Monday, January 31, 2011

Dr. Seuss Cancer Rhyme

Caught and killed in front of the oratory, he was 15.

È stato travolto da un’auto sulle strisce pedonali mentre attraversava la strada,davanti all'oratorio di Peschiera Borromeo.
Andrea De Nando aveva 15 anni e stava tornando a casa.
Il ragazzo,che attraversava sulle strisce pedonali,per the terrible impact was thrown 20 meters away.

The photos of the daily " the citizen."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Disney Illuminations & Wishes

Fiat, quali prospettive dopo il referendum? (Sintesi di una serata)

Il circolo della terza circoscrizione di Verona “Enzo Biagi” ha avuto il merito di organizzare un incontro di grande attualità ed importanza per il paese: Fiat. Dopo il referendum quali prospettive?
L’incontro si è posto l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare i cittadini alle problematiche del lavoro e di avviare un confronto su argomenti che molto spesso dividono anziché unire in una prospettiva comune.
Ha introdotto i lavori Federico Benini, segretario del circolo, che ha illustrato con puntualità le condizioni della Fiat in Italia ed in Europa ed i contenuti dell’accordo di Mirafiori.
Nonostante le luci e le ombre che si presentano nell’affrontare l’argomento in questione, l’incontro è proseguito tra l’interesse dei partecipanti e l’impegno di costruire una strada comune che possa contribuire a superare le diffidenze, divisions and conflicts related to various positions taken by unions in the referendum to help improve the system, Italy.
The questions asked by Anthony Leone Roberto Fasoli, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, the interview focused on various topics from a brief analysis of the economic situation at international and national
- The lack of clear rules about the relationship between the national collective agreement and the contract company;
- The ineffectiveness of the provision of respite;
- The right of veto can be exercised by a minority organization that has not signed the contract;
- The exclusion from representation in the company that the union has not signed the contract;
- The participation of workers in the enterprise and the rules on representation.
To all these arguments and those who have placed the speakers said Roberto Fasoli, PD Veneto regional council, which moved in a spirit of responsibility in the only interest to propose a common strategy to manage the post-referendum in the interests workers and business. Fasoli criticized taken some positions that have exacerbated the conflict and the position that Marchionne did not build the necessary consensus around the proposal. In fact, the consensus Marchionne is low by workers regardless of positions stated in the referendum.
"I-need-Fasoli concluded that it develops a large, serious and thorough debate on the issues opened by the story because Fiat directly affect the future of industrial relations and trade unions in our country. The PD needs to be and play a leading role in promoting a confrontation with the unions today to rebuild a unified fabric torn. It must also build a solid relationship with the world of paid employment, and manufacturing employment in particular, that can not be left in a condition that Marco Revelli described as "unprecedented solitude of the job." If we represent the work we need to listen and understand the reasons for these workers and be able to offer them a credible prospect in terms of job security, dignity, recognition, or loss of professionalism. They must feel that the PD is on their side. On the themes of work, the action of the PD should be more concrete and continuous and it is good that our clubs provide opportunities for reflection around a theme that is the condition of autonomy and freedom of the people. "
The participants reiterated the need to represent in other meetings in the Province subject matter. Fasoli and Leone have expressed their availability to other events which bring people to the PD and those who live on their skin and employment issues.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Did I Get Gum Infection?

Traforo in consiglio comunale (di Carla Padovani)

began on Monday, January 20 City Council discussion on the variant of the tunnel, with nearly 2,500 observations made by the citizens.

read these comments and then to write the amendments I had a thought: many people have commented not only legitimate concern that their property, but many have made some observations on the intervention itself, in my opinion they are also a significant a form of public participation in decisions so important to the city, which must be considered and valued.

From yesterday, the debate has entered the living because they are considered and voted on the amendments (over 900): this is very challenging for us as directors have been reduced exposure time of the amendments, from 2 to 1 minute and explanations of vote 2 to 1 minute so to ensure that each amendment has a right time for discussion "obliges" us to intervene more ...

Personally, I presented 65 amendments and 8 agendas. I made the agenda as it was possible to make amendments only on comments from the public.

The agenda that I consider important Pià e significativo è quello che chiede di fare il tracciato a ovest in trincea ( ho allegato alcuni file che ho proiettato in consiglio comunale per il mio intervento), perchè è l'unica occasione che abbiamo per intervenire sull'opera in sè.

Poi ho reputato politicamente importante presentare anche un ordine del giorno che riguarda la Spianà visto che è la " battaglia" politica del nostro circolo per la 3^ Circoscrizione. A mio avviso sarebbe importantissimo, oltre che a livello progettuale doveroso, fare la strada in trincea.

Rimango a disposizione per ogni ulteriore informazione e chiarimento, invitandovi a guardare in diretta la discussione del consiglio sul sito del comune di Verona.



Given the importance of a direct road link with the Valpolicella (Arbizzano area), avoiding the crossing Parona

It calls on the administration

To consider the opportunity to make a direct link road to the north by Via Valpolicella pass under the railway

Bearing in mind that with the release the Brenner route will be much used

It calls on the authorities

To consider the opportunity to create a second lane in each direction in the section connecting with the Brenner route

Given that the crossings of the channels in the stretch west of the road are provided with a bridge over the channel, creating a significant environmental impact

administration is invited to consider that through such channels in a tunnel or underpass avevenga


Given the importance of the implementation of bicycle lanes to encourage sustainable mobility

administration is invited to explore the possibility of realizing, as the work of environmental compensation, a bike path that connects the White Cross on the former channel Conagra to the bike path "of the sun" along the existing channel Biffis, at the airport of Boscomantico, this bike path will be made, wherever possible, alongside the canal Conagra.


Given the importance of the construction of bicycle paths to promote sustainable mobility
It calls on the authorities
To consider the opportunity to realize, as the work of environmental compensation, continuation of the cycle path along the Via Airport Chievo Berardi-Power Plant-Boscomantico.

Given that the road project will move west along the agricultural zone, the administration

is invited to consider, as the work of clearing the environment, acquire the remaining areas of the Esplanade for the Urban Park realizzazine.

Given that the project will need final with specific agreements cover the damage with irreversible environmental impacts on land for farms involved in the course of the work. Since the work originated with the creation of funds landlocked reality that must be fully evaluated in their economic integration, as this will not only expropriate land, but set aside in its entirety in economic activity. If, therefore, that agriculture should be a really choked by the work, you should take into account this fact would be entirely undone, and then it would be unthinkable to consider only the cost of expropriation, but you should also evaluate the company values \u200b\u200bthe present and future
si invita l’amministrazione
di considerare la possibilità di valutare gli espropri come indicato dall’ “ Accordo sulle metodologie di determinazione delle indennità di espropriazione pe ril completamento a sud dell’autostrada Valdastico” allegato all’osservazione della Coldiretti Verona prot. Gen. 248820 del 5.10.10


Considerato che la strada in “ trincea” crea un minore impatto ambientale, un minore consumo di territorio , un minore costo perché non richiede la presenza di barriere antirumore, un minore costo di escavazione perché la parte ovest di Verona ha un terreno pregiato sedimentation in the area with the possibility of recovery of the gravel and its possible use for the construction of interchanges, a lower cost for home cotruzione road because the soil depth is more compact, lower cost of construction of future structures crossing ( v, bridges) of the road,
- Please
administration - to assess the possibility of the stretch west of the road in the "trenches"

With the help of Louis Lazzarelli who gave me photos, I send the files that I projected in my speech during the council


- Improved environmental impact
- Increased consumption of land (see slope 2:3)
-  greater impact noise and noise barriers to higher cost (cost of environmental mitigation 9000000Euro)
-  higher cost of construction of the seat viable
- Major construction cost for land consolidation
- Increased heavy traffic on the ground to bring carry-
- More problems for construction of future bridges crossing the road (very long bridges)


- Less environmental impact
- Less consumption of land (see slope 1:1)
- Minor  cost because the absence of noise barriers
- Lower cost per  possibility of installing solar panels on the escarpment
- Lower cost of excavation because valuable land area (see gravel sedimentation) (saving about 8 million Euro)
- Lower cost of road construction for the home (land more "compact ")
- Use of the gravel in place for junctions
- All facilities that cross the road (see Bridges) will be less impact and less costly




  high environmental impact


ROAD GUTTER (circonvallatorio Ring of Verona)

-north-south link:
Saint Lucia
San Massimo (Borgo Milano)

Valpolicella - Avoids  through traffic on the bridge for Saval
Valpolicella -  "Snap" Saint Lucia "in the Valpolicella
-  directly connects the western part of the Verona and Valpantena vice versa

- Lower cost of construction

-  shortest path

-  minor espopri

-  existence of free corridor already provided in the PTP

Cake Decorations Beach

Traforo in terza circoscrizione (di Sergio Carollo)

Wednesday evening I attended a meeting with some limited Municipal Councillors and the leader of the second Gianelli, Northern Bypass Tunnel argument.
The Directors are treating the subject for several days and are now at a stage where we ask what possible amendments / odg can offer at our request. In
Council this evening in the second Gianelli ask the burial of the full loop of the Adige and the overcoming sub alveo ed una adeguata convenzione per il parcheggio scambiatore di Ca' di Cozzi.
Se dovesse passare, direi di presentare anche noi un OdG per ribadire le richieste come compensazione per il pesante intervento nella nostra zona.

1 Completo percorso in galleria e trincea Dalla Sorte a VR Nord
2 Fasce di rispetto adeguate ai lati del percorso con piantumazione
3 Allargamento di Via Bacillieri fra la statale e Via Lugagnano per drenare traffico a Corso Milano
4 Acquisto da parte del Comune di porzioni di terreno alla Spianà per il futuro parco.

I tempi sono ristretti ma possiamo prepararlo per sabato, informare Zanotto e presentare l'eventuale OdG per il Consiglio di lunedì.

Vi terro informati

Sergio Carollo

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Funny Anniversary Card Messages


Institutional Relations. Drastic reduction of appropriations enjoyed by municipalities and provinces to carry out the duties assigned to them and realize the related services. This is a cut of over € 16 million from current spending (- 3.3 million) and investment (-12.8 million). Outstanding, compared to 2010, resets the resources for the municipalities in disadvantaged areas of the mountains (- 5 million) and unions of municipalities (- 1.5 million).

Security and public order. The effects of the dark: from 9.4 million in 2010 funding that will be made available to the sector collapse to 718 000 € (less than 92.4%). Reduced to a flicker of funding for the municipalities to achieve permanent garrisons of the territory and surveillance systems (- 7.9 million).

Agriculture. The agricultural sector as a whole declined by 31% resources. Are eliminated funding for the maintenance of herd books and the performance of functional checks on meat (- 5.2 million): hence less protection for consumers Veneto. We are just € 100 000 for the exploitation of dairy production quality, while fishing and aquaculture are forced to suffer cuts, both for current expenditure and investment, which exceeds 12 million euro. Reduced by 66% (- 1.9 million) funds to help for the farmers affected by disasters.

SMEs and development of the productive system: less than 62%. The heading 'Assistance for SME' shows a cut of 92.3 million, or 99% compared to 2010 No resources for actions in support of world cooperation (eliminated 3 million last year) and for substantial downsizing structural interventions in favor of small businesses (- 1.2 million, a decrease of 39.4%).

job. The resources for the item 'Labour policies' down 41.1% compared to 2010. This item includes the regional fund to support income and employment (- 5.5 million) the special fund for workers in layoffs and mobility (- 5 million) and for the support of self-employment (- 5 million). Reset also the resources for the promotion of supplementary pensions which last year amounted to EUR 3 million.

Tourism . Almost all of the cuts on tourism is on the face of information, promotion and reception (- 23.4 million, equal to - 64.6%).

Housing and Building Special . Total elimination of contributions to support the payment of rent (18 million). Compounding the lack of social support in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house fall in investment in public housing (- 14.2 million, equal to - 31.4%). Delete resources for special government intervention in the municipalities: from 165.4 million in 2010 is down to 22.5 million.

Land Protection o. The flood was not enough: the whole is facing a halving of resources (- 111.8 million, equal to - 53.2% on 2010) with peaks of 100% for the 'river-sea accommodation (- 20.3 million) and 80, 4% for 'action for regional planning'. Heavily scaled funds for studies and research (- 53.9%) and those for the hazard that it passes from 37.8 million in 2010 to 26.2 in 2011 (minus 30.6%). Finally, with regard to infrastructural on reclamation and management and maintenance of drainage systems, the cuts amount to 39 million (about 90% less).

Environmental , civil protection and safeguarding of Venice. The item 'speeches environmental protection' haul of 25% (94.5000000-70.8000000), while resources for structural interventions in the lagoon down by 8% (from 330,000,000 to 303.5000000). Finally, the civil protection, which sees the appropriations for park resources, facilities and equipment reduced by 66% (from 2.7 million to € 925 thousand).

Transportation. The council plans to cut the heading 'Public Transport' 26.8% (from 288 to 211 million) and the 'Transport rail and SFMR '16.8% (from 115.6 million in 2010 to 96 million in 2011), partly offset by the increase in investment (+ 29.7). Significantly negative sign for the item 'navigable lines' where it is expected a reduction of 87, 5% (50.5000000-6.3000000).

social interventions. The most striking example comes from the entry 'financial contribution to the institutional activities of the Health Authority and Communities in the social services' which is completely cleared (- 20.5 million). It is in fact resources that the region will not transfer over to the Health Authority but will be moved into a revolving fund for construction and social health. At this point, the Health Authority remains as the only possible way to load on the shoulders of municipalities, the economic weight of these services. What will be done with additional, heavy consequences for the coffers of local Veneto. He then outlined the cuts in the policies for the family (- 10.5 million in services and investment expenses), services for people with disabilities (- 5.1 million, equal to - 45%), in regional fund for long-term care (- 15 million), in their structural support and for the third sector that is completely cleared (- 5 million).

Education and Training. For the year 2011 to stop new renovations of school buildings (29.4 million of the deleted Last year, they remain in cash € 949!), that is very alarming because of the need to put under a lot of these complexes, to guarantee the safety of thousands of young students from Veneto. The right to education marks a - 14.1% (87.2000000-74.9000000 euro).

Culture and Sport. The culture has in fact provided little more than 25 million, half of which is used in construction, cultural heritage and places of worship. The entertainment industry is reduced by 41%. As for the sport in case there will be only 1.7 million.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Columbus Oh Mont Blanc

Situazione traforo in consiglio comunale (di Carla padovani)

The current situation in the tunnel is as follows:

the urban variant linked to the tunnel with their comments and ratings will be acceptable or not
administration was examined by
numerous committee meetings also with the help of Dr.
the Ministry of Health has made an assessment sull'imatto health.
Thursday but there was a hearing of the engineer. Nanni's Sisplan
who did the traffic study: a report was incomprehensible and very incomplete
with reporters who complained because they could not understand anything
although this was later made the article emphasizing that the Arena
the intervention will reduce pollution and so on .... and this says a lot of
sull'obbiettività n oyster media and how you can manipulate public opinion
A node to be resolved in the Commission, and found that the opinions of the offices they direct it to your comments on
Economic and Financial Plan that is secret that no counselor
minority saw it: this implies an opinion in council
no elements at our disposal trial., wherein
offices are on display dell'amministrazioen redisponendo a maxi
amendment by resolution remove any reference to the Plan's financial statement

In brief: Monday commisisone planning on a big amendment al traforo poi
consiglio comunale con relazione di Crsi e chiusura del consiglio

martedì prosecuzione del consiglio e valutazione dei capigruppo per l'evntuale
prosecuzione a giovedì evenerdì.

Come opposizione presenteremo uan serie di emendamenti sulle

Più andiamo avanti sulla discussione sul traforo più m i convinco che è
un'opera faraonica ed inutile sul costo/ beneficio e che ingesserà e
influenzerà l'amministrazione comunale per i prossimi 50 anni tempo di durata
della convenzione.

Sono a disposizione per chiarimenti: mio cell. 335 7770764

Carla Padovani

PS: the restructuring of the school moved to
Collodi will further what has been taken off the contract alal company that had won
delays and so on: in short you are going to compete with other more long time: The fault of
'administration is given by the long delays in approving the various
stage of the project. Metetrò site data and time as soon as possible
all to the detriment of our children!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Homemade Planes For Sale

PD e alluvione

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hunter Ambulance St.francis Hospital

Bersani: lanciamo la sfida per la riscossa italiana

Dear Editor,
before Italy is a more fragile, more difficult and uncertain than that of countries with which we were so far in the company. For years now we are moving away from large areas of Europe and are converging on the weaker ones. Without a strong correction, the next decade will worsen considerably this retreat.

Other developed countries have experienced the trauma of globalization and the financial crisis and have experienced the difficulty of finding effective means to respond.
Everywhere, in front of a new secular Western democracies have measured the weaknesses of consensus mechanisms that shorten the horizons to the newspaper.
Everywhere in developed countries, democracy is doubtful of his own effectiveness, sua capacità di affrontare le esigenze di cambiamento.
Ovunque i cicli politici perdono di prospettiva.
In Europa, in particolare, è sembrato che la globalizzazione non consentisse più un patto sociale costoso e inclusivo. Le forze progressiste hanno per questo pagato un prezzo elettorale. Si sono evidenziati fenomeni di spaesamento, di incertezza, di ripiegamento e sono emerse correnti di opinione difensive o apertamente regressive.

In nessun caso, tuttavia, queste tendenze hanno preso il comando nei grandi Paesi europei. Quasi ovunque le destre hanno vinto dando voce ai problemi e ai timori, senza peraltro dimostrare fin qui di saper aprire la strada a soluzioni vere; e tuttavia in quegli stessi Paesi le correnti populiste regressive and were limited by the constitutional roots firmly of the conservative forces, a more credible and recognized statehood, not a discredited policy.
In Italy, in peculiar shapes and to some extent anticipated, the scope of government has been busy over the past decade from a strong complement of Berlusconi and Lega, both born in a phase of great discredit of the political and chronic weakness of the institutions. Berlusconi and Lega people, each for its part, raised a "moderate aggression" that has towed to a culture of de-legitimization of the state, individualism, tax complications, corporatism of social and territorial xenophobia. It was announced in a form which liberty each, individual or social group or territory, could be interpreted in its own way. The experience of government and the potential for communication, have been used to increase intake of this review, to build a solid ideology capable of withstanding the facts. This has fueled a consent for accession under which rule would interpret and represent rather than resolve. The problems are thrown from time to time against an enemy or are simply obscured by the rhetoric and communication control.
The effort and risks of reform are bypassed by the personalization, customization, when needed, setting up signs and addresses, which if not resolved, the complaint aloud limitations, obstacles and barriers, whether or not they are constitutional.

The mechanism is therefore likely to produce decisions minimal but with strong symbolic and dramatize everything that relates directly to the Head. Structural interventions are very sporadic and only allowed if it is able to target and disrupt the social and political worlds of the other field.

Such a description of our ten years of political history may appear one-sided and biased if it was not confirmed by an honest budget of the facts.
decade now allow a measure of the actual effects of the curvature of our personalistic and populist democracy. We come then to the facts, making power in selecting among the myriad of converging data and unique, essential and those summaries.
In 2000, the share of the Italian population, relatively poor, ie living with a per capita income below 75% of the EU countries stood at 22%. Keeping the comparison with the same countries today is 30%.
the same period the percentage of Italians relatively rich, ie with incomes above 125% of the EU average drops from 57 to 25%.
There is no possible comparison with any other European country.
With amazing speed the move away from the North South and the North out of Europe. The cumulative growth rate nel decennio, siamo negli ultimissimi posti al mondo. Quanto alle attività produttive, facendo pari a 100 la produzione industriale del 2005 oggi siamo all’86 a fronte di una Germania al 98,3 e ad una media dell’area Euro al 95,4. Cumulando i dati sulla disoccupazione, sugli ammortizzatori e sullo scoraggiamento nella ricerca di lavoro si ha un quadro impressionante. Siamo al fondo delle classifiche dei Paesi OCSE per disoccupazione giovanile. Per quella femminile contendiamo in Europa l’ultimo posto a Malta. Il 50% delle ricchezze si è concentrato sul 10% della popolazione senza rapporto alcuno con la fiscalità. Avviciniamo Norvegia e Danimarca nella pressione fiscale mentre perdiamo 10 miliardi di Euro rispetto al 2007 di incassi IVA pur con un aumento dei consumi in termini nominali. Passiamo in tre anni dal 104% di debito pubblico al 118% senza aver dovuto salvare nessuna banca. Sul fronte sociale scelgo una sola classifica: quella che certifica il nostro primato nell’abbandono scolastico. Quanto al futuro, non c’è previsione che non indichi per noi uno scenario di sostanziale stagnazione con una crescita potenziale inferiore alla metà di quella dei principali Paesi europei.

Non servono cifre ulteriori. E’ ovvio che l’ultimo decennio poggia su problemi antichi e precedenti a Berlusconi. E’ altrettanto ovvio che nell’ultimo decennio i problemi non hanno avuto rimedio ma si sono disastrosamente aggravati. So bene che nella realtà italiana There are also light and not only the shadows, there are the energies and resources and not only the problems. We have an extraordinary capacity to respond to challenges: the cycle of reforms related to the euro in the past, nor was it a try. In Italy there is a tremendous work culture, there's an incredible vitality of most companies, there are resources of creativity, innovation and knowledge still enviable, there is a wealth maldistribution and still be mobilized for investment; There is a wealth of cultures and traditions to guide the growth, there is a pool of solidarity and good citizenship are able to evidence exceptional. The Italian figure, finally, it is still greatly attractive in the world. All of this is. But now the question is another. Unless we convince ourselves to face the problems, it does not come out well. The essence is this. We remain one of the richest countries in the world, but we lose positions quickly. Maintain our role in the international division of labor, to give a perspective of employment and income to future generations, to maintain acceptable standards of a welfare system, these challenges are now to describe a real emergency. Moreover, being the great country in Europe is growing less and which has the highest debt exposes us to dangerous waves inevitably speculative. And 'realistic to expect that in coming years il debito e il suo costo ci metteranno di fronte ad una serissima difficoltà.

Torniamo adesso alla politica. Venendo ad oggi, le recenti vicende politiche e parlamentari mostrano il dissolvimento delle ultime risorse di governabilità che la destra poteva garantire. Eccoci dunque al punto. Chi riconosce l’emergenza, chi ne è davvero consapevole deve prendersi le sue responsabilità e suscitare una riscossa che mobiliti le energie e le risorse economiche, morali e civili di cui il Paese dispone. Per parte nostra, adempiamo a questo compito rivolgendoci innanzitutto alle forze dell’opposizione di centrosinistra e di centro. Riconosciamo le loro diversità, perfino nelle prospettive politiche. Ma se queste diversità prevalessero, could come to the country another decade of populist drift and further slippage. Those who oppose Berlusconi knows that today we must look beyond Berlusconi. This includes looking beyond so inescapable aspects constituents. Too many have been

deformations, distortions, too overbearing (and powerless) shortcuts personalistic, too long sleep of the reforms. This is not about simply an alternation in a system that works. Here we talk about a reorganization of parliamentary democracy. This is not about a simple economic program. Here we talk about a new basic agreement on economic and social terrain as foundational as the taxation and social relations. And 'this is the underlying reason for an appeal that seeks to involve moderate and progressive forces. No one should take the responsibility to withhold its contribution to a transition constituent of future smaller, personal or party. Are there other ways?
really think you can affect Berlusconi and the League?
really can imagine a political appointment or election does not propose a crossroads diriment on fundamental constitutional issues?
And perhaps there would be little logic and too much risk in starting to restrict or divide the force field that is opposed to right now? We discuss
therefore a key platform.
discuss a reform Republican who speaks of Institutions, di federalismo, di legge elettorale, di informazione, di conflitti di interesse, di giustizia per i cittadini, di costi della politica, di legalità e che sia saldamente ancorata ai principi costituzionali.
Discutiamo di questione sociale e di un grande patto per la stabilità e la crescita fatto di vere riforme: fisco, lavoro e precarietà, conoscenza, welfare, politica industriale, economia verde, liberalizzazioni, questione meridionale.
Tutto questo impegnando l’Italia nel rilancio del grande sogno europeo.
E’ su una simile piattaforma che il PD sta lavorando, ed è questa la proposta che avanzerà nelle prossime settimane. A chi ci obietta che la nostra proposta politica è difficile e forse utopian in the given conditions, we reply simply that the policy is not made with the calculation of probability, the policy must have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is best for the country and support it. In any event, regardless of the answers that we have, and the outcomes which will offer contingency policy, this will be our inspiration: an inspiration open and inclusive, so aware of the depth of the Italian crisis.
It is this awareness that leads us to urge the independent contribution, active and responsible social actors, culture, information and free of any moral and civic authorities. All we turn to our proposals. Italy can not longer accept being drugged by the chattering and political nature of a gap between politics and society that builds confidence and liabilities.
We must change the agenda. We need to talk
finally Italy and the Italians.
We have to design a change.
We must organize a collective effort in which those who have more give more.
The new generation needs of a horizon. No one fails to fulfill this responsibility, a commitment to rescue Italian.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Grey Particles In Urine

Saval, la Quarta Torre e il problema irrisolto (cronostoria de L'Arena)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Abandoned for over 15 years, the area behind the church Santa Maria Regina aspetta di avere un futuro. La vegetazione, incolta, è cresciuta insieme alle aspettative degli abitanti della zona che dal 1990 chiedono a gran voce la realizzazione di una piazza per il quartiere, attualmente privo di un luogo di aggregazione vero e proprio.
Nell’area ora abbandonata avrebbe dovuto sorgere la cosiddetta «quarta torre», un enorme complesso residenziale di 14 piani uguale agli edifici costruiti in precedenza nella vicina via Franchetti, di fronte alle scuole elementari Eugenio Pertini. Il progetto fu bloccato nei primi anni ’90 dall’allora amministrazione Sironi in seguito alla sollevazione popolare dell’intero quartiere che per l’occasione organizzò manifestazioni e fiaccolate di protesta. Allora come oggi, l’alternativa chiesta dai cittadini del saval è la realizzazione di uno spazio a beneficio di tutti e nel ’95, in attesa di sviluppi, l’area è stata recintata con uno steccato alto due metri e lasciata in uno stato di totale abbandono. Dopo che la Generalbau Spa, l’impresa edile proprietaria del lotto, ha vinto nel ’98 il ricorso al Tar contro il divieto di edificare, il Comune di Verona si è rivolto al Consiglio di Stato, il quale si deve ancora pronunciare in merito. Nonostante ciò l’intera zona è stata dichiara nel Pat (Piano di assetto territoriale) della precedente amministrazione, «zona da riqualificare». I cittadini del saval, dal canto loro, sono tired of waiting and worried about the fate of the area.
'Our neighborhood, cut in two by way Pancaldo, has no real public space aggregation, "complains Walter Broffoni has always been at the forefront in the battle against the" fourth tower "," not to mention that the construction of another building would affect the livability of all, starting with the removable,. In agreement with the citizens and Giovanni De Biasi, newly elected councilor in the third district, "a neighborhood to live in need of a church, a school, some business and a square, the citizens of Saval denied for too many years" . Even Don Mario Urbani, parish priest of Santa Maria Regina, takes the part of residents, "Last October we called the little plaza area next to the memory of the founder of the parish, Don Lino from auctions. I hope that sooner or later arises the square in his name. "
The previous administration had proposed the construction company owner of the lot a compromise: it would decrease the volume building (with the possibility of building in other areas) that would help create a public space. "By the end of the approval of the new Pat," the commissioner intervenes Planning Giacin Vito, "and the action plan we will try to satisfy the demands of the population Making up for so many, even too many years of immobility. "

Monday, December 8, 2008

"If there were only mice we'd be lucky," ironically some of the inhabitants of Saval, referring fenced area behind the church of Santa Maria Regina, dropped from about 16.
Right here would have to rise to the so-called "fourth tower," a huge 14-storey residential buildings constructed in the same years in the nearby Via Franchetti. Eventuality avoided by local residents, since 1990 calling for the creation of a square for the neighborhood. In these days of le strade del saval sta girando un volantino. I residenti di via Emo, via Franchetti e via Da Mosto stanno infatti cercando di organizzarsi, per porre la parola fine ad una questione aperta ormai da troppo tempo.
«Ci aspettiamo da parte dell’amministrazione comunale la stessa sensibilità dimostrata nei confronti degli abitanti di Borgo Roma con la realizzazione del giardino di San Giacomo», afferma Walter Broffoni, uno dei cittadini promotori del volantino. Giuseppe Peretti, del comitato ufficiale di quartiere, riferisce di avere già scritto personalmente al sindaco Flavio Tosi, e di essere in attesa di risposta. Anche la terza Circoscrizione si è detta favorevole alla realizzazione di un’area a beneficio del quartiere. A quanto pare il Comune aveva iniziato il dialogo con l’impresa edile proprietaria del lotto, la Generalbau S.p.a., la quale avrebbe rinunciato a costruire al saval in cambio di una maggiore concessione edilizia in un’altra zona della città , in un’area scarsamente abitata di borgo Roma.
A riguardo risulta ancora pendente il ricorso al Consiglio di Stato al quale il Comune si era rivolto dopo che l’impresa edile aveva vinto nel ’98 il ricorso al Tar contro il divieto di edificare. «Ma un accordo con l’impresa c’è», rassicura Vito Giacino, assessore all’Urbanistica, che si dice ottimista su una soluzione definitiva entro il 2009. Insomma sembrano essere tutti d’accordo, ma allora perchè tanto tempo? I cittadini si dicono stanchi: «Questa area va assolutamente riqualificata» . A.P.

La richiesta del PD

Verona, 16 settembre 2009

Al presidente della 3^ Circoscrizione
Luca Zanotto

Oggetto: Proposta di assemblea pubblica sulla “IV Torre” in Via da Mosto al Saval

E’ ormai passato un anno dall’interrogazione con risposta scritta presentata dal gruppo consiliare Partito Democratico – L’Ulivo riguardante ”Costruzione della IV Torre in Via da Mosto al Saval”.
Signor Presidente, considerato che nulla in questo periodo si è sbloccato, generando una situazione di stallo ed incertezza, sollecitati nuovamente dagli abitanti della zona e dal Comitato del Saval, Le chiediamo di attivarsi per indire un’assemblea pubblica o inserire l’argomento all’O.d.G. in una prossima Commissione Lavori Pubblici, invitando a partecipare gli assessori Vito Giacinto Urbanistica e Alessandro Montagna Edilizia Privata.

Distinti saluti.

i Consiglieri

Ancora oggi, dopo un anno e mezzo, non è arrivata nessuna risposta e i problemi are always the same, but there's more ...