The best part of the law on government, born out of ideas supported by the Democratic Party, and 'was blatantly betrayed by the government in the implementation phase
Dear Senator Pietro Ichino,
rise on the letter from the Minister Renato Brunetta , published by the Corriere della Sera on February 8, sip, because sento l’esigenza di chiarire alcune cose che sono state sottovalutate dal Ministro. Ho seguito tutto l’iter della riforma e, pertanto, ricordo le prese di posizioni e gli errori commessi dal Ministro.
Nei suoi interventi Brunetta è abituato a dispensare bacchettate a tutti e non si accorge di essere incapace di fare autocritica. Eppure, essendo un uomo di sinistra (socialista), avrebbe dovuto conoscere il metodo dell’autocritica molto praticato nei decenni passati. Brunetta sostiene che il compito dell’opposizione è “quello di lavorare per il bene del paese”, opinione condivisa. Cosa che il Partito Democratico ha fatto egregiamente in occasione della riforma delle PA.
Il Ministro Brunetta sfugge agli interrogativi posti da Micheli e Ichino e si lascia andare a offese personali. Comportamento, questo, usato quando non si hanno opinioni per controbattere alle posizioni degli interlocutori.
Il PD in sede di approvazione della legge n. 15/2009 ha offerto il proprio contributo, anche se non sempre è stato preso in considerazione. Per il PD, il quale aveva presentato il disegno di legge n. 746 del 5 giugno 2008 sulla P A, non risultava difficile collaborare e migliorare con le proprie proposte il ddl del Governo che aveva assorbito la proposta del PD. Infatti il senatore Ichino con altri rappresentanti del PD ha tra l’altro proposto di inserire nel disegno di legge tre fattori fondamentali: trasparenza, valutazione e benchmarking.
“La nostra iniziativa legislativa su questo terreno, afferma Pietro Ichino nel suo intervento al Senato , concretatasi già nella passata legislatura con la presentazione del disegno di legge n. 1233 del dicembre 2006, integrato e aggiornato in questa legislatura con il disegno di legge n. 746 del maggio 2008, è essenzialmente mirata a correggere questo difetto grave del nostro sistema, introducendo e radicando profondamente nel sistema stesso due principi fondamentali:
- innanzitutto il principio della trasparenza totale: quella total disclosure che in Svezia costituisce principio generale fin dalla metà degli anni ’70; e che da tempo costituisce principio generale anche nelle amministrazioni di grandi Paesi nostri partner europei come la Great Britain;
- also the principle of independent measurement and evaluation, it also constitutes an essential core of those systems.
E 'must be acknowledged by the majority - and in it especially to the rapporteur and to Senator Carlo Vizzini Maurizio Castro - the merit of having just taken the decisive importance of these principles and have allowed the Constitutional Affairs Committee in a drafting introduce them in unified text that is now before us. " In this case the PD proposals on transparency and assessment have been approved and have described the innovative capacity of Law 15/2009. "In the activation of comparative benchmarking, continues Peter Ichino nel medesimo intervento, un ruolo cruciale sarà svolto dall’agenzia centrale, il cui compito sarà non soltanto di garantire l’indipendenza effettiva degli organi centrali e periferici cui è affidata la valutazione in ciascun comparto, ma anche di promuovere e sorvegliare l’applicazione dei metodi più evoluti e più affidabili nella raccolta e valutazione dei dati e di assicurare la confrontabilità degli indici che in tal modo verranno elaborati”. Anche il benchmarking viene approvato.
La legge n. 15/2008 si basa su tre fattori fondamentali proposti dal PD e tratti dal disegno di legge presentato dal PD stesso: trasparenza, misurazione e valutazione indipendente e benchmarking.
I problemi nascono when the Minister Brunetta introduces the "Independent Commission for the assessment, transparency and integrity of government" and not an independent authority as proposed by the PD. In fact, the senators Treu, Ichino and other Democratic Party had proposed Article. 3a, "Establishment of transparency and evaluation of public sector", which was rejected by the majority. "The decree was rewritten, said Pietro Ichino in an article published in the Corriere della Sera, June 19, 2009 , the independent authority has disappeared, replaced by a gray 'ministerial committee', which must work 'in cooperation with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Economy'. In homage to the original design contained in the proxy-law is only a verbal statement dell''autonomia 'Commission, but that autonomy is now reduced to a mere wish: the new text, presented to Parliament by the Minister in recent days, they disappear, with operational autonomy, including its financial and organizational autonomy of the new body, which depend on both aspects of the government. The Commission will, however, lacks any power to impose penalties or disqualification, or to violations of the principle of transparency total, both in front of any lack of independence of the evaluators of each administration, which will be entrusted with the delicate and crucial task to develop and communicate to the citizens indices of quality and quantity of performance. Disappears in the decree of the Government to both Houses, collective action, that citizens could use to expose the failures of government. Last but not least, a provision hidden in the 'Final and transitional' totally exempt the administration of Prime entire new discipline will not be bound either to the principle of full transparency, nor that of the independent evaluation. I understand that Transparency is not the highlight of our premier, but this is not a good reason to exempt from transparency and evaluation system that also depends directly from him. " Was constituted the Central Authority, we would not now have a Commission that has lost credibility, autonomy and independence from the Minister Brunetta and consequently to other stakeholders in the reform.
Another case is represented by art. 1 of Law No 15/2008, which depicts a provocation against the trade unions on derogabilità employment contracts or collective agreements, even if the paragraph 2, letter a), art. 3 states that "it is confidential collective bargaining the determination of rights and obligations directly relevant to the employment relationship "(amendment Ichino).
When you work in enterprises for projects and working groups, and recent research indicates that most private companies adopt a system of performance evaluation is not directly connected to the system of individual incentives, the Minister Brunetta place a system for rewarding in three bands (25%, 50%, 25%), establishing ex ante that 25% of staff do not work and therefore not entitled to treatment accessory. The system for rewarding
introduced does not care:
- occupy the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of public management and collective bargaining;
- to promote scientific management, the division of work and the work piece, not by promoting cooperation and innovation;
- reward, however, the public facilities that do not achieve the objectives set out in the plans, in as they fall within the bonus system.
It should be noted that the implementation of reform in the self encounters serious difficulties. Indifference and subjective interpretations of the reform by the municipalities are the causes of a system that fails to involve to implement innovation in PA. Sample checks introduced for local governments are causing the problems highlighted. The problems mentioned and others that space are not shown represent obstacles in the implementation of the reform.
There are numerous statements of solidarity against Peter Micheli for the seriousness and consistency of his commitment. This practitioner has not chosen the particular interest (to stay in Civitate), but a responsible stance (return abroad), which certainly will affect increasingly large in the debate on reform of the PA.
Comparing Brunetta and Ichino Minister does not respond to questions posed by the second and let go and unjustifiable personal attacks that can not address the problems of the PA, also fueled by his statements. Brunetta felt the effects of ad lotta ai fannulloni sono finiti, i cittadini vogliono vedere i fatti: cioè una PA efficace ed efficiente.
Antonino Leone
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