Tunnel The Torricelle of
NO motivated the Democratic Party and the proposed improvements.
Dear all,
on the delicate issue, the municipal council with the group were shared
actions to counter the proposal of the center right of the tunnel. In this
1. the band council has: a.
filed 900 amendments;
b. for two months has committed the majority of the Committee before the Board
measure arrived at the meeting;
c. already expressed its negative vote in July 2010;
2. the party has worked to collect signatures for the referendum.
At this point, with the measure under discussion in the classroom, taking into account:
the balance of power in the City Council;
that the debate of the 900 amendments, however, the majority of the center right
vote in favor of the tunnel;
reaffirmed our opposition and irreversible work, in line with the
done through the presentation of so many amendments, the group
municipal council of the Democratic Party has pursued the following additional perspectives:
promote the opening of the notice of award of the work on improvements not provided
amend the draft Convention in so far as a cast in favor of
Dealer, intervention the city administration on urban mobility for all
the concession period (50 years);
commit the administration to protect the rights of all parties involved: the
espropriandi who submitted their comments to the citizens who ask
sharing of choices, up to the same councilors who now have few
means to intervene on the project.
by the government and reform that we shared was the chance to intervene
less impact on the project to make it available through
presentation of specific proposals that go in this direction.
In detail, the Administration comunale è stato chiesto:
1. per quanto concerne il progetto di:
a. rendere esplicita, tramite adeguato punteggio, la preferenza per il percorso del passante
nord completamente interrato con passaggio subalveo in alternativa al ponte
sull’Adige dopo lo svincolo Preare;
b. prevedere nella parte Ovest il percorso interamente in trincea;
c. prevedere la realizzazione in contemporanea all’opera della rampa d’immissione
diretta in galleria per gli utenti provenienti da nord (Valpantena) e diretti a ovest
(Saval, Valpolicella, Verona nord), attualmente prevista a partire dal 2035;
d. attivarsi sul piano provinciale, con la Provincia and the neighboring towns of the Valpolicella and
concerned, in order to achieve the new connection between the output of a loop north and Parona Valpolicella (cd bypass Parona), on which may be reserved
part of € 53 million arising from the Serenissima Spa;
e. achieve the territory of the Second Circuit (eg release Ca 'di Cozzi) and
3 rd District, planting specifications for the abatement of pollution and noise
for the protection of health and environment;
f. between the compensation provided exemptions from paying the toll, or in the alternative
large reductions in the tariff, for residents in the constituencies concerned
work, especially the Second and Third;
g. p revedere offsets between the acquisition by the City of
remaining areas which currently lack, of the Esplanade for the realization of the planned urban park,
the continuation of the cycle path along the Via Airport Chievo BerardiCentrale electrically Boscomantico, moving expected
auditorium at the Verona Nord to Basson to be actually usable by
h. provision of clearing the way for redevelopment Valpantena
and forth until eliminating the critical and creating a bike path;
i. provide for free, or at least modulation of tariffs in the parking lot
exchanger Saval;
j. prevdere enlargement of Via Bacilieri
2. concerning the draft Convention: a.
control of the City on parking charges to Saval exchanger and
of the guest at the service of the hospital;
b. the possibility of intervention of the City on city streets throughout the duration of the concession
3. Moreover, in the interests of those involved in the proceedings,
a. jury to include in a professional expert in the protection of
b. agree and draw up a protocol for the protection of the indication of espropriandi
criteria that give certainty and fairness in compensation (change in environment, access to funds
, livability of the property, water supply, environmental damage with irreversible);
c. time in submitting a regulation that defines the relationship between
Administration and the City Council in the case of construction works in project financing
d. follow the instructions contained in the preliminary report
Institute of Health regarding the participation and information to citizens;
e. take formal commitment to speak at the competent authorities for the realization of the variant
the SS 12 and the continuation of the road
16 proposals for improvement reflecting the will to change what we think, and
remains strongly negative for the city.
In fact, it confirmed the finding basic, negative: the work is too expensive, invasive and harmful
in relation to the benefits that can provide especially in terms of reduction of traffic and crossing
citizen. On
there will be a focused meeting with the secretaries of the capital city of the Circle;
if you think, well what will be said again through the mass media, can be
organized meetings of members within which to address the issue.
E ', first of all, to the Board to specify that the project but has not arrived but the urban variant that had the first discussion in the classroom in July 2010. On that occasion I presented 27 amendments expressing the various requests and comments to the project emerged at a meeting that we had in July and a series of confrontations with members of the club phone (it was vacation time and many were absent from Verona). Unfortunately, the majority had rejected them all.
The law provides that a variant must be considered in two urban Sometimes the classroom, the second time with the comments made by citizens, which in our case have been about 2500. As a group we decided to recommend a number of amendments, in all 912. E'quindi from mid-January that the recommendations we make about three weeks in which the amendments are voted (the conference of leaders decided to give one minute for the display and one minute for the statements of votes of any amendment - normally 2 minutes ). What is the difference between the variant substantially in July and now? The number of amendments that enabled us to deal with the administration. Point out that we do not share this and we have reiterated over and in the classroom at every opportunity, but we believe that the observations che abbiamo fatto servano almeno per limitarne il danno oltre che a consentirci di trattare anche su altri punti che ci stanno a cuore come il parco della Spianà.
Tutte le richieste che sono state fatte ,per quanto riguarda il nostro territorio, sono analoghe a quelle proposte ancora in luglio e quindi si è sicuramente dimostrata una nostra coerenza. Sono frutto di un lavoro di squadra in cui ognuno ha fatto la sua parte: il nostro segretario Federico per il confronto e condivisione, il capogruppo Sergio per il lavoro egregio svolto in circoscrizione, il nostro carissimo Luigi Lazzarelli per un prezioso lavoro di " consulenza" tecnica (volevamo fare delle proposte che fossero tecnicamente fattibili e non soltanto degli " slogan"). Direi che il risultato most valuable of this collaboration BEYOND the fact that our proposals were all accepted, is that it has demonstrated a unity of our group where everyone has done his part to having it was the best possible.
Thanks then to all!
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