LA MOBILITAZIONE DI DOMENICA 13 FEBBRAIO , promossa in centinaia di piazze italiane , E' STATA SPOSTATA ALLE ORE 14.00 IN PIAZZA ISOLO.
Ricordiamo che in piazza Brà rimane confermato il banchetto PD dove si effettua durante tutta la giornata la raccolta delle firme per le dimissioni di Berlusconi.
Per chiarezza, inoltro il VADEMECUM CONCORDATO A LIVELLO NAZIONALE per la mobilitazione.
La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare other women against other women, or to divide women into good and bad. The signs or banners will take into account.
The event is meant to show our strength and our determination.
We are women with pride. We demand dignity and respect for ourselves and for all. We are jealous of our autonomy and we will not "use". For this there must be no trade union or political symbols in our parades, we want to be respected even our "transversality."
The event is promoted by women, but - as we say in our appeal - the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.
We will speak first to the young and young people, involve them and bring them to the streets.
There is no sign of recognition (objects, ribbons, scarves, colors ..), only the logo of the event created by Maddalena Fragnito available online.
The logo may be used to make T-shirts, pins, flags, posters and all that comes to mind creative.
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