputy mayor and city council member to 'Urban Vito Giacin the intervention plan which covers about 600 expressions of interest outside the sector south of Verona. Federico Benini, coordinator of the club Pd "Enzo Biagi" in the third constituency speaks of "yet another spot of deputy mayor." And he accuses: "It speaks of the fourth tower of Saval but no mention of the solution. The Democratic Party had asked again on September 16, 2009 a public "institution" with the residents, but the proposal was not taken into consideration. "
As the park of the esplanade, Benini Giacin asked to "explain why it was voted down the proposal of Councillor Carla Padovani on the environmental compensation in the Third through the acquisition by the municipality of private land in order to build the park." And he concludes: "He wants to make a serious proposal? Share the draft Arrigo Rudi for a large green area of \u200b\u200bVerona "

Once again rejected our proposals in other words, the worse and pretend like they were designed.


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