Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Install Acura Mdx Running Boards


Caro Giovanni condivido il tuo giudizio su come, dal punto di vista architettonico, urbanistico ed ambientale, inteso come paesaggio urbano, San Salvo è diventata. Evidentemente la responsabilità degli errori è a diversi livelli, come i meriti per le cose positive fatte, ovviamente. Per inquadrare gli indirizzi urbanistici di cui San Salvo aveva ed ha bisogno occorre una grande sensibilità culturale. Spesso quando si parla di restauro e progettazione ex novo di edifici o di
centri abitati si usa la parola “Archicultura”. E forse non basta, perché poi sono anche i mutamenti sociali ed economici ad influire sulle scelte dei citizens: I am talking about the choice of many San Salves fathers to leave their homes to go and live in new housing and more comfortable. San Salvo, over the years, much has changed since the son of immigrants in the 70's, I knew that this was a beautiful country, subjectively speaking, southern Italy with sea view.
for me that I was living in a city of northern Europe, northern industrial France, compared to the urban dimension that I was used (high urban concentration), San Salvo seemed to me a picturesque village, with a company closely linked to land, in comparison, almost archaic, for example, my grandmother's house where we spent the summer holiday, he had in his room a mattress stuffed with the leaves of maize cobs.
So much has changed in San Salvo of my childhood, first visited as a tourist and then, from 74 as a resident. Since the odor: basil, peppers, peaches, meat sauce, they felt for each road. Not to mention urbanization! But much has changed in society that San salves, with the economic boom, has become richer and therefore everyone has wanted, legitimately of course, free itself from a condition of simple life, of a country and access to a way of life more comfortable, kind of modern consumerism. Going back to my grandmother's house in East Street where he lived, in the bathroom, there was only the sink and the vessel: one was bathing in a plastic tub, filled with heated water, first, on the gas stove. Indeed the building boom began in those years and continues today. Still moving into new neighborhoods. The new housing needs and the Italian migration, from the inside, tends to focus on the coast and industrialized areas, and in the last decade, migration from Eastern Europe have made San Salvo, a town of 20,000 inhabitants. But
changing social conditions have meant that the houses in the center, consisting primarily of small houses that often, we say, do not meet safety standards of construction, were abandoned. From here an inexorable abandonment by the San salves, those which were the fathers' houses, resulting in a depletion of the area. Many have restored, but a house that remains even after recovery, at the most useful for a time, until it is in a position to have a better location. Currently, I would say that San Salvador is neither fish nor fowl. I mean that is no longer the typical village of southern Italy that I knew as a child, but not a modern city with a beautifully restored downtown. In its metamorphosis, it seems that the process has not been completed. Any intervention of public housing is unfinished. See the car park via Montegrappa, which could be an important structure to free the car from the center, such Atessa and Chieti, see the town park, where the green in its redesign, it was not and is not followed by a landscape architect. A Vasto, the villa, they did a good job and eye for less. The appearance of the urban center is a whole ups and downs: tallest houses next to the lower houses, historic buildings next to new buildings, and who has submitted a proposed elevation before a certain date, he could do it, but those who wanted him to do after the fateful day, he was not granted. Hence the varied and diverse urban landscape. Example of this sort of schizophrenia is the Gate of Earth, one of the most historic buildings important to San Salvo, demolished to respond to the desire of the administration period of modernity, rebuilt, when it was realized the error, but a finished work it was realized that perhaps, given the loss of historical and architectural value building, it was better not do it again. Perhaps it is this that San Salvador, his administration has yet to understand: what identity to this city?
at this point will certainly be useful to take stock from which to draw the information necessary to formulate an identity project for the future of this city. San Salvador was, and hopefully will be again, a beautiful town in southern Italy, full of light and fragrant.


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