Institutional Relations. Drastic reduction of appropriations enjoyed by municipalities and provinces to carry out the duties assigned to them and realize the related services. This is a cut of over € 16 million from current spending (- 3.3 million) and investment (-12.8 million). Outstanding, compared to 2010, resets the resources for the municipalities in disadvantaged areas of the mountains (- 5 million) and unions of municipalities (- 1.5 million).
Security and public order. The effects of the dark: from 9.4 million in 2010 funding that will be made available to the sector collapse to 718 000 € (less than 92.4%). Reduced to a flicker of funding for the municipalities to achieve permanent garrisons of the territory and surveillance systems (- 7.9 million).
Agriculture. The agricultural sector as a whole declined by 31% resources. Are eliminated funding for the maintenance of herd books and the performance of functional checks on meat (- 5.2 million): hence less protection for consumers Veneto. We are just € 100 000 for the exploitation of dairy production quality, while fishing and aquaculture are forced to suffer cuts, both for current expenditure and investment, which exceeds 12 million euro. Reduced by 66% (- 1.9 million) funds to help for the farmers affected by disasters.
SMEs and development of the productive system: less than 62%. The heading 'Assistance for SME' shows a cut of 92.3 million, or 99% compared to 2010 No resources for actions in support of world cooperation (eliminated 3 million last year) and for substantial downsizing structural interventions in favor of small businesses (- 1.2 million, a decrease of 39.4%).
job. The resources for the item 'Labour policies' down 41.1% compared to 2010. This item includes the regional fund to support income and employment (- 5.5 million) the special fund for workers in layoffs and mobility (- 5 million) and for the support of self-employment (- 5 million). Reset also the resources for the promotion of supplementary pensions which last year amounted to EUR 3 million.
Tourism . Almost all of the cuts on tourism is on the face of information, promotion and reception (- 23.4 million, equal to - 64.6%).
Housing and Building Special . Total elimination of contributions to support the payment of rent (18 million). Compounding the lack of social support in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house fall in investment in public housing (- 14.2 million, equal to - 31.4%). Delete resources for special government intervention in the municipalities: from 165.4 million in 2010 is down to 22.5 million.
Land Protection o. The flood was not enough: the whole is facing a halving of resources (- 111.8 million, equal to - 53.2% on 2010) with peaks of 100% for the 'river-sea accommodation (- 20.3 million) and 80, 4% for 'action for regional planning'. Heavily scaled funds for studies and research (- 53.9%) and those for the hazard that it passes from 37.8 million in 2010 to 26.2 in 2011 (minus 30.6%). Finally, with regard to infrastructural on reclamation and management and maintenance of drainage systems, the cuts amount to 39 million (about 90% less).
Environmental , civil protection and safeguarding of Venice. The item 'speeches environmental protection' haul of 25% (94.5000000-70.8000000), while resources for structural interventions in the lagoon down by 8% (from 330,000,000 to 303.5000000). Finally, the civil protection, which sees the appropriations for park resources, facilities and equipment reduced by 66% (from 2.7 million to € 925 thousand).
Transportation. The council plans to cut the heading 'Public Transport' 26.8% (from 288 to 211 million) and the 'Transport rail and SFMR '16.8% (from 115.6 million in 2010 to 96 million in 2011), partly offset by the increase in investment (+ 29.7). Significantly negative sign for the item 'navigable lines' where it is expected a reduction of 87, 5% (50.5000000-6.3000000).
social interventions. The most striking example comes from the entry 'financial contribution to the institutional activities of the Health Authority and Communities in the social services' which is completely cleared (- 20.5 million). It is in fact resources that the region will not transfer over to the Health Authority but will be moved into a revolving fund for construction and social health. At this point, the Health Authority remains as the only possible way to load on the shoulders of municipalities, the economic weight of these services. What will be done with additional, heavy consequences for the coffers of local Veneto. He then outlined the cuts in the policies for the family (- 10.5 million in services and investment expenses), services for people with disabilities (- 5.1 million, equal to - 45%), in regional fund for long-term care (- 15 million), in their structural support and for the third sector that is completely cleared (- 5 million).
Education and Training. For the year 2011 to stop new renovations of school buildings (29.4 million of the deleted Last year, they remain in cash € 949!), that is very alarming because of the need to put under a lot of these complexes, to guarantee the safety of thousands of young students from Veneto. The right to education marks a - 14.1% (87.2000000-74.9000000 euro).
Culture and Sport. The culture has in fact provided little more than 25 million, half of which is used in construction, cultural heritage and places of worship. The entertainment industry is reduced by 41%. As for the sport in case there will be only 1.7 million.
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