Tunnel and motion. Final Summary (Stephen and Carla Padovani Vallana)
Care democratic, dear Democrats,
ended with the vote in yesterday's City Council, this long period of discussion on the tunnel Torricelle.
It ended with our vote against the majority and with the compact, which voted in favor.
E 'state, the group led by the council of the PD, a long and fruitful, which involved the party in various components (from the provincial secretary, town, district councils, the circulation). and that was the goal of identifying a shared position as possible.
I thank the group for the council's commitment with which he addressed the question.
repeat that as responsible party and the reformist opposition as a responsible government that aspires to our city, it was decided that action should be taken however to make the project possible through the less impact the motion passed (almost unanimously) the last February 23 that, among the objectives set, had the advantage of being closely linked to the demands raised by the clubs and district directors of the areas most affected by the passage of the work.
Stefano Vallana
Coordinator national Democratic Party
communications regarding the approval of the Secretary-national variation in the classroom to the tunnel, I think it important to send the text of the motion approved classroom voting against only of De Robertis (Olive Tree) and Perini (Italian Communists).
also add other information:
were made nine council committee meetings, 14 town councils and 50 hours of debate over amendments to 912 (remember that the intervention was contingent in the courtroom for 30 minutes Adviser and exposure and declaration of vote on the amendments to 1 minute). It is
come to the talks on the motion through the 912 amendments, if the number was not as high as probably the majority would vote now.
have been accepted even by orders of the day I had made before the classroom discussion of the variant and then were also included in the motion (attached). I retired to the Esplanade why not expressed well (though it is included in the motion) and has been taken as a recommendation to which shared the information about the Coldiretti 'expropriation (follow the protocol used for the Valdastico and the Mestre).
During classroom discussion, I even stronger, even through an examination of comments from environmental groups, Friends of the bicycle, Coldiretti and many citizens who have spoken not only to safeguard their personal interest but because they care about their city, as this Faroni proposal will not serve for our city, I only hope that the information proposals (see for example the passage in the trench or tunnel under artificial channels), mitigates environmental impact.
These observations I have kept and made it available at the headquarters of our club.
Carla Padovani
Municipal Council PD
In occasione dell’approvazione della delibera n. 7/2011 e in vista della predisposizione del bando di gara
Il Consiglio Comunale
Il Sindaco e l’Amministrazione Comunale
a prevedere, nell’ambito dei criteri di selezione delle offerte, la valutazione delle seguenti proposte migliorative e progettuali:
• soluzioni progettuali che garantiscano la maggior mitigazione ambientale e la miglior salvaguardia paesaggistica con particolare riferimento all’ambito del fiume Adige, dopo lo svincolo di via Preare, anche in relazione ai coni ottici
• soluzioni progettuali che garantiscano nella parte ovest il percorso in trincea o, ove necessario (canali), in galleria artificiale
• realizzazione in contemporanea della rampa d’immissione diretta in galleria per gli utenti provenienti da nord (Valpantena) e diretti a ovest (Saval, Valpolicella, Verona nord), attualmente prevista a partire dal 2035
• realizzazione di piantumazioni specifiche per l’abbattimento dell’inquinamento e dei rumori per la tutela della salute e dell’ambiente per le parti residuali a cielo aperto (es. svincolo via Preare)
• applicazione della tariffa chilometrica anche per i veicoli leggeri (come già previsto per i veicoli pesanti) al fine di garantire l’equità del pagamento in rapporto alla distanza percorsa sull’infrastruttura •
incorporation into the environmental compensation:
- enlargement of Bacilieri Street between State Street and Lugagnano to drain traffic from Corso Milano, if not already provided by other planned interventions, public or private
- the continuation of the track Chievo cycle along Via Berardi-Airport-Boscomantico Power Plant, rehabilitation of street
• Valpantena as a way of eliminating the critical supply to the tunnel and creating a bicycle path predicting
• gatuità or at least the differentiation of fees charged in parking-lot of Saval to users of TPL
• to amend the draft Convention providing:
- monitoring compliance with the City parking charges to Saval exchanger and guest at the service of the hospital proposals in the competition
- the possibility, by the municipality, is to achieve all the infrastructure works under the PAT (for both private transport to public transport) than to change the existing road system and its regulation for the entire duration of the concession
• jury to include in a professional expert in urban planning and landscape
• to agree and draw up a protocol for the protection of espropriandi with the designation criteria that give certainty and fairness in compensation (change in the environment, access to funds, livability of the property, water supply, environmental impacts with irreversible damage, restore the quality of the current crop) •
to time in submitting a regulation that defines the relationship between the Administration and the City Council in the case of construction works in project financing
• to follow the instructions contained in the preliminary report of the Institute of Health regarding the participation and information to citizens
• to take a formal commitment to intervene with the competent authorities for the realization of the variant of the SS 12 and the continuation Road 434
• to pursue the acquisition of the remaining areas of the City, now private, of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park
• to provide, within five years by the commission through the north, the extension of link road to the Valpolicella until the road to north of Arbizzano Parona sought, if necessary, with the motorway companies to use even a part of the 53 million euro grant
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Irritable Bowel Syndrome More Condition_treatment
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Dodge Sprinter Wire Diagram
Federalism municipal
The Municipal Decree on federalism, rewritten several times over the
original version was put to the vote
Commission bicamerale il 3 febbraio 2011, con esito
infruttuoso (15 a 15). Il Consiglio dei ministri
ha successivamente tentato di varare comunque il decreto, ma il
Presidente della Repubblica si è opposto all'emanazione
giudicando "non ricevibile" il decreto e sollecitando il Governo a
riportarlo in Parlamento e nella Conferenza
(descritto nella nota e nella
presentazione che trovi in allegato)
, a causa
della conferma dei pesanti tagli dei trasferimenti decisi con il D.l.
78/2010. L'unica strada per recuperare parte
delle risorse venute meno sarà l'utilizzo dei limitati spazi di
autonomia fiscale (addizionale IRPEF in primis) e tariffaria;
municipal federalism will lead (as a result of
release of additional personal income tax, partial and total up to 2012 from 2013)
(due to dell'aliquota IMUP 7.60 / 00, well above the current average rate
of ICI to 6.40 / 00), will be significantly reduced while the tax on owners of property leased
(thanks to the introduction of the coupon
dry on rents and the prediction of a rate IMUP
, when he was still in force on the first home ICI
maneuverable and charges accounted for 42% of current revenues of municipalities
regions with ordinary statute
. During the transition phase (2011-2013) i comuni avranno
voce in capitolo solamente sulla Tassa rifiuti
e l'addizionale IRPEF (pari al 14% delle entrate correnti), mentre sugli
altri tributi devoluti non avranno alcun
potere decisionale. Dal 2014, con l'introduzione dell'IMUP e dell'IMUS,
il peso dei tributi effettivamente manovrabili
aumenterà a circa il 38% delle entrate correnti totali: un livello
comunque inferiore a quello del 2007;
, accentuando
la contraddizione aperta dall'abolizione dell'ICI sulla prima casa. E'
una scelta che deresponsabilizza gli amministratori
locali negando il principio basilare del federalismo fiscale: "vedo,
pago, voto";
per la tenuta del sistema. In assenza di una efficace perequazione, gli
squilibri nella distribuzione territoriale
delle risorse potrebbero allargarsi notevolmente. La mancata definizione
dei criteri di ripartizione apre inoltre la
strada ad una sistematica conflittualità nella gestione dei fondi di
riequilibrio, analogamente a quanto accade attualmente
per il Fondo sanitario nazionale.

The Municipal Decree on federalism, rewritten several times over the
original version was put to the vote
Commission bicamerale il 3 febbraio 2011, con esito
infruttuoso (15 a 15). Il Consiglio dei ministri
ha successivamente tentato di varare comunque il decreto, ma il
Presidente della Repubblica si è opposto all'emanazione
giudicando "non ricevibile" il decreto e sollecitando il Governo a
riportarlo in Parlamento e nella Conferenza
(descritto nella nota e nella
presentazione che trovi in allegato)
, a causa
della conferma dei pesanti tagli dei trasferimenti decisi con il D.l.
78/2010. L'unica strada per recuperare parte
delle risorse venute meno sarà l'utilizzo dei limitati spazi di
autonomia fiscale (addizionale IRPEF in primis) e tariffaria;
municipal federalism will lead (as a result of
release of additional personal income tax, partial and total up to 2012 from 2013)
(due to dell'aliquota IMUP 7.60 / 00, well above the current average rate
of ICI to 6.40 / 00), will be significantly reduced while the tax on owners of property leased
(thanks to the introduction of the coupon
dry on rents and the prediction of a rate IMUP
, when he was still in force on the first home ICI
maneuverable and charges accounted for 42% of current revenues of municipalities
regions with ordinary statute
. During the transition phase (2011-2013) i comuni avranno
voce in capitolo solamente sulla Tassa rifiuti
e l'addizionale IRPEF (pari al 14% delle entrate correnti), mentre sugli
altri tributi devoluti non avranno alcun
potere decisionale. Dal 2014, con l'introduzione dell'IMUP e dell'IMUS,
il peso dei tributi effettivamente manovrabili
aumenterà a circa il 38% delle entrate correnti totali: un livello
comunque inferiore a quello del 2007;
, accentuando
la contraddizione aperta dall'abolizione dell'ICI sulla prima casa. E'
una scelta che deresponsabilizza gli amministratori
locali negando il principio basilare del federalismo fiscale: "vedo,
pago, voto";
per la tenuta del sistema. In assenza di una efficace perequazione, gli
squilibri nella distribuzione territoriale
delle risorse potrebbero allargarsi notevolmente. La mancata definizione
dei criteri di ripartizione apre inoltre la
strada ad una sistematica conflittualità nella gestione dei fondi di
riequilibrio, analogamente a quanto accade attualmente
per il Fondo sanitario nazionale.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sample Apartment Application Washington Dc
Update extraordinary council in the district on the budget (which Sergio Carollo)
Ieri sera 17/02 in Circoscrizione si e svolto il Consiglio straordinario sul Bilancio,
Era presente l'assessore al bilancio del Comune di Verona Pier Luigi Paloschi che ha illustrato il bilancio stesso e i relativi tagli per le Circoscrizioni.
Interventi ovviamente solo da parte della minoranza, come PD abbiamo presentato written comments to the President of the District alderman and Paloschi with the details of the cuts suffered during the years from our district and some interventions to confirm or ahead of the Three Year Plan 2011 ÷ 2013.
Final vote: 14 in favor of majority, minority against PD, Verona Civic failed to Tisato !!!!!!!! , The Joint Group of uncertain not vote, Turri The Olive Verona absent.
As I had occasion to point out on other occasions, unfortunately, the opposition and carried out exclusively by the District Councillors of the Democratic Party. Regards Sergio
Ieri sera 17/02 in Circoscrizione si e svolto il Consiglio straordinario sul Bilancio,
Era presente l'assessore al bilancio del Comune di Verona Pier Luigi Paloschi che ha illustrato il bilancio stesso e i relativi tagli per le Circoscrizioni.
Interventi ovviamente solo da parte della minoranza, come PD abbiamo presentato written comments to the President of the District alderman and Paloschi with the details of the cuts suffered during the years from our district and some interventions to confirm or ahead of the Three Year Plan 2011 ÷ 2013.
Final vote: 14 in favor of majority, minority against PD, Verona Civic failed to Tisato !!!!!!!! , The Joint Group of uncertain not vote, Turri The Olive Verona absent.
As I had occasion to point out on other occasions, unfortunately, the opposition and carried out exclusively by the District Councillors of the Democratic Party. Regards Sergio
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How To Make Salam Pak Sweet
Tunnel, motion, and summary of the third district Padavani
Tunnel The Torricelle of
NO motivated the Democratic Party and the proposed improvements.
Dear all,
on the delicate issue, the municipal council with the group were shared
actions to counter the proposal of the center right of the tunnel. In this
1. the band council has: a.
filed 900 amendments;
b. for two months has committed the majority of the Committee before the Board
measure arrived at the meeting;
c. already expressed its negative vote in July 2010;
2. the party has worked to collect signatures for the referendum.
At this point, with the measure under discussion in the classroom, taking into account:
the balance of power in the City Council;
that the debate of the 900 amendments, however, the majority of the center right
vote in favor of the tunnel;
reaffirmed our opposition and irreversible work, in line with the
done through the presentation of so many amendments, the group
municipal council of the Democratic Party has pursued the following additional perspectives:
promote the opening of the notice of award of the work on improvements not provided
amend the draft Convention in so far as a cast in favor of
Dealer, intervention the city administration on urban mobility for all
the concession period (50 years);
commit the administration to protect the rights of all parties involved: the
espropriandi who submitted their comments to the citizens who ask
sharing of choices, up to the same councilors who now have few
means to intervene on the project.
by the government and reform that we shared was the chance to intervene
less impact on the project to make it available through
presentation of specific proposals that go in this direction.
In detail, the Administration comunale è stato chiesto:
1. per quanto concerne il progetto di:
a. rendere esplicita, tramite adeguato punteggio, la preferenza per il percorso del passante
nord completamente interrato con passaggio subalveo in alternativa al ponte
sull’Adige dopo lo svincolo Preare;
b. prevedere nella parte Ovest il percorso interamente in trincea;
c. prevedere la realizzazione in contemporanea all’opera della rampa d’immissione
diretta in galleria per gli utenti provenienti da nord (Valpantena) e diretti a ovest
(Saval, Valpolicella, Verona nord), attualmente prevista a partire dal 2035;
d. attivarsi sul piano provinciale, con la Provincia and the neighboring towns of the Valpolicella and
concerned, in order to achieve the new connection between the output of a loop north and Parona Valpolicella (cd bypass Parona), on which may be reserved
part of € 53 million arising from the Serenissima Spa;
e. achieve the territory of the Second Circuit (eg release Ca 'di Cozzi) and
3 rd District, planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise
for the protection of health and environment;
f. between the compensation provided exemptions from paying the toll, or in the alternative
large reductions in the tariff, for residents in the constituencies concerned
work, especially the Second and Third;
g. p revedere offsets between the acquisition by the City of
remaining areas which currently lack, of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park,
the continuation of the cycle path along the Via Airport Chievo BerardiCentrale electrically Boscomantico, moving expected
auditorium at the Verona Nord to Basson to be actually usable by
h. provision of clearing the way for redevelopment Valpantena
and forth until eliminating the critical and creating a bike path;
i. provide for free, or at least modulation of tariffs in the parking lot
exchanger Saval;
j. prevdere enlargement of Via Bacilieri
2. concerning the draft Convention: a.
control of the City on parking charges to Saval exchanger and
of the guest at the service of the hospital;
b. the possibility of intervention of the City on city streets throughout the duration of the concession
3. Moreover, in the interests of those involved in the proceedings,
a. jury to include in a professional expert in the protection of
b. agree and draw up a protocol for the protection of the indication of espropriandi
criteria that give certainty and fairness in compensation (change in environment, access to funds
, livability of the property, water supply, environmental damage with irreversible);
c. time in submitting a regulation that defines the relationship between
Administration and the City Council in the case of construction works in project financing
d. follow the instructions contained in the preliminary report
Institute of Health regarding the participation and information to citizens;
e. take formal commitment to speak at the competent authorities for the realization of the variant
the SS 12 and the continuation of the road
16 proposals for improvement reflecting the will to change what we think, and
remains strongly negative for the city.
In fact, it confirmed the finding basic, negative: the work is too expensive, invasive and harmful
in relation to the benefits that can provide especially in terms of reduction of traffic and crossing
citizen. On
there will be a focused meeting with the secretaries of the capital city of the Circle;
if you think, well what will be said again through the mass media, can be
organized meetings of members within which to address the issue.
E ', first of all, to the Board to specify that the project but has not arrived but the urban variant that had the first discussion in the classroom in July 2010. On that occasion I presented 27 amendments expressing the various requests and comments to the project emerged at a meeting that we had in July and a series of confrontations with members of the club phone (it was vacation time and many were absent from Verona). Unfortunately, the majority had rejected them all.
The law provides that a variant must be considered in two urban Sometimes the classroom, the second time with the comments made by citizens, which in our case have been about 2500. As a group we decided to recommend a number of amendments, in all 912. E'quindi from mid-January that the recommendations we make about three weeks in which the amendments are voted (the conference of leaders decided to give one minute for the display and one minute for the statements of votes of any amendment - normally 2 minutes ). What is the difference between the variant substantially in July and now? The number of amendments that enabled us to deal with the administration. Point out that we do not share this and we have reiterated over and in the classroom at every opportunity, but we believe that the observations che abbiamo fatto servano almeno per limitarne il danno oltre che a consentirci di trattare anche su altri punti che ci stanno a cuore come il parco della Spianà.
Tutte le richieste che sono state fatte ,per quanto riguarda il nostro territorio, sono analoghe a quelle proposte ancora in luglio e quindi si è sicuramente dimostrata una nostra coerenza. Sono frutto di un lavoro di squadra in cui ognuno ha fatto la sua parte: il nostro segretario Federico per il confronto e condivisione, il capogruppo Sergio per il lavoro egregio svolto in circoscrizione, il nostro carissimo Luigi Lazzarelli per un prezioso lavoro di " consulenza" tecnica (volevamo fare delle proposte che fossero tecnicamente fattibili e non soltanto degli " slogan"). Direi che il risultato most valuable of this collaboration BEYOND the fact that our proposals were all accepted, is that it has demonstrated a unity of our group where everyone has done his part to having it was the best possible.
Thanks then to all!

Tunnel The Torricelle of
NO motivated the Democratic Party and the proposed improvements.
Dear all,
on the delicate issue, the municipal council with the group were shared
actions to counter the proposal of the center right of the tunnel. In this
1. the band council has: a.
filed 900 amendments;
b. for two months has committed the majority of the Committee before the Board
measure arrived at the meeting;
c. already expressed its negative vote in July 2010;
2. the party has worked to collect signatures for the referendum.
At this point, with the measure under discussion in the classroom, taking into account:
the balance of power in the City Council;
that the debate of the 900 amendments, however, the majority of the center right
vote in favor of the tunnel;
reaffirmed our opposition and irreversible work, in line with the
done through the presentation of so many amendments, the group
municipal council of the Democratic Party has pursued the following additional perspectives:
promote the opening of the notice of award of the work on improvements not provided
amend the draft Convention in so far as a cast in favor of
Dealer, intervention the city administration on urban mobility for all
the concession period (50 years);
commit the administration to protect the rights of all parties involved: the
espropriandi who submitted their comments to the citizens who ask
sharing of choices, up to the same councilors who now have few
means to intervene on the project.
by the government and reform that we shared was the chance to intervene
less impact on the project to make it available through
presentation of specific proposals that go in this direction.
In detail, the Administration comunale è stato chiesto:
1. per quanto concerne il progetto di:
a. rendere esplicita, tramite adeguato punteggio, la preferenza per il percorso del passante
nord completamente interrato con passaggio subalveo in alternativa al ponte
sull’Adige dopo lo svincolo Preare;
b. prevedere nella parte Ovest il percorso interamente in trincea;
c. prevedere la realizzazione in contemporanea all’opera della rampa d’immissione
diretta in galleria per gli utenti provenienti da nord (Valpantena) e diretti a ovest
(Saval, Valpolicella, Verona nord), attualmente prevista a partire dal 2035;
d. attivarsi sul piano provinciale, con la Provincia and the neighboring towns of the Valpolicella and
concerned, in order to achieve the new connection between the output of a loop north and Parona Valpolicella (cd bypass Parona), on which may be reserved
part of € 53 million arising from the Serenissima Spa;
e. achieve the territory of the Second Circuit (eg release Ca 'di Cozzi) and
3 rd District, planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise
for the protection of health and environment;
f. between the compensation provided exemptions from paying the toll, or in the alternative
large reductions in the tariff, for residents in the constituencies concerned
work, especially the Second and Third;
g. p revedere offsets between the acquisition by the City of
remaining areas which currently lack, of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park,
the continuation of the cycle path along the Via Airport Chievo BerardiCentrale electrically Boscomantico, moving expected
auditorium at the Verona Nord to Basson to be actually usable by
h. provision of clearing the way for redevelopment Valpantena
and forth until eliminating the critical and creating a bike path;
i. provide for free, or at least modulation of tariffs in the parking lot
exchanger Saval;
j. prevdere enlargement of Via Bacilieri
2. concerning the draft Convention: a.
control of the City on parking charges to Saval exchanger and
of the guest at the service of the hospital;
b. the possibility of intervention of the City on city streets throughout the duration of the concession
3. Moreover, in the interests of those involved in the proceedings,
a. jury to include in a professional expert in the protection of
b. agree and draw up a protocol for the protection of the indication of espropriandi
criteria that give certainty and fairness in compensation (change in environment, access to funds
, livability of the property, water supply, environmental damage with irreversible);
c. time in submitting a regulation that defines the relationship between
Administration and the City Council in the case of construction works in project financing
d. follow the instructions contained in the preliminary report
Institute of Health regarding the participation and information to citizens;
e. take formal commitment to speak at the competent authorities for the realization of the variant
the SS 12 and the continuation of the road
16 proposals for improvement reflecting the will to change what we think, and
remains strongly negative for the city.
In fact, it confirmed the finding basic, negative: the work is too expensive, invasive and harmful
in relation to the benefits that can provide especially in terms of reduction of traffic and crossing
citizen. On
there will be a focused meeting with the secretaries of the capital city of the Circle;
if you think, well what will be said again through the mass media, can be
organized meetings of members within which to address the issue.
E ', first of all, to the Board to specify that the project but has not arrived but the urban variant that had the first discussion in the classroom in July 2010. On that occasion I presented 27 amendments expressing the various requests and comments to the project emerged at a meeting that we had in July and a series of confrontations with members of the club phone (it was vacation time and many were absent from Verona). Unfortunately, the majority had rejected them all.
The law provides that a variant must be considered in two urban Sometimes the classroom, the second time with the comments made by citizens, which in our case have been about 2500. As a group we decided to recommend a number of amendments, in all 912. E'quindi from mid-January that the recommendations we make about three weeks in which the amendments are voted (the conference of leaders decided to give one minute for the display and one minute for the statements of votes of any amendment - normally 2 minutes ). What is the difference between the variant substantially in July and now? The number of amendments that enabled us to deal with the administration. Point out that we do not share this and we have reiterated over and in the classroom at every opportunity, but we believe that the observations che abbiamo fatto servano almeno per limitarne il danno oltre che a consentirci di trattare anche su altri punti che ci stanno a cuore come il parco della Spianà.
Tutte le richieste che sono state fatte ,per quanto riguarda il nostro territorio, sono analoghe a quelle proposte ancora in luglio e quindi si è sicuramente dimostrata una nostra coerenza. Sono frutto di un lavoro di squadra in cui ognuno ha fatto la sua parte: il nostro segretario Federico per il confronto e condivisione, il capogruppo Sergio per il lavoro egregio svolto in circoscrizione, il nostro carissimo Luigi Lazzarelli per un prezioso lavoro di " consulenza" tecnica (volevamo fare delle proposte che fossero tecnicamente fattibili e non soltanto degli " slogan"). Direi che il risultato most valuable of this collaboration BEYOND the fact that our proposals were all accepted, is that it has demonstrated a unity of our group where everyone has done his part to having it was the best possible.
Thanks then to all!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Camper Vanscooter Carrier
Carla Antonino Leone wrote to Pietro Ichino
The best part of the law on government, born out of ideas supported by the Democratic Party, and 'was blatantly betrayed by the government in the implementation phase
Dear Senator Pietro Ichino,
rise on the letter from the Minister Renato Brunetta , published by the Corriere della Sera on February 8, sip, because sento l’esigenza di chiarire alcune cose che sono state sottovalutate dal Ministro. Ho seguito tutto l’iter della riforma e, pertanto, ricordo le prese di posizioni e gli errori commessi dal Ministro.
Nei suoi interventi Brunetta è abituato a dispensare bacchettate a tutti e non si accorge di essere incapace di fare autocritica. Eppure, essendo un uomo di sinistra (socialista), avrebbe dovuto conoscere il metodo dell’autocritica molto praticato nei decenni passati. Brunetta sostiene che il compito dell’opposizione è “quello di lavorare per il bene del paese”, opinione condivisa. Cosa che il Partito Democratico ha fatto egregiamente in occasione della riforma delle PA.
Il Ministro Brunetta sfugge agli interrogativi posti da Micheli e Ichino e si lascia andare a offese personali. Comportamento, questo, usato quando non si hanno opinioni per controbattere alle posizioni degli interlocutori.
Il PD in sede di approvazione della legge n. 15/2009 ha offerto il proprio contributo, anche se non sempre è stato preso in considerazione. Per il PD, il quale aveva presentato il disegno di legge n. 746 del 5 giugno 2008 sulla P A, non risultava difficile collaborare e migliorare con le proprie proposte il ddl del Governo che aveva assorbito la proposta del PD. Infatti il senatore Ichino con altri rappresentanti del PD ha tra l’altro proposto di inserire nel disegno di legge tre fattori fondamentali: trasparenza, valutazione e benchmarking.
“La nostra iniziativa legislativa su questo terreno, afferma Pietro Ichino nel suo intervento al Senato , concretatasi già nella passata legislatura con la presentazione del disegno di legge n. 1233 del dicembre 2006, integrato e aggiornato in questa legislatura con il disegno di legge n. 746 del maggio 2008, è essenzialmente mirata a correggere questo difetto grave del nostro sistema, introducendo e radicando profondamente nel sistema stesso due principi fondamentali:
- innanzitutto il principio della trasparenza totale: quella total disclosure che in Svezia costituisce principio generale fin dalla metà degli anni ’70; e che da tempo costituisce principio generale anche nelle amministrazioni di grandi Paesi nostri partner europei come la Great Britain;
- also the principle of independent measurement and evaluation, it also constitutes an essential core of those systems.
E 'must be acknowledged by the majority - and in it especially to the rapporteur and to Senator Carlo Vizzini Maurizio Castro - the merit of having just taken the decisive importance of these principles and have allowed the Constitutional Affairs Committee in a drafting introduce them in unified text that is now before us. " In this case the PD proposals on transparency and assessment have been approved and have described the innovative capacity of Law 15/2009. "In the activation of comparative benchmarking, continues Peter Ichino nel medesimo intervento, un ruolo cruciale sarà svolto dall’agenzia centrale, il cui compito sarà non soltanto di garantire l’indipendenza effettiva degli organi centrali e periferici cui è affidata la valutazione in ciascun comparto, ma anche di promuovere e sorvegliare l’applicazione dei metodi più evoluti e più affidabili nella raccolta e valutazione dei dati e di assicurare la confrontabilità degli indici che in tal modo verranno elaborati”. Anche il benchmarking viene approvato.
La legge n. 15/2008 si basa su tre fattori fondamentali proposti dal PD e tratti dal disegno di legge presentato dal PD stesso: trasparenza, misurazione e valutazione indipendente e benchmarking.
I problemi nascono when the Minister Brunetta introduces the "Independent Commission for the assessment, transparency and integrity of government" and not an independent authority as proposed by the PD. In fact, the senators Treu, Ichino and other Democratic Party had proposed Article. 3a, "Establishment of transparency and evaluation of public sector", which was rejected by the majority. "The decree was rewritten, said Pietro Ichino in an article published in the Corriere della Sera, June 19, 2009 , the independent authority has disappeared, replaced by a gray 'ministerial committee', which must work 'in cooperation with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Economy'. In homage to the original design contained in the proxy-law is only a verbal statement dell''autonomia 'Commission, but that autonomy is now reduced to a mere wish: the new text, presented to Parliament by the Minister in recent days, they disappear, with operational autonomy, including its financial and organizational autonomy of the new body, which depend on both aspects of the government. The Commission will, however, lacks any power to impose penalties or disqualification, or to violations of the principle of transparency total, both in front of any lack of independence of the evaluators of each administration, which will be entrusted with the delicate and crucial task to develop and communicate to the citizens indices of quality and quantity of performance. Disappears in the decree of the Government to both Houses, collective action, that citizens could use to expose the failures of government. Last but not least, a provision hidden in the 'Final and transitional' totally exempt the administration of Prime entire new discipline will not be bound either to the principle of full transparency, nor that of the independent evaluation. I understand that Transparency is not the highlight of our premier, but this is not a good reason to exempt from transparency and evaluation system that also depends directly from him. " Was constituted the Central Authority, we would not now have a Commission that has lost credibility, autonomy and independence from the Minister Brunetta and consequently to other stakeholders in the reform.
Another case is represented by art. 1 of Law No 15/2008, which depicts a provocation against the trade unions on derogabilità employment contracts or collective agreements, even if the paragraph 2, letter a), art. 3 states that "it is confidential collective bargaining the determination of rights and obligations directly relevant to the employment relationship "(amendment Ichino).
When you work in enterprises for projects and working groups, and recent research indicates that most private companies adopt a system of performance evaluation is not directly connected to the system of individual incentives, the Minister Brunetta place a system for rewarding in three bands (25%, 50%, 25%), establishing ex ante that 25% of staff do not work and therefore not entitled to treatment accessory. The system for rewarding
introduced does not care:
- occupy the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of public management and collective bargaining;
- to promote scientific management, the division of work and the work piece, not by promoting cooperation and innovation;
- reward, however, the public facilities that do not achieve the objectives set out in the plans, in as they fall within the bonus system.
It should be noted that the implementation of reform in the self encounters serious difficulties. Indifference and subjective interpretations of the reform by the municipalities are the causes of a system that fails to involve to implement innovation in PA. Sample checks introduced for local governments are causing the problems highlighted. The problems mentioned and others that space are not shown represent obstacles in the implementation of the reform.
There are numerous statements of solidarity against Peter Micheli for the seriousness and consistency of his commitment. This practitioner has not chosen the particular interest (to stay in Civitate), but a responsible stance (return abroad), which certainly will affect increasingly large in the debate on reform of the PA.
Comparing Brunetta and Ichino Minister does not respond to questions posed by the second and let go and unjustifiable personal attacks that can not address the problems of the PA, also fueled by his statements. Brunetta felt the effects of ad lotta ai fannulloni sono finiti, i cittadini vogliono vedere i fatti: cioè una PA efficace ed efficiente.
Antonino Leone

The best part of the law on government, born out of ideas supported by the Democratic Party, and 'was blatantly betrayed by the government in the implementation phase
Dear Senator Pietro Ichino,
rise on the letter from the Minister Renato Brunetta , published by the Corriere della Sera on February 8, sip, because sento l’esigenza di chiarire alcune cose che sono state sottovalutate dal Ministro. Ho seguito tutto l’iter della riforma e, pertanto, ricordo le prese di posizioni e gli errori commessi dal Ministro.
Nei suoi interventi Brunetta è abituato a dispensare bacchettate a tutti e non si accorge di essere incapace di fare autocritica. Eppure, essendo un uomo di sinistra (socialista), avrebbe dovuto conoscere il metodo dell’autocritica molto praticato nei decenni passati. Brunetta sostiene che il compito dell’opposizione è “quello di lavorare per il bene del paese”, opinione condivisa. Cosa che il Partito Democratico ha fatto egregiamente in occasione della riforma delle PA.
Il Ministro Brunetta sfugge agli interrogativi posti da Micheli e Ichino e si lascia andare a offese personali. Comportamento, questo, usato quando non si hanno opinioni per controbattere alle posizioni degli interlocutori.
Il PD in sede di approvazione della legge n. 15/2009 ha offerto il proprio contributo, anche se non sempre è stato preso in considerazione. Per il PD, il quale aveva presentato il disegno di legge n. 746 del 5 giugno 2008 sulla P A, non risultava difficile collaborare e migliorare con le proprie proposte il ddl del Governo che aveva assorbito la proposta del PD. Infatti il senatore Ichino con altri rappresentanti del PD ha tra l’altro proposto di inserire nel disegno di legge tre fattori fondamentali: trasparenza, valutazione e benchmarking.
“La nostra iniziativa legislativa su questo terreno, afferma Pietro Ichino nel suo intervento al Senato , concretatasi già nella passata legislatura con la presentazione del disegno di legge n. 1233 del dicembre 2006, integrato e aggiornato in questa legislatura con il disegno di legge n. 746 del maggio 2008, è essenzialmente mirata a correggere questo difetto grave del nostro sistema, introducendo e radicando profondamente nel sistema stesso due principi fondamentali:
- innanzitutto il principio della trasparenza totale: quella total disclosure che in Svezia costituisce principio generale fin dalla metà degli anni ’70; e che da tempo costituisce principio generale anche nelle amministrazioni di grandi Paesi nostri partner europei come la Great Britain;
- also the principle of independent measurement and evaluation, it also constitutes an essential core of those systems.
E 'must be acknowledged by the majority - and in it especially to the rapporteur and to Senator Carlo Vizzini Maurizio Castro - the merit of having just taken the decisive importance of these principles and have allowed the Constitutional Affairs Committee in a drafting introduce them in unified text that is now before us. " In this case the PD proposals on transparency and assessment have been approved and have described the innovative capacity of Law 15/2009. "In the activation of comparative benchmarking, continues Peter Ichino nel medesimo intervento, un ruolo cruciale sarà svolto dall’agenzia centrale, il cui compito sarà non soltanto di garantire l’indipendenza effettiva degli organi centrali e periferici cui è affidata la valutazione in ciascun comparto, ma anche di promuovere e sorvegliare l’applicazione dei metodi più evoluti e più affidabili nella raccolta e valutazione dei dati e di assicurare la confrontabilità degli indici che in tal modo verranno elaborati”. Anche il benchmarking viene approvato.
La legge n. 15/2008 si basa su tre fattori fondamentali proposti dal PD e tratti dal disegno di legge presentato dal PD stesso: trasparenza, misurazione e valutazione indipendente e benchmarking.
I problemi nascono when the Minister Brunetta introduces the "Independent Commission for the assessment, transparency and integrity of government" and not an independent authority as proposed by the PD. In fact, the senators Treu, Ichino and other Democratic Party had proposed Article. 3a, "Establishment of transparency and evaluation of public sector", which was rejected by the majority. "The decree was rewritten, said Pietro Ichino in an article published in the Corriere della Sera, June 19, 2009 , the independent authority has disappeared, replaced by a gray 'ministerial committee', which must work 'in cooperation with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Economy'. In homage to the original design contained in the proxy-law is only a verbal statement dell''autonomia 'Commission, but that autonomy is now reduced to a mere wish: the new text, presented to Parliament by the Minister in recent days, they disappear, with operational autonomy, including its financial and organizational autonomy of the new body, which depend on both aspects of the government. The Commission will, however, lacks any power to impose penalties or disqualification, or to violations of the principle of transparency total, both in front of any lack of independence of the evaluators of each administration, which will be entrusted with the delicate and crucial task to develop and communicate to the citizens indices of quality and quantity of performance. Disappears in the decree of the Government to both Houses, collective action, that citizens could use to expose the failures of government. Last but not least, a provision hidden in the 'Final and transitional' totally exempt the administration of Prime entire new discipline will not be bound either to the principle of full transparency, nor that of the independent evaluation. I understand that Transparency is not the highlight of our premier, but this is not a good reason to exempt from transparency and evaluation system that also depends directly from him. " Was constituted the Central Authority, we would not now have a Commission that has lost credibility, autonomy and independence from the Minister Brunetta and consequently to other stakeholders in the reform.
Another case is represented by art. 1 of Law No 15/2008, which depicts a provocation against the trade unions on derogabilità employment contracts or collective agreements, even if the paragraph 2, letter a), art. 3 states that "it is confidential collective bargaining the determination of rights and obligations directly relevant to the employment relationship "(amendment Ichino).
When you work in enterprises for projects and working groups, and recent research indicates that most private companies adopt a system of performance evaluation is not directly connected to the system of individual incentives, the Minister Brunetta place a system for rewarding in three bands (25%, 50%, 25%), establishing ex ante that 25% of staff do not work and therefore not entitled to treatment accessory. The system for rewarding
introduced does not care:
- occupy the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of public management and collective bargaining;
- to promote scientific management, the division of work and the work piece, not by promoting cooperation and innovation;
- reward, however, the public facilities that do not achieve the objectives set out in the plans, in as they fall within the bonus system.
It should be noted that the implementation of reform in the self encounters serious difficulties. Indifference and subjective interpretations of the reform by the municipalities are the causes of a system that fails to involve to implement innovation in PA. Sample checks introduced for local governments are causing the problems highlighted. The problems mentioned and others that space are not shown represent obstacles in the implementation of the reform.
There are numerous statements of solidarity against Peter Micheli for the seriousness and consistency of his commitment. This practitioner has not chosen the particular interest (to stay in Civitate), but a responsible stance (return abroad), which certainly will affect increasingly large in the debate on reform of the PA.
Comparing Brunetta and Ichino Minister does not respond to questions posed by the second and let go and unjustifiable personal attacks that can not address the problems of the PA, also fueled by his statements. Brunetta felt the effects of ad lotta ai fannulloni sono finiti, i cittadini vogliono vedere i fatti: cioè una PA efficace ed efficiente.
Antonino Leone
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Can Really Healthy People Get Cancer?
Women Exhibition " If not now when? " Sunday, February 13 Square Isolo 14.00
LA MOBILITAZIONE DI DOMENICA 13 FEBBRAIO , promossa in centinaia di piazze italiane , E' STATA SPOSTATA ALLE ORE 14.00 IN PIAZZA ISOLO.
Ricordiamo che in piazza Brà rimane confermato il banchetto PD dove si effettua durante tutta la giornata la raccolta delle firme per le dimissioni di Berlusconi.
Per chiarezza, inoltro il VADEMECUM CONCORDATO A LIVELLO NAZIONALE per la mobilitazione.
La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare other women against other women, or to divide women into good and bad. The signs or banners will take into account.
The event is meant to show our strength and our determination.
We are women with pride. We demand dignity and respect for ourselves and for all. We are jealous of our autonomy and we will not "use". For this there must be no trade union or political symbols in our parades, we want to be respected even our "transversality."
The event is promoted by women, but - as we say in our appeal - the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.
We will speak first to the young and young people, involve them and bring them to the streets.
There is no sign of recognition (objects, ribbons, scarves, colors ..), only the logo of the event created by Maddalena Fragnito available online.
The logo may be used to make T-shirts, pins, flags, posters and all that comes to mind creative.

LA MOBILITAZIONE DI DOMENICA 13 FEBBRAIO , promossa in centinaia di piazze italiane , E' STATA SPOSTATA ALLE ORE 14.00 IN PIAZZA ISOLO.
Ricordiamo che in piazza Brà rimane confermato il banchetto PD dove si effettua durante tutta la giornata la raccolta delle firme per le dimissioni di Berlusconi.
Per chiarezza, inoltro il VADEMECUM CONCORDATO A LIVELLO NAZIONALE per la mobilitazione.
La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare other women against other women, or to divide women into good and bad. The signs or banners will take into account.
The event is meant to show our strength and our determination.
We are women with pride. We demand dignity and respect for ourselves and for all. We are jealous of our autonomy and we will not "use". For this there must be no trade union or political symbols in our parades, we want to be respected even our "transversality."
The event is promoted by women, but - as we say in our appeal - the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.
We will speak first to the young and young people, involve them and bring them to the streets.
There is no sign of recognition (objects, ribbons, scarves, colors ..), only the logo of the event created by Maddalena Fragnito available online.
The logo may be used to make T-shirts, pins, flags, posters and all that comes to mind creative.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Money For Severe Caning
Treviso March 3 - Exhibition "The painter and the model: From Canova to Picasso"
The exhibition examines the relationship between painter and model, a relationship where the woman is the muse inspiring, but at the same time with the artist's role as a lover, wife, sister and friend. In the exhibition, among others, as well as works of Pablo Picasso and Antonio Canova also Giorgio De Chirico, Umberto Boccioni, Amedeo Modigliani, Paul Gauguin, Auguste Renoir, Renato Guttuso.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am arriving at Treviso.
free lunch meeting at 14.30 in front of the house beginning at 14:45 Carraresi
guided tour of the exhibition at 16.30
free time to stroll downtown
at 18.00 and arrival flights from Treviso to Verona at 20:00
fee is Euro 40, 00 (includes: travel by bus, insurance, entrance fees, guided tour, guardaroba) da versare al momento dell’adesione entro il giorno 24 febbraio p.v., dato il pagamento anticipato di biglietti d’ingresso e guide.
Treviso – Mostra “Il Pittore e la Modella: da Canova a Picasso”
Possagno: Serata alla Gipsoteca Canoviana
Due eventi da non perdere. Dopo aver visitato la mostra, trasferimento a Possagno per visitare la casa e il Museo di A. Canova: una straordinaria serata, alla luce delle lanterne, proprio come amava riservare Canova ai suoi amici che gli facevano visita nello studio romano. La visita sarà preceduta da un momento conviviale a buffet e seguita da un toast.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am Arrival at Treviso. Free lunch.
meeting at 14.00 in front of the House of Carrara
14.15 guided visit to the exhibition start
16.30 free time to stroll downtown
18.30 departure from Treviso to Possagno (House and Museum of Antonio Canova)
At 19.30 arrival in Possagno
At 20.00 dinner buffet with local produce and wines.
21.00 pm beginning guided tour of the museum and the house of the Canova, the visit will be made in the light of lanterns. A final toast to follow
23:30 pm Depart for Verona Possagno.
fee is Euro 72.00 (Includes bus trip, insurance, entrance fees exhibition, guided tour wardrobe. Guided tour of the Museum of Canova, tasting and dinner toast) to be paid at the time of day before February 24 next, given the advance payment of entrance fees and guides.
Both outputs will be held with a group of at least 25 people.
Priority will be given to participants who will pay the entire fee within the deadline. If you do not reach the minimum number of 25 members, the shares have already been received will be fully refunded. The signatures are collected
calling RIZZI PINK - cell. 348 7269242
sending an email to: rizzirosa@hotmail.com

Treviso March 3 - Exhibition "The painter and the model: From Canova to Picasso"
The exhibition examines the relationship between painter and model, a relationship where the woman is the muse inspiring, but at the same time with the artist's role as a lover, wife, sister and friend. In the exhibition, among others, as well as works of Pablo Picasso and Antonio Canova also Giorgio De Chirico, Umberto Boccioni, Amedeo Modigliani, Paul Gauguin, Auguste Renoir, Renato Guttuso.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am arriving at Treviso.
free lunch meeting at 14.30 in front of the house beginning at 14:45 Carraresi
guided tour of the exhibition at 16.30
free time to stroll downtown
at 18.00 and arrival flights from Treviso to Verona at 20:00
fee is Euro 40, 00 (includes: travel by bus, insurance, entrance fees, guided tour, guardaroba) da versare al momento dell’adesione entro il giorno 24 febbraio p.v., dato il pagamento anticipato di biglietti d’ingresso e guide.
Treviso – Mostra “Il Pittore e la Modella: da Canova a Picasso”
Possagno: Serata alla Gipsoteca Canoviana
Due eventi da non perdere. Dopo aver visitato la mostra, trasferimento a Possagno per visitare la casa e il Museo di A. Canova: una straordinaria serata, alla luce delle lanterne, proprio come amava riservare Canova ai suoi amici che gli facevano visita nello studio romano. La visita sarà preceduta da un momento conviviale a buffet e seguita da un toast.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am Arrival at Treviso. Free lunch.
meeting at 14.00 in front of the House of Carrara
14.15 guided visit to the exhibition start
16.30 free time to stroll downtown
18.30 departure from Treviso to Possagno (House and Museum of Antonio Canova)
At 19.30 arrival in Possagno
At 20.00 dinner buffet with local produce and wines.
21.00 pm beginning guided tour of the museum and the house of the Canova, the visit will be made in the light of lanterns. A final toast to follow
23:30 pm Depart for Verona Possagno.
fee is Euro 72.00 (Includes bus trip, insurance, entrance fees exhibition, guided tour wardrobe. Guided tour of the Museum of Canova, tasting and dinner toast) to be paid at the time of day before February 24 next, given the advance payment of entrance fees and guides.
Both outputs will be held with a group of at least 25 people.
Priority will be given to participants who will pay the entire fee within the deadline. If you do not reach the minimum number of 25 members, the shares have already been received will be fully refunded. The signatures are collected
calling RIZZI PINK - cell. 348 7269242
sending an email to: rizzirosa@hotmail.com
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Diagnosing Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders
response to ART at the Arena on the statements of Giacin Bulldoze and Fourth Tower
"From Giacin new spot on the Esplanade"
2011CRONACA Monday, February 7, page 8
They discuss the statements by the deputy mayor and city council member to 'Urban Vito Giacin the intervention plan which covers about 600 expressions of interest outside the sector south of Verona. Federico Benini, coordinator of the club Pd "Enzo Biagi" in the third constituency speaks of "yet another spot of deputy mayor." And he accuses: "It speaks of the fourth tower of Saval but no mention of the solution. The Democratic Party had asked again on September 16, 2009 a public "institution" with the residents, but the proposal was not taken into consideration. "
As the park of the esplanade, Benini Giacin asked to "explain why it was voted down the proposal of Councillor Carla Padovani on the environmental compensation in the Third through the acquisition by the municipality of private land in order to build the park." And he concludes: "He wants to make a serious proposal? Share the draft Arrigo Rudi for a large green area of \u200b\u200bVerona "
Once again rejected our proposals in other words, the worse and pretend like they were designed.
"From Giacin new spot on the Esplanade"
2011CRONACA Monday, February 7, page 8
They discuss the statements by the deputy mayor and city council member to 'Urban Vito Giacin the intervention plan which covers about 600 expressions of interest outside the sector south of Verona. Federico Benini, coordinator of the club Pd "Enzo Biagi" in the third constituency speaks of "yet another spot of deputy mayor." And he accuses: "It speaks of the fourth tower of Saval but no mention of the solution. The Democratic Party had asked again on September 16, 2009 a public "institution" with the residents, but the proposal was not taken into consideration. "
As the park of the esplanade, Benini Giacin asked to "explain why it was voted down the proposal of Councillor Carla Padovani on the environmental compensation in the Third through the acquisition by the municipality of private land in order to build the park." And he concludes: "He wants to make a serious proposal? Share the draft Arrigo Rudi for a large green area of \u200b\u200bVerona "
Once again rejected our proposals in other words, the worse and pretend like they were designed.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
How To Contact Manufacturer Of Toujours Nappies
The report of a reader Poasco
Hello, I am writing because I find it useful and "duty" a bad deal, at least bad for those who have a family with children ranging at school ...
L 'Last year the council decided to implement an increase on the price of school meals. Unfortunately
this, they call the rise, is nothing but a fraud and abuse of office! In practice
increases ranging from 40% to 100%.
E 'unthinkable and absurd macchinare una tale truffa e una tale speculazione nei confronti dei nostri figli !!
E’ una vergogna !!!!
Abbiamo già raccolto delle firme, ma ti chiederei di pubblicare a riguardo qualcosa sul tuo blog in modo da avere più visibilità questa sconcertate situazione.
Sono apparsi anche cartelli in formato A4 attaccati davanti alla scuola dove era chiara la disapprovazione.
Ciao e grazie !!
Hello, I am writing because I find it useful and "duty" a bad deal, at least bad for those who have a family with children ranging at school ...
L 'Last year the council decided to implement an increase on the price of school meals. Unfortunately
this, they call the rise, is nothing but a fraud and abuse of office! In practice
increases ranging from 40% to 100%.
E 'unthinkable and absurd macchinare una tale truffa e una tale speculazione nei confronti dei nostri figli !!
E’ una vergogna !!!!
Abbiamo già raccolto delle firme, ma ti chiederei di pubblicare a riguardo qualcosa sul tuo blog in modo da avere più visibilità questa sconcertate situazione.
Sono apparsi anche cartelli in formato A4 attaccati davanti alla scuola dove era chiara la disapprovazione.
Ciao e grazie !!
Calculate Volume Garbage Can
response to Berlusconi: Proposal che arriva fuori tempo massimo
letter to Corriere della Sera Bersani: "The engine of growth is the reduction of inequalities"
Dear Editor,
my party is working now for a year on a project for Italy. At our National Assembly on Friday and Saturday he will discuss the first synthesis. Although many of our public documents to be adopted, it was an operation carried out, unfortunately, in hiding, being the political and media agenda always occupied by many other issues and contingencies. We have made fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian situation and possible remedies and difficult. We are thinking as a party of government temporarily in opposition. With this same attitude, I consider the proposal that President Berlusconi gives me from the pages of the Corriere. Do not hide my first impression: whether the proposal is a clever diversion to talk about something else, he proved to be very timely and if it is sincere, play solo tank! On the other hand, in past years we have learned to our cost that Berlusconi likes to build bridges when it is difficult to bring down a minute later. But I do not like wandering a joke when you finally can talk about Italy. Even want to dwell on recriminations about the contemptuous indifference with which they have been ignored by the majority in these two years the pragmatic proposals of the opposition. I can not keep silent, however, a bit of humor 'macabre display of which Berlusconi is giving me "sensitivity" on deregulation. If the person who made the trade liberalization, electricity, railways and a number of trades and economic activities is a person "sensitive issue" as to define who has stubbornly opposed all this, who has formally entrusted the reform the professions of professional associations, who personally holds dominant positions in the nerve centers of civic life? But we go further, and talk about serious things. Over the past ten years, our old problems have drastically worsened. The South moves away from the North, the North out of Europe. There is no indication che non lo certifichi. La crisi ha accelerato il divario rispetto ai Paesi con cui siamo stati per molti anni in compagnia. Ci giochiamo il nostro ruolo nella divisione internazionale del lavoro; ci giochiamo la tenuta di un sistema di welfare e, in particolare, le prospettive di occupazione e di reddito della nuova generazione. Il fatto di essere, in Europa, il grande Paese a più bassa crescita e a debito più alto ci espone inevitabilmente a possibili tempeste. La positività e l'ottimismo tanto cari al Presidente del Consiglio possono venire solo dalla verità e dall'avvio di una riscossa e non dalla retorica oppiacea dei cieli azzurri che ha colpevolmente paralizzato le enormi energie potenziali del Paese (nemmeno può servire allestire astutamente imaginary targets: in our proposal on taxes discussed and approved in the House talking about tax evasion and income, not capital!).
predisposes me to propose, with my party, a shock Reforms concerned with democracy and economy. Reforms of the Republic, which invests the functioning of the institutions, the electoral law, a credible federalism, justice and legality, competition and conflicts of interest, immigration, the costs of policy, rights, dignity and the role of women. A new pact for stability, growth and employment, because of tax reform, liberalization of labor laws, reform of public administration, policy industrial and green economy, research and technology. We will, we will turn to the concrete and with our project to the social forces, wide arc of opposition parties and anyone who wants to discuss with us.
But here we are at this point. What is needed, so inescapable, it is a collective effort in which those who have more should give more, in which the reduction of inequalities is an engine of growth in which all agree to bother reading the future through the eyes of new generation . An effort comparable to the most difficult we've exceeded even our republican history. Who called this effort? With what credibility? With what consistency, with what sincerity? In what capacity to unite a divided country? You may say to a so-called pragmatic thinking of making difficult reforms without putting the pressure of those values \u200b\u200bwould be like trying to prop up an empty sack.
To contact the opposition should now credibly that the President Berlusconi was able to address the credibility of the country. Not so. The prime minister is not able to open a new phase: it is in fact the impediment. No game can play against the clock expired. Now the country is not asking the President Berlusconi a program asks for a gesture. While Italy dramatically loses her voice in the world and is paralyzed in front of his problems, if there was to the President of Consiglio la disponibilità a fare un passo indietro, tutti dovrebbero garantire, e ciascuno nel suo ruolo, senso di responsabilità ed impegno. Se questa non sarà l'intenzione, il nuovo progetto per l'Italia dovrà essere presentato agli elettori. Noi ci accosteremmo a quella scadenza chiedendo a tutte le forze di opposizione di impegnarsi generosamente non «contro» ma «oltre»; in una operazione comune, cioè, di ricostruzione delle regole del gioco e del patto sociale, capace di suscitare, in un Paese sconfortato, un'idea di futuro.
Pier Luigi Bersani - segretario del Pd

letter to Corriere della Sera Bersani: "The engine of growth is the reduction of inequalities"
Dear Editor,
my party is working now for a year on a project for Italy. At our National Assembly on Friday and Saturday he will discuss the first synthesis. Although many of our public documents to be adopted, it was an operation carried out, unfortunately, in hiding, being the political and media agenda always occupied by many other issues and contingencies. We have made fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian situation and possible remedies and difficult. We are thinking as a party of government temporarily in opposition. With this same attitude, I consider the proposal that President Berlusconi gives me from the pages of the Corriere. Do not hide my first impression: whether the proposal is a clever diversion to talk about something else, he proved to be very timely and if it is sincere, play solo tank! On the other hand, in past years we have learned to our cost that Berlusconi likes to build bridges when it is difficult to bring down a minute later. But I do not like wandering a joke when you finally can talk about Italy. Even want to dwell on recriminations about the contemptuous indifference with which they have been ignored by the majority in these two years the pragmatic proposals of the opposition. I can not keep silent, however, a bit of humor 'macabre display of which Berlusconi is giving me "sensitivity" on deregulation. If the person who made the trade liberalization, electricity, railways and a number of trades and economic activities is a person "sensitive issue" as to define who has stubbornly opposed all this, who has formally entrusted the reform the professions of professional associations, who personally holds dominant positions in the nerve centers of civic life? But we go further, and talk about serious things. Over the past ten years, our old problems have drastically worsened. The South moves away from the North, the North out of Europe. There is no indication che non lo certifichi. La crisi ha accelerato il divario rispetto ai Paesi con cui siamo stati per molti anni in compagnia. Ci giochiamo il nostro ruolo nella divisione internazionale del lavoro; ci giochiamo la tenuta di un sistema di welfare e, in particolare, le prospettive di occupazione e di reddito della nuova generazione. Il fatto di essere, in Europa, il grande Paese a più bassa crescita e a debito più alto ci espone inevitabilmente a possibili tempeste. La positività e l'ottimismo tanto cari al Presidente del Consiglio possono venire solo dalla verità e dall'avvio di una riscossa e non dalla retorica oppiacea dei cieli azzurri che ha colpevolmente paralizzato le enormi energie potenziali del Paese (nemmeno può servire allestire astutamente imaginary targets: in our proposal on taxes discussed and approved in the House talking about tax evasion and income, not capital!).
predisposes me to propose, with my party, a shock Reforms concerned with democracy and economy. Reforms of the Republic, which invests the functioning of the institutions, the electoral law, a credible federalism, justice and legality, competition and conflicts of interest, immigration, the costs of policy, rights, dignity and the role of women. A new pact for stability, growth and employment, because of tax reform, liberalization of labor laws, reform of public administration, policy industrial and green economy, research and technology. We will, we will turn to the concrete and with our project to the social forces, wide arc of opposition parties and anyone who wants to discuss with us.
But here we are at this point. What is needed, so inescapable, it is a collective effort in which those who have more should give more, in which the reduction of inequalities is an engine of growth in which all agree to bother reading the future through the eyes of new generation . An effort comparable to the most difficult we've exceeded even our republican history. Who called this effort? With what credibility? With what consistency, with what sincerity? In what capacity to unite a divided country? You may say to a so-called pragmatic thinking of making difficult reforms without putting the pressure of those values \u200b\u200bwould be like trying to prop up an empty sack.
To contact the opposition should now credibly that the President Berlusconi was able to address the credibility of the country. Not so. The prime minister is not able to open a new phase: it is in fact the impediment. No game can play against the clock expired. Now the country is not asking the President Berlusconi a program asks for a gesture. While Italy dramatically loses her voice in the world and is paralyzed in front of his problems, if there was to the President of Consiglio la disponibilità a fare un passo indietro, tutti dovrebbero garantire, e ciascuno nel suo ruolo, senso di responsabilità ed impegno. Se questa non sarà l'intenzione, il nuovo progetto per l'Italia dovrà essere presentato agli elettori. Noi ci accosteremmo a quella scadenza chiedendo a tutte le forze di opposizione di impegnarsi generosamente non «contro» ma «oltre»; in una operazione comune, cioè, di ricostruzione delle regole del gioco e del patto sociale, capace di suscitare, in un Paese sconfortato, un'idea di futuro.
Pier Luigi Bersani - segretario del Pd
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Heart Slightly Enlarged
Ordine del giorno del PD sul passante Nord approvato in terza circoscrizione
Dopo numerose trattative i consiglieri della terza circoscrizione of PD were able to unanimously to approve the following agenda or concerns regarding the North through. Unfortunately, opinions are not binding, but are a sign that our party manages to be incisive, even from the opposition.
Subject: Passing of the North Tunnel Torricelle
Given that in the Hall is being discussed through the North Tunnel of the Torricelle, that this work will be carried out if we can certainly define the greatest speech ever made by the City of Verona.
Given that almost two thirds of the entire path of interest to our constituency, with a heavy impact on roads, on purely agricultural vocation of a vast area in which they insist culture of merit and the confinement of the final fraction of Basson, which will be closed in a vice between Highway, Ring Road, North Loop.
said this
the Council of the Third District
1) That the whole path of the North Loop, the resort Sorte the junction with North Verona is completely underground or in trenches.
2) adequate buffer zone along the roadside with planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise.
3) The link provided on the region 11 likely will increase traffic in the direction from the White Cross and it is desirable enlargement of Bacillieri Street between State Street and Lugagnano to drain traffic Corso Milano.
4) Given that the road project will move west along the agricultural zone, inviting the administration to consider, as the work of environmental compensation, to acquire the remaining areas of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park.
5) Construction of bicycle paths to promote sustainable mobility
with the continuation and the bicycle path along Via Airport Chievo Berardi-Power Plant-Boscomantico
6) Understand the various compensations for the people of our Circoscrizione, che sopporterà nella realizzazione del Passante Nord il maggior disagio nella fase di realizzazione, esenzioni del pedaggio.
7) Spostamento del previsto auditorium presso il casello di Verona Nord al Basson in modo da essere effettivamente utilizzabile anche dalla cittadinanza.
Impegna il Presidente a trasmettere il presente Ordine del Giorno al Sindaco, alla Giunta Comunale e al Consiglio Comunale, affinché ne considerino il contenuto nelle rispettive decisioni che vorranno prendere in proposito.

Dopo numerose trattative i consiglieri della terza circoscrizione of PD were able to unanimously to approve the following agenda or concerns regarding the North through. Unfortunately, opinions are not binding, but are a sign that our party manages to be incisive, even from the opposition.
Subject: Passing of the North Tunnel Torricelle
Given that in the Hall is being discussed through the North Tunnel of the Torricelle, that this work will be carried out if we can certainly define the greatest speech ever made by the City of Verona.
Given that almost two thirds of the entire path of interest to our constituency, with a heavy impact on roads, on purely agricultural vocation of a vast area in which they insist culture of merit and the confinement of the final fraction of Basson, which will be closed in a vice between Highway, Ring Road, North Loop.
said this
the Council of the Third District
1) That the whole path of the North Loop, the resort Sorte the junction with North Verona is completely underground or in trenches.
2) adequate buffer zone along the roadside with planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise.
3) The link provided on the region 11 likely will increase traffic in the direction from the White Cross and it is desirable enlargement of Bacillieri Street between State Street and Lugagnano to drain traffic Corso Milano.
4) Given that the road project will move west along the agricultural zone, inviting the administration to consider, as the work of environmental compensation, to acquire the remaining areas of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park.
5) Construction of bicycle paths to promote sustainable mobility
with the continuation and the bicycle path along Via Airport Chievo Berardi-Power Plant-Boscomantico
6) Understand the various compensations for the people of our Circoscrizione, che sopporterà nella realizzazione del Passante Nord il maggior disagio nella fase di realizzazione, esenzioni del pedaggio.
7) Spostamento del previsto auditorium presso il casello di Verona Nord al Basson in modo da essere effettivamente utilizzabile anche dalla cittadinanza.
Impegna il Presidente a trasmettere il presente Ordine del Giorno al Sindaco, alla Giunta Comunale e al Consiglio Comunale, affinché ne considerino il contenuto nelle rispettive decisioni che vorranno prendere in proposito.
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