letter to Corriere della Sera Bersani: "The engine of growth is the reduction of inequalities"
Dear Editor,
my party is working now for a year on a project for Italy. At our National Assembly on Friday and Saturday he will discuss the first synthesis. Although many of our public documents to be adopted, it was an operation carried out, unfortunately, in hiding, being the political and media agenda always occupied by many other issues and contingencies. We have made fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian situation and possible remedies and difficult. We are thinking as a party of government temporarily in opposition. With this same attitude, I consider the proposal that President Berlusconi gives me from the pages of the Corriere. Do not hide my first impression: whether the proposal is a clever diversion to talk about something else, he proved to be very timely and if it is sincere, play solo tank! On the other hand, in past years we have learned to our cost that Berlusconi likes to build bridges when it is difficult to bring down a minute later. But I do not like wandering a joke when you finally can talk about Italy. Even want to dwell on recriminations about the contemptuous indifference with which they have been ignored by the majority in these two years the pragmatic proposals of the opposition. I can not keep silent, however, a bit of humor 'macabre display of which Berlusconi is giving me "sensitivity" on deregulation. If the person who made the trade liberalization, electricity, railways and a number of trades and economic activities is a person "sensitive issue" as to define who has stubbornly opposed all this, who has formally entrusted the reform the professions of professional associations, who personally holds dominant positions in the nerve centers of civic life? But we go further, and talk about serious things. Over the past ten years, our old problems have drastically worsened. The South moves away from the North, the North out of Europe. There is no indication che non lo certifichi. La crisi ha accelerato il divario rispetto ai Paesi con cui siamo stati per molti anni in compagnia. Ci giochiamo il nostro ruolo nella divisione internazionale del lavoro; ci giochiamo la tenuta di un sistema di welfare e, in particolare, le prospettive di occupazione e di reddito della nuova generazione. Il fatto di essere, in Europa, il grande Paese a più bassa crescita e a debito più alto ci espone inevitabilmente a possibili tempeste. La positività e l'ottimismo tanto cari al Presidente del Consiglio possono venire solo dalla verità e dall'avvio di una riscossa e non dalla retorica oppiacea dei cieli azzurri che ha colpevolmente paralizzato le enormi energie potenziali del Paese (nemmeno può servire allestire astutamente imaginary targets: in our proposal on taxes discussed and approved in the House talking about tax evasion and income, not capital!).
predisposes me to propose, with my party, a shock Reforms concerned with democracy and economy. Reforms of the Republic, which invests the functioning of the institutions, the electoral law, a credible federalism, justice and legality, competition and conflicts of interest, immigration, the costs of policy, rights, dignity and the role of women. A new pact for stability, growth and employment, because of tax reform, liberalization of labor laws, reform of public administration, policy industrial and green economy, research and technology. We will, we will turn to the concrete and with our project to the social forces, wide arc of opposition parties and anyone who wants to discuss with us.
But here we are at this point. What is needed, so inescapable, it is a collective effort in which those who have more should give more, in which the reduction of inequalities is an engine of growth in which all agree to bother reading the future through the eyes of new generation . An effort comparable to the most difficult we've exceeded even our republican history. Who called this effort? With what credibility? With what consistency, with what sincerity? In what capacity to unite a divided country? You may say to a so-called pragmatic thinking of making difficult reforms without putting the pressure of those values \u200b\u200bwould be like trying to prop up an empty sack.
To contact the opposition should now credibly that the President Berlusconi was able to address the credibility of the country. Not so. The prime minister is not able to open a new phase: it is in fact the impediment. No game can play against the clock expired. Now the country is not asking the President Berlusconi a program asks for a gesture. While Italy dramatically loses her voice in the world and is paralyzed in front of his problems, if there was to the President of Consiglio la disponibilità a fare un passo indietro, tutti dovrebbero garantire, e ciascuno nel suo ruolo, senso di responsabilità ed impegno. Se questa non sarà l'intenzione, il nuovo progetto per l'Italia dovrà essere presentato agli elettori. Noi ci accosteremmo a quella scadenza chiedendo a tutte le forze di opposizione di impegnarsi generosamente non «contro» ma «oltre»; in una operazione comune, cioè, di ricostruzione delle regole del gioco e del patto sociale, capace di suscitare, in un Paese sconfortato, un'idea di futuro.
Pier Luigi Bersani - segretario del Pd
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