Dopo numerose trattative i consiglieri della terza circoscrizione of PD were able to unanimously to approve the following agenda or concerns regarding the North through. Unfortunately, opinions are not binding, but are a sign that our party manages to be incisive, even from the opposition.
Subject: Passing of the North Tunnel Torricelle
Given that in the Hall is being discussed through the North Tunnel of the Torricelle, that this work will be carried out if we can certainly define the greatest speech ever made by the City of Verona.
Given that almost two thirds of the entire path of interest to our constituency, with a heavy impact on roads, on purely agricultural vocation of a vast area in which they insist culture of merit and the confinement of the final fraction of Basson, which will be closed in a vice between Highway, Ring Road, North Loop.
said this
the Council of the Third District
1) That the whole path of the North Loop, the resort Sorte the junction with North Verona is completely underground or in trenches.
2) adequate buffer zone along the roadside with planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise.
3) The link provided on the region 11 likely will increase traffic in the direction from the White Cross and it is desirable enlargement of Bacillieri Street between State Street and Lugagnano to drain traffic Corso Milano.
4) Given that the road project will move west along the agricultural zone, inviting the administration to consider, as the work of environmental compensation, to acquire the remaining areas of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park.
5) Construction of bicycle paths to promote sustainable mobility
with the continuation and the bicycle path along Via Airport Chievo Berardi-Power Plant-Boscomantico
6) Understand the various compensations for the people of our Circoscrizione, che sopporterà nella realizzazione del Passante Nord il maggior disagio nella fase di realizzazione, esenzioni del pedaggio.
7) Spostamento del previsto auditorium presso il casello di Verona Nord al Basson in modo da essere effettivamente utilizzabile anche dalla cittadinanza.
Impegna il Presidente a trasmettere il presente Ordine del Giorno al Sindaco, alla Giunta Comunale e al Consiglio Comunale, affinché ne considerino il contenuto nelle rispettive decisioni che vorranno prendere in proposito.
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