Il circolo della terza circoscrizione di Verona “Enzo Biagi” ha avuto il merito di organizzare un incontro di grande attualità ed importanza per il paese: Fiat. Dopo il referendum quali prospettive?
L’incontro si è posto l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare i cittadini alle problematiche del lavoro e di avviare un confronto su argomenti che molto spesso dividono anziché unire in una prospettiva comune.
Ha introdotto i lavori Federico Benini, segretario del circolo, che ha illustrato con puntualità le condizioni della Fiat in Italia ed in Europa ed i contenuti dell’accordo di Mirafiori.
Nonostante le luci e le ombre che si presentano nell’affrontare l’argomento in questione, l’incontro è proseguito tra l’interesse dei partecipanti e l’impegno di costruire una strada comune che possa contribuire a superare le diffidenze, divisions and conflicts related to various positions taken by unions in the referendum to help improve the system, Italy.
The questions asked by Anthony Leone Roberto Fasoli, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, the interview focused on various topics from a brief analysis of the economic situation at international and national
- The lack of clear rules about the relationship between the national collective agreement and the contract company;
- The ineffectiveness of the provision of respite;
- The right of veto can be exercised by a minority organization that has not signed the contract;
- The exclusion from representation in the company that the union has not signed the contract;
- The participation of workers in the enterprise and the rules on representation.
To all these arguments and those who have placed the speakers said Roberto Fasoli, PD Veneto regional council, which moved in a spirit of responsibility in the only interest to propose a common strategy to manage the post-referendum in the interests workers and business. Fasoli criticized taken some positions that have exacerbated the conflict and the position that Marchionne did not build the necessary consensus around the proposal. In fact, the consensus Marchionne is low by workers regardless of positions stated in the referendum.
"I-need-Fasoli concluded that it develops a large, serious and thorough debate on the issues opened by the story because Fiat directly affect the future of industrial relations and trade unions in our country. The PD needs to be and play a leading role in promoting a confrontation with the unions today to rebuild a unified fabric torn. It must also build a solid relationship with the world of paid employment, and manufacturing employment in particular, that can not be left in a condition that Marco Revelli described as "unprecedented solitude of the job." If we represent the work we need to listen and understand the reasons for these workers and be able to offer them a credible prospect in terms of job security, dignity, recognition, or loss of professionalism. They must feel that the PD is on their side. On the themes of work, the action of the PD should be more concrete and continuous and it is good that our clubs provide opportunities for reflection around a theme that is the condition of autonomy and freedom of the people. "
The participants reiterated the need to represent in other meetings in the Province subject matter. Fasoli and Leone have expressed their availability to other events which bring people to the PD and those who live on their skin and employment issues.
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