Monday, February 28, 2011

Electricity Denatures Enzymes

Tunnel and motion. Final Summary (Stephen and Carla Padovani Vallana)

Care democratic, dear Democrats,
ended with the vote in yesterday's City Council, this long period of discussion on the tunnel Torricelle.
It ended with our vote against the majority and with the compact, which voted in favor.
E 'state, the group led by the council of the PD, a long and fruitful, which involved the party in various components (from the provincial secretary, town, district councils, the circulation). and that was the goal of identifying a shared position as possible.
I thank the group for the council's commitment with which he addressed the question.
repeat that as responsible party and the reformist opposition as a responsible government that aspires to our city, it was decided that action should be taken however to make the project possible through the less impact the motion passed (almost unanimously) the last February 23 that, among the objectives set, had the advantage of being closely linked to the demands raised by the clubs and district directors of the areas most affected by the passage of the work.

Stefano Vallana
Coordinator national Democratic Party

communications regarding the approval of the Secretary-national variation in the classroom to the tunnel, I think it important to send the text of the motion approved classroom voting against only of De Robertis (Olive Tree) and Perini (Italian Communists).

also add other information:

were made nine council committee meetings, 14 town councils and 50 hours of debate over amendments to 912 (remember that the intervention was contingent in the courtroom for 30 minutes Adviser and exposure and declaration of vote on the amendments to 1 minute). It is

come to the talks on the motion through the 912 amendments, if the number was not as high as probably the majority would vote now.

have been accepted even by orders of the day I had made before the classroom discussion of the variant and then were also included in the motion (attached). I retired to the Esplanade why not expressed well (though it is included in the motion) and has been taken as a recommendation to which shared the information about the Coldiretti 'expropriation (follow the protocol used for the Valdastico and the Mestre).

During classroom discussion, I even stronger, even through an examination of comments from environmental groups, Friends of the bicycle, Coldiretti and many citizens who have spoken not only to safeguard their personal interest but because they care about their city, as this Faroni proposal will not serve for our city, I only hope that the information proposals (see for example the passage in the trench or tunnel under artificial channels), mitigates environmental impact.

These observations I have kept and made it available at the headquarters of our club.

Carla Padovani

Municipal Council PD


In occasione dell’approvazione della delibera n. 7/2011 e in vista della predisposizione del bando di gara

Il Consiglio Comunale
Il Sindaco e l’Amministrazione Comunale

a prevedere, nell’ambito dei criteri di selezione delle offerte, la valutazione delle seguenti proposte migliorative e progettuali:
• soluzioni progettuali che garantiscano la maggior mitigazione ambientale e la miglior salvaguardia paesaggistica con particolare riferimento all’ambito del fiume Adige, dopo lo svincolo di via Preare, anche in relazione ai coni ottici
• soluzioni progettuali che garantiscano nella parte ovest il percorso in trincea o, ove necessario (canali), in galleria artificiale
• realizzazione in contemporanea della rampa d’immissione diretta in galleria per gli utenti provenienti da nord (Valpantena) e diretti a ovest (Saval, Valpolicella, Verona nord), attualmente prevista a partire dal 2035
• realizzazione di piantumazioni specifiche per l’abbattimento dell’inquinamento e dei rumori per la tutela della salute e dell’ambiente per le parti residuali a cielo aperto (es. svincolo via Preare)
• applicazione della tariffa chilometrica anche per i veicoli leggeri (come già previsto per i veicoli pesanti) al fine di garantire l’equità del pagamento in rapporto alla distanza percorsa sull’infrastruttura •
incorporation into the environmental compensation:
- enlargement of Bacilieri Street between State Street and Lugagnano to drain traffic from Corso Milano, if not already provided by other planned interventions, public or private
- the continuation of the track Chievo cycle along Via Berardi-Airport-Boscomantico Power Plant, rehabilitation of street
• Valpantena as a way of eliminating the critical supply to the tunnel and creating a bicycle path predicting
• gatuità or at least the differentiation of fees charged in parking-lot of Saval to users of TPL

• to amend the draft Convention providing:
- monitoring compliance with the City parking charges to Saval exchanger and guest at the service of the hospital proposals in the competition
- the possibility, by the municipality, is to achieve all the infrastructure works under the PAT (for both private transport to public transport) than to change the existing road system and its regulation for the entire duration of the concession

• jury to include in a professional expert in urban planning and landscape
• to agree and draw up a protocol for the protection of espropriandi with the designation criteria that give certainty and fairness in compensation (change in the environment, access to funds, livability of the property, water supply, environmental impacts with irreversible damage, restore the quality of the current crop) •
to time in submitting a regulation that defines the relationship between the Administration and the City Council in the case of construction works in project financing
• to follow the instructions contained in the preliminary report of the Institute of Health regarding the participation and information to citizens
• to take a formal commitment to intervene with the competent authorities for the realization of the variant of the SS 12 and the continuation Road 434
• to pursue the acquisition of the remaining areas of the City, now private, of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park
• to provide, within five years by the commission through the north, the extension of link road to the Valpolicella until the road to north of Arbizzano Parona sought, if necessary, with the motorway companies to use even a part of the 53 million euro grant


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