Treviso March 3 - Exhibition "The painter and the model: From Canova to Picasso"
The exhibition examines the relationship between painter and model, a relationship where the woman is the muse inspiring, but at the same time with the artist's role as a lover, wife, sister and friend. In the exhibition, among others, as well as works of Pablo Picasso and Antonio Canova also Giorgio De Chirico, Umberto Boccioni, Amedeo Modigliani, Paul Gauguin, Auguste Renoir, Renato Guttuso.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am arriving at Treviso.
free lunch meeting at 14.30 in front of the house beginning at 14:45 Carraresi
guided tour of the exhibition at 16.30
free time to stroll downtown
at 18.00 and arrival flights from Treviso to Verona at 20:00
fee is Euro 40, 00 (includes: travel by bus, insurance, entrance fees, guided tour, guardaroba) da versare al momento dell’adesione entro il giorno 24 febbraio p.v., dato il pagamento anticipato di biglietti d’ingresso e guide.
Treviso – Mostra “Il Pittore e la Modella: da Canova a Picasso”
Possagno: Serata alla Gipsoteca Canoviana
Due eventi da non perdere. Dopo aver visitato la mostra, trasferimento a Possagno per visitare la casa e il Museo di A. Canova: una straordinaria serata, alla luce delle lanterne, proprio come amava riservare Canova ai suoi amici che gli facevano visita nello studio romano. La visita sarĂ preceduta da un momento conviviale a buffet e seguita da un toast.
10.00 am Departure from Verona - Piazzale Cadorna Station and Porta Vescovo
12.00 am Arrival at Treviso. Free lunch.
meeting at 14.00 in front of the House of Carrara
14.15 guided visit to the exhibition start
16.30 free time to stroll downtown
18.30 departure from Treviso to Possagno (House and Museum of Antonio Canova)
At 19.30 arrival in Possagno
At 20.00 dinner buffet with local produce and wines.
21.00 pm beginning guided tour of the museum and the house of the Canova, the visit will be made in the light of lanterns. A final toast to follow
23:30 pm Depart for Verona Possagno.
fee is Euro 72.00 (Includes bus trip, insurance, entrance fees exhibition, guided tour wardrobe. Guided tour of the Museum of Canova, tasting and dinner toast) to be paid at the time of day before February 24 next, given the advance payment of entrance fees and guides.
Both outputs will be held with a group of at least 25 people.
Priority will be given to participants who will pay the entire fee within the deadline. If you do not reach the minimum number of 25 members, the shares have already been received will be fully refunded. The signatures are collected
calling RIZZI PINK - cell. 348 7269242
sending an email to: rizzirosa@hotmail.com
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