The current situation in the tunnel is as follows:
the urban variant linked to the tunnel with their comments and ratings will be acceptable or not
administration was examined by
numerous committee meetings also with the help of Dr.
the Ministry of Health has made an assessment sull'imatto health.
Thursday but there was a hearing of the engineer. Nanni's Sisplan
who did the traffic study: a report was incomprehensible and very incomplete
with reporters who complained because they could not understand anything
although this was later made the article emphasizing that the Arena
the intervention will reduce pollution and so on .... and this says a lot of
sull'obbiettività n oyster media and how you can manipulate public opinion
A node to be resolved in the Commission, and found that the opinions of the offices they direct it to your comments on
Economic and Financial Plan that is secret that no counselor
minority saw it: this implies an opinion in council
no elements at our disposal trial., wherein
offices are on display dell'amministrazioen redisponendo a maxi
amendment by resolution remove any reference to the Plan's financial statement
In brief: Monday commisisone planning on a big amendment al traforo poi
consiglio comunale con relazione di Crsi e chiusura del consiglio
martedì prosecuzione del consiglio e valutazione dei capigruppo per l'evntuale
prosecuzione a giovedì evenerdì.
Come opposizione presenteremo uan serie di emendamenti sulle
Più andiamo avanti sulla discussione sul traforo più m i convinco che è
un'opera faraonica ed inutile sul costo/ beneficio e che ingesserà e
influenzerà l'amministrazione comunale per i prossimi 50 anni tempo di durata
della convenzione.
Sono a disposizione per chiarimenti: mio cell. 335 7770764
Carla Padovani
PS: the restructuring of the school moved to
Collodi will further what has been taken off the contract alal company that had won
delays and so on: in short you are going to compete with other more long time: The fault of
'administration is given by the long delays in approving the various
stage of the project. Metetrò site data and time as soon as possible
all to the detriment of our children!!
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